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All of us lay there for a moment, stunned at what had just happened. Except Lucy, who popped up immediately with a look that only said 'I told you so'. I lay in the snow next to Peter, who had protectively wrapped an arm around me. I pushed myself to my feet and offered him a hand, he took it quickly. 

Lucy smiled at us and Susan said, "Impossible." With a gasp, "Don't worry." Lucy said cheekily "I'm sure it's just your imagination." Peter tried to apologize but was smacked by a perfectly aimed snowball from Lucy. I burst out in laughter and rushed to create my own ammo. In a flash, Peter, Susan, Lucy and I were engaged and a full on war. Laughing and smiling the whole time, while Edmund stood off to the side, staring at two far off mountains. That is until Peter nailed him in the face with a ball of slush. 

"Hey!" He exclaimed. Peter just laughed before Lucy spoke up. "Let's go visit Mr. Tumnus! I bet he can't wait to meet you all!" Before she could rush off to the faun's house, Peter grabbed her arm. "Hang on Luce." And with that, he disappeared back into the wardrobe. Lucy's smile faded and Susan nudged my shoulder, "It's freezing." "That's why we'll need these." Peter said, having reappeared from the wardrobe and holding a pile of fur coats. He handed one to each of us and then shouted "Ed!" And extended his arm to his approaching brother. "But that's a girl's coat!" Edmund protested. "I know." Peter said with a smirk.

Lucy skipped down a snowy path, leading us to the famous Mr. Tumnus' home. Edmund fell in line behind her, with Susan, while Peter and I lagged behind slightly. I gazed at my surroundings with wonder, my feet were surprisingly stable on the snow. Unlike the other children who slipped and stumbled through the white mounds. I tried not to laugh when Edmund managed to fall completely on his back, he was already in a sour mood and I didn't want to make things worse. 

Lucy squealed with delight as we came across the faun's small home. I looked up in excitement but my smile dropped suddenly. The wooden door had been bashed in rather savagely and upon further inspection, we realized that the inside had been ransacked. Snow hand blown in and covered the once soft carpet, chairs and various furniture pieces lay broken and upside down. Drawers had been emptied on to the ground and books thrown from their shelves. Lucy raced about, looking for this Mr. Tumnus, Susan chased after her sister and tried to slow her down. Peter, Edmund and I stood in the doorway, mouths agape at what lay before us. 

I gingerly stepped into the room, taking in the chaos that someone or something had left behind. Papers lay across the ground, some were ripped while others were simply crumpled. One caught my eye, it looked to be a sketch but, there was two small splashes of color. Seemingly eyes, I picked it up and carefully unfolded it. My eyes widened with shock, it was a picture of Maleficent. Her wings were spread, her hands glowing with magic, and her eyes were piercing. My thoughts were interrupted by Peter, who exclaimed that there was a note on the door. 

"Hey! Everyone! Come take a look at this!" He had ripped a piece of parchment off of the door frame and was scanning it quickly. I dropped the picture I was holding and shuffled to get next to Peter. Once I was there, he read aloud, "Warrant of arrest, by warrant of her majesty, the faun Tumnus is hereby charged with high treason against her imperial majesty, Jadis Queen of Narnia, for comforting with her enemies and fraternizing with humans, signed Maugrim, captain of the secret police, Long live the queen."

As he finished, Lucy looked as if she was going to burst into tears. She clung to Susan's jacket and began to stutter. "We have to help him!" As she blubbered, Edmund began to shift his weight and stared at the ground. "It's out of our hands Lu." Peter said shaking his head. "Don't you get it? I'm the human! He helped me!" Lucy cried, stumbling forward in the snow. Peter threw his hands in the air and said "Maybe we should call the police!" "These are the police!" Susan retorted, motioning to the note. "Besides, he's a criminal." Edmund finally spoke but immediately put his head down. Before I could mention it, a whisper pierced through the cold.

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