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Morning came quickly and I was woken by Lucy, who rushed into my room without knocking and promptly jumped onto my bed. "Wake up! Wake up! Come on we have our coronation today!" She yelled excitedly, jumping up and down on my mattress. I groaned and rolled over to face her, "Lucy, what time is it?" I said, rubbing my eyes. "Time to get up! Come on you need to get ready!" She grabbed my arm and began to pull me towards the door. I resisted but eventually tumbled out of bed, stopping for a second to fix myself up. 

I brushed through my hair quickly and threw on the dress I had worn on the walk with Peter and Edmund last night. Lucy tapped her foot by the door and I smiled as she grabbed my arm once more to pull me into the hall. I managed to close my door before Lucy took off towards Edmund's room to wake him up. Laughing at her enthusiasm, I took the time to admire our castle in the morning sunlight. The walls and floors glinted beautifully as rays of golden light poured in through the window. I heard Lucy's excited yells once again, muffled this time because poor Edmund's door was closed. Deciding that I needed to stop a fight, I walked over to Edmund's room and entered cautiously. 

Lucy was giving Edmund the same treatment she had given me, but slightly rougher. This time around her tactic was hitting her brother with a pillow. Laughing at Edmund's curled up position to avoid his sister, I rushed over and took her weapon of choice out of her hands. "Alright I think he gets the point." I said to Lucy, helping her off Edmund's bed. "Come on Edmund, time to get up." He grumbled but eventually stood and stretched. His hair looked positively crazy and Lucy giggled slightly. He looked in our direction and I pointed at the mirror, "We'll leave you to get ready." I said before kneeling down to Lucy and saying, "Why don't you go wake Susan and I'll get Peter up." She beamed and rushed out the door towards Susan's room.

I glanced to Edmund one last time with a smile before gently closing his door and walking down the hall to Peter's room just as Lucy began again with Susan. Peter's door was farther than I thought and I hesitated once I got there, my hand frozen on the door handle. Taking a deep breath, fixing my appearance once more, I opened the door and walked in. 

Peter's room was dark, he had drawn the curtains therefore blocking out most of the sunlight. I moved as quietly as I could over to his bed, leaning against the smooth bed post for a moment before I spoke. Peter looked so peaceful when he slept, all of his features were relaxed and he looked effortlessly handsome. I snapped out of my trance, hearing Lucy's footsteps down the hall. I spoke softly to him, pushing his shoulder to get him up. "Hey, Prince Charming, it's time to get up." He groaned and rolled over. "Lucy's going to be here in seconds and let's just say she's not as nice as I am." I saw him smile and sat on his bed, nudging his leg. "Come on Peter. You have to get up." He chuckled into his pillow but still didn't budge. "Suit yourself." I said before getting up and walking over to his curtains, taking one last look at him before throwing them open. Flooding the room with light. 

Peter complained and tried to cover his eyes with his covers like a child. Once the curtains on his side of the bed were open, I sighed, saying sarcastically, "Lovely day, isn't it?" I heard his sheets rustle before I was pulled backwards by Peter, landing beside him on his bed. He started to tickle my sides and we both began to laugh as I tried to get away from him but failed miserably. Eventually Peter had both of my wrists and we stopped struggling for a moment. He had positioned himself above me, smiling of course as he held my hands. I got lost in his sparkling blue eyes that were partially covered by his sandy blonde hair. His sleep shirt was very loose and revealed most of his chest and part of his muscular torso. It took all of my willpower not to stare as he laughed at my blushed cheeks. "You look cute like that." He finally spoke, the raspiness of his morning voice was enough to make me faint. I hadn't realized that I was biting my lip before Peter's eyes flicked down to my mouth and exposed collarbones. I cleared my throat and said jokingly, "Seriously though we have to get up. If Lucy sees this, we'll never hear the end of it." Peter laughed and finally got off his comfortable bed.

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