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People were still dancing when we returned. A few off to the side bowed to us as we passed, desperate to make a memorable impression on the royal family. Peter and Edmund were coming back from their time alone as well. Immediately, Peter's eyes met mine from across the room. Social events were usually where he felt comfortable but, there was something off about him. His gaze looked uncomfortable and uneasy. As if he had been searching for me for a while. Edmund looked like he was in slightly better shape, but not much. Each one of them must have been frazzled by meeting so many desperate young women. 

The servants excused themselves and we were finally allowed time to speak together like normal party guests. "How'd it go?" I said, holding back a laugh at their disgruntled state. Edmund sighed, "I don't understand why we have to do this." Susan smiled at her brother who was unconsciously fiddling with the cuffs of his jacket. "Come on Ed, where's your party spirit?" The younger brother scowled at his sister before looking off into the crowd. Dreading the time when he would have to dance with the girls he just met. "What about you y/n? You seemed to be having a good time." Peter said, staring at me in anticipation for my answer. 

He was jealous, that much was obvious. The idea that I could be swept up by a young man other than himself must have been eating away at his mind since we arrived. Peter's protectiveness was simply adorable. "You could say that." I smiled, turning away for a second at the increasingly emptying dance floor. "Looks like it's our time to shine." I sighed, holding out my hand for Peter. "Shall we?" The king grinned, taking my arm and draping it over his. "We shall." "Us too Ed, come on then." Susan said behind us. No doubt dragging her reluctant brother out to the floor. "Any of those girls catch your eye?" I whispered to Peter. He laughed, "Why would I pay any attention to them when I have you?" My heart fluttered at his words as blush rose in my cheeks. My predicament only made Peter smile wider as we took to the floor arm in arm. The crowd clapped as we waved, standing beside Susan and Edmund with bright, practiced smiles. What made me the happiest though, was the sight of Lucy. She was standing off to the side, hand in hand with Lady Velesia. Waving frantically at us as she spoke to her new friend. That little girl had to be the cutest thing I had even seen.

Lord Guibor made a small speech about how honored he was to have us as guests before signaling to the orchestra to start playing. The first dance would only be us accompanied by Lady Velesia and her husband. Lucy found her way to the front of the crowd. Beaming as the we took our places. "Lucy looks like she's enjoying herself." I said softly to Peter, nodding in her direction. He turned his head, smiling at the sight of his little sister bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement. "This must be a dream come true for her." I continued, "Watching kings and queens dance at a royal ball." "She is quite lucky, isn't she?" Peter said as he stepped closer. I took his hand with one arm and placed the other lightly on his chest. Allowing him to slip an arm around my waist. We smiled at each other as the music began. 

My heart was racing and I knew that my face was probably pink but, to be truthful, I couldn't care less. I was dancing with the man I adored. Twirling around beneath sparking chandeliers in a stunning ballgown, I felt as if I had stepped straight out of a fairytale. "You look absolutely radiant." Peter said as he spun me around again. Coaxing applause and sounds of adoration from the crowd as they watched us dance. "Not too bad yourself, Prince Charming." I smiled. He grinned back, his cheeks slightly pink at my words. It was now a common occurrence for the two of us to shower each other in compliments. Knowing that it would result in blushed faces and rushed words. I guess you could say it was our own personal game. The rest of the room seemed to melt away as we danced together. Our bodies moving smoothly with the flowing music. Stepping across the shining marble floor without any small trips or uncertainty. The moment was heavenly. I was happy, safe, and surrounded by the gorgeous golden glow of a thousand candles. It was certainly something straight out of a fairytale. 

Laughter from the crowd brought me out of my head. Lady Velesia had cast Lord Guibor aside and exchanged him for Lucy. Now the two were spinning about with bright smiles decorating their shining faces. The young girl laughing as she was twirled about. It brought me so much joy to see the two of them together. They were like mother and daughter, not so much in resemblance but rather in spirit. Could the night possibly get any better? I had been dreading the ball but now that I was actually here, I was enjoying myself immensely. 

The song swelled for the grand ending and in a flourish, it was over. The room exploded with applause and cheers as Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Lady Velesia and I all bowed. Laughing, I walked with Peter to the front of the ballroom as the other guests took to the floor. A lighthearted melody filled the luxurious place as chatter rose once again. I watched contently as couples spun and swayed across the ballroom. Seemingly sparkling underneath the chandelier candlelight. A few seconds into the song, a giggling, blond young girl skipped up to Edmund. Her skirt gathered in her hands so she wouldn't trip as she approached. I saw the king roll his eyes and suppress a sigh. Making me bite my lip to keep from laughing. 

"Your majesty." The girl practically chirped as she curtsied. Clumsily might I add but that was besides the point. "Lady Sophia." Edmund responded with a grumble. Obviously not interested in anything that this young woman could give him. "Please, call me Sophie." The girl giggled, holding out her arm expectantly. She stared at him. Waiting for the king to take her offer  but instead, Edmund looked to me. "Queen y/n! Care to dance?" Shocked, it took me a second to respond. Finally, I managed to speak. "I would love to. Peter, you'll entertain lady Sophia won't you?" I smiled and winked. Knowing it wasn't kind to play with the young woman like that but at least I hadn't left her completely alone, right? Peter rolled his eyes at me as I walked back to the dance floor with Edmund but the playful smirk on his face informed me he enjoyed our little antics.

"Thanks a million y/n. I don't know if I could stand another second in her presence." Edmund sighed as soon as we were out of earshot. "No worries Ed. We're all here to have some fun right?" I smiled. Taking his arm to begin the next dance. The dark haired boy beamed. A gesture that looked normal to the curious onlookers but for us at Cair Paravel, Edmund smile was like a resurfaced lost treasure. Ever since we had arrived in this magical land, he had begun to grin more and act like a happy young man. It was absolutely glorious to watch him come out of his shell. Now, surrounded by music and laughter, the king looked fantastic. Shining like a star in the dark night sky as he moved around the floor with face. Echoing my movements and making the dance look easy. 

There was a connection between us that I couldn't exactly place. It wasn't romantic, at least not anymore. Yet there was still affection in is eyes when he looked at me. It was the purest form of companionship that one could ask for. We understood each other but it hadn't taken long for us to establish this bond. I helped bring out the best in him and he helped balance me out when things got difficult. It was a friendship for the ages, I could tell. I had been so lost in my thoughts about the king that I was slightly startled when the song came to an end. "Well, that went by quickly." I smiled. Clapping along with the rest of the guests. "Unfortunately." Edmund grumbled, eyeing Lady Sophia who was watching him like a hawk. "Will you excuse me? I suddenly need some air." He said before bowing and taking off into the crowd. Tailed by a mound of bouncing pink skirts. Giggling, I didn't hear someone approach me until they cleared their throat and spoke. "May I have this dance, your majesty?"

A/N: Hello everyone! I am so sorry this chapter took so long to put up. I fell victim to writer's block since I posted the last one. There are many more chapters in the works so don't worry! This story is far from over. Have a fantastic day my dear readers and enjoy!

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