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Mr. Tumnus was waiting for us, studying a few papers frantically and mumbling to himself, hands shaking with what I presumed was nerves. His head snapped up at the sound of our footsteps. "Oh good! You're here! And just on time too." He rambled, pushing open the doors to the great hall and gesturing for us to enter. The grand space was empty. Awaiting the kings, queens, and lords that would soon occupy it. "Now you must address the land issues, the crop issues, the trading issues, and most importantly, the issue of marriage." Mr. Tumnus scuttled about as we sat in our thrones, adjusting everything he could to make us look perfect. I smiled at Edmund as he took his seat. He managed a weak grin in return but I was grateful for the simple gesture. 

He was dressed in a deep emerald green tunic with black pants and brown boots. A few medals decorated his chest along with a thick silver band on his head. The crown glinted like the stars in the sky against his raven hair. I tore my gaze away from him to look at the other sovereigns. Peter had a blood red tunic, tan pants, and brown boots. He had a thick golden band instead of his coronation crown which complimented his sandy hair. Susan wore a dress like mine but, a midnight blue with silver swirls stretching along the edges of her sleeves and skirt. She also wore a circlet, but hers was simply strands of silver twisted together and meeting at the middle with a white gemstone. She looked absolutely stunning, as usual. Lucy say on the end, accompanied by Mrs. Beaver who directed a small wave my way. The youngest queen wore a replica of my garment and her sister's but it was a beautiful daffodil yellow with darker designs on the sleeves. She wore a copper circlet with a beautiful ruby resting on her forehead. Lucy had her usual smile as she swung her feet in anticipation.

After Mr. Tumnus had reviewed what we were required to speak about for what had to be the 7th time, another faun poked his head around the door. "They're here, your royal highnesses." He squeaked, adding the pluralization reluctantly as if he was unsure on how to address us all at once. Mr. Tumnus quickly got rid of the papers he was holding along with his glasses. Rushing along the line of rulers to straighten out any crinkles in our clothes again. Peter and I made eye contact and gave each other a 'What is up with this guy?' look. Which caused us to break out into wide smiles just as the doors to the throne room were pushed open by two centaurs in regal attire. Mr. Tumnus shot me a knowing glare and I immediately regained my seriousness as our guests were escorted inside. 

A gaggle of lords wandered in with their servants tagging along behind them. They were dressed in extravagant robes of all colors and designs. No doubt an attempt to boast the superiority of their realm. In unison, they all fell to one knee before us. Bowing their heads in respect for Narnia's royal family. Once they had risen and promptly escorted to their seats by the palace fauns, Peter declared the beginning of the meeting with a regal wave of his hand.

We brushed through nearly everything on Mr. Tumnus' list, I could see his pleased expression as he stood near the hall's grand doors. Mentally checking off everything he had told us to address with a nod of his head. The issue of land was partially solved by Edmund's suggestion to examine all of Narnia's territory then return land stolen by Jadis to the original owners. When no true agreement could be met, it was decided to return to the subject after reviewing the other   meeting requirements. Peter solved the trading issue. Proposing for there to be a Narnian market open for traders from all around the kingdom to sell and purchase goods. Susan then proposed a good place for this market, Lucy adding in the details about small shops and awnings for the use of the public. The issue of land began a lively debate that no matter what was proposed, someone was against the idea. 

"We can't simply give away precious territory to wild animals!" Octavius, the Duke of Flippsberg protested, jumping up from his seat. The nymphs and fauns in the room froze. Glancing to each other, then to their kings and queens. Edmund gained a stone cold expression at the term but my hand on his arm stopped him from blurting out a counter attack. "You forget your place, Octavius." I said regally. "Sir to you." He snapped. Peter gripped the armrests of his throne so hard his knuckles began to turn white. I raised my eyebrows, "Sir Octavius," I began again. "It is my understanding that your people are known as the Savages of the North. Is that correct?" "Yes." The man huffed, sticking his chest out proudly. "Yet you refer to my people as wild animals?" I let the phrase drip from my lips like poison as my eyes bore holes into the foolish duke's head. 

"Y-yes." He stammered, my gaze making him uncomfortable. "Sir Octavius, you will address my subjects with the utmost respect. It is not often that you have the privilege to intermingle with a land as bountiful and as peaceful as Narnia. Make this mistake again and by Aslan, I will have you removed from your position permanently. Do I make myself clear?" Although my voice was smooth, it filled the hall with the power of an eagle's scream. All eyes were on the man now as beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He nodded quickly like a child who had been scolded and promptly took his seat. Refusing to speak for the rest of the discussion. Edmund had a proud smirk on his face as he watched the man cower, his brown eyes flicking to me with a look of admiration.

Once the most pressing problems had been dealt with and solved, Peter motioned to end the meeting but a lord in dark robes at the back of the room stood from his chair. "If I may, your highness." His deep voice rang out. Peter nodded, his face donning a dark look of immense focus. He knew exactly what Lord Ioco of Escalin was going to bring up. "We haven't discussed the subject of royal unification." He smirked, looking to me and Susan. Lucy glanced at her sister, her small face twisted in confusion. "Marriage, my queen." Lord Ioco said, clarifying for her. She nodded slowly, a mature movement for a girl of her age and energy. Peter didn't move. He stared at the man with ice in his eyes, jaw clenched and hands in tight fists. 

"I know many of us have suitors for you beautiful queens, yet their proposals have gone unanswered." Ioco grinned devilishly, stalking towards as wolf cornering its prey. Susan and I looked at one another, both of us knowing that marriage was defiantly not on our bucket list at the moment. "What say you, Queen y/n." Ioco gestured to me with an outstretched arm. "I cannot marry a man I've never met." I stated plainly. The lords and dukes of our international council gasped as if this was unheard of. "Why not?" Ioco laughed awkwardly, not expecting my reply so fast. "If I choose to marry, Lord Ioco, I will do so for love. Not for economic purposes." I stood my ground against the lord, making it clear that neither Susan nor myself would marry some spoiled brute we'd never laid eyes on. 

"Queen Susan?" Ioco tried again, "Please, share some sense with your fellow Queens." "We are not the one's in need of sense." Susan said, her voice was sharp and powerful. I smiled at her as she took Lord Ioco off his high horse. "You and your men, with vision clouded by greed and a thirst for power have no say in whether Queen Lucy, Queen y/n, or myself choose to accept someone's hand. That is our decision and ours alone. Besides, how are we to happily marry if we have never had the pleasure of meeting your suitors in person?" Susan added in order to please the audience. 

"A ball perhaps?" A squat man dressed in nothing but gold spoke up. Everyone looked to him as he scrambled awkwardly out of his seat. "If her majesties wish to mingle with their bachelors, than why not host an event where they can meet them all?" "Excellent idea Sir Guibor!" Ioco clapped him on the back. I glanced at Peter nervously, unsure of how he would react. "Then the fine kings could be introduced to their suitors as well." Edmund tensed up at the mention of ladies wanting to marry him. Apparently all five of us were all too willing to stay away from marriage as a whole. 

"We will host it in Aldonia." Guibor continued excitedly, "How about next week?" He glanced up at Peter for approval but Ioco answered, "Why wait your majesty? The sooner they meet, the faster they can marry. How about three days from now?" Peter glared at the man but nodded in silence. "Excellent. We'll begin preparations immediately." And with that, the meeting was over. Peter had waved his hand and the advisors were escorted out. Their chairs were quickly cleaned up by our fauns whilst Peter began to pace back and forth. 

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