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Peter had gone into his and Edmund's room while I dug through my trunk for the storybook I brought. My fingers finally grazed the smooth cover and I pulled it out from under some of my dresses. The cover was a sky blue with delicate vines engraved around the edges. Small lines of gold circled the vines and seeped into the title. There was also a picture of a delicate fairy sitting on a small mushroom beneath the gold letters. 

I smiled as I ran my fingers over the book. I've had this forever, my mother left it to me before she and dad left for a trip they would never return from. The thing about this book however, is that it had the true stories along with the child friendly ones. In other words, it had the villain's perspective and not just the hero's. 

I sat on Lucy's bed and flipped to my favorite story, the tale of Maleficent. A drawing of a beautiful woman with high cheek bones and piercing blue and green eyes filled the first page of the chapter. Unlike the villain in Sleeping Beauty, this Maleficent had a set of huge gorgeous wings that flanked her sides. They were spread out behind her, extending off the page. She wore a floor length, slimming gown and held a glowing green staff. 

I remembered how I used to tell my mother that she looked like Maleficent. This would always make her laugh, she often responded by taking us to a mirror and holding the picture next to each of us in turn. I found it curious how alike the picture and my mother looked. Me on the other hand, the only trait of Maleficent that I possessed was the blue and green eyes that shone like gemstones, along with her goddess like height. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock and my head snapped to the door. Susan stood in the frame with a teary eyed Lucy, who held a small mug. I smiled brightly and said "Ready for the story, princess?" Lucy laughed and waddled over to the bed where I was sitting

After Susan and I tucked her beneath the covers and sat on either side of her, I began to explain my story choice. No sooner had the title left my lips when the door connecting our two bedrooms swung open. Peter and a very sour looking Edmund walked in and slumped on the end of the bed. Peter shoved his shoulder and Edmund mumbled. "I'm sorry for yelling earlier." Lucy smiled and said "It's ok Ed, but since you were mean, you have to listen to y/n's story to make me and her feel better." I opened my mouth to protest but decided against it, Lucy was a bright little girl. 

Peter laughed and leaned against the wooden bedpost. "Well, go on." Susan said with a smirk. I cleared my throat dramatically and said to Lucy. "Now, you know the story of Sleeping Beauty, right?" She nodded enthusiastically and I smiled. "Well, this is the other side of the story. The true version." Lucy's eyes widened with wonder and Edmund huffed. Which earned him a slap and glare from Peter. Trying not to laugh I explained the background for the story before opening the storybook, revealing the picture of the famous villain. Lucy's mouth dropped open and she exclaimed "She's gorgeous!" She stared at the picture for a while before looking to me, "You have the same eyes you know." I was taken aback by the comment but managed to plaster on a smile. "Why thank you m'lady, shall we begin?" Lucy nodded once more and I began the story. 

I read the story with enthusiasm to make Lucy smile and even acted out a few sections with Susan and Peter. Edmund refused to participate but I could tell he was secretly interested. We got through the nearly the whole story without incident until it came to waking Aurora from her death like sleep. Lucy squealed and said "True loves kiss!" Everyone laughed at her excitement as she assigned roles to her trio of actors. "Peter, you can be Prince Philip, Sue, you can be one of the three fairy aunts and y/n, you can be the princess!" Peter and I glanced at each other nervously as Susan clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was actually Maleficent's love that saved Aurora. I looked at Lucy, trying to protest but she had a sneaky glimmer in her eye. She knew exactly what she was doing. Going along with it, Susan walked over and placed my hands in Peter's. I blushed at his touch but tried to hide it by looking away. He laughed awkwardly as Lucy began to read. "Princess Aurora had fallen into a deep sleep at the hands of Maleficent. Now, she awaited true love's kiss to wake her from her slumber." She looked up and raised her eyebrows. I paused, unsure what to do and then realized, she wanted me to be asleep. I swooned dramatically and collapsed, Peter caught me and held me at a low angle. Copying the illustration in the book. One hand was around my waist and the other was still holding my left hand, my right was positioned in the classic damsel in distress place across my forehead. I felt Peter laugh with me and before we could continue the scene, (To Lucy's disappointment and Edmund's relief.) Mrs. Macready called us for dinner. Peter pulled me to my feet and I felt colder now that he had let go of me. Susan once again giggled at the two of us before ushering everyone downstairs.

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