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The ride to Cair Paravel was far more magical than I expected. Narnia was breathtaking in the winter, but now, it was absolutely jaw-dropping in the summer. Lush greenery ran as far as the eye could see, dotted with wildflowers and small animals that had finally emerged from their burrows. I rode Sinbad in between Peter and Edmund, taller than both of course because of Sinbad's size. 

Edmund was more cheerful than I had ever seen him, happily carrying on a conversation with me that seemed effortless. Unlike all of our previous incredibly awkward ones. Peter was talkative as well, allowing me to enjoy playful brotherly banter between himself and Edmund. They told story after story and I simply listened as I took in the beautiful expanse of our kingdom. Susan and Lucy were ahead of us, turning around every once in a while to sneak peaks at me and their brothers. Giggling like crazy the whole time. 

This moment was total bliss, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin, the slight breeze rustle through my hair, it couldn't get any better. After a few moments, we rounded a bend that revealed Cair Paravel in all it's glory. Shining in the sun as we approached the gates. The sea around it glinting and lapping against the golden shore. I was absolutely stunned at the sight. Never in my life had I seen such a beautiful palace. Peter and Edmund were impressed as well, I heard their current argument completely stop as they took in the view. Even Lucy and Susan managed to stope laughing for a moment. 

Oreius, who was just behind Peter, Edmund and I, chuckled and said, "Welcome home, your majesties." I smiled at the title, but mostly at Peter's failure to pull himself together at the thought of being a king. "You alright there, Prince Charming?" I joked, watching his awe struck expression change to the familiar smile. "Actually, it's KING Charming." He said, making me laugh. "Not yet it's not!" Edmund chimed in from my left. Peter laughed and once again, I found myself unable to pull my eyes away from him. They way his eyes sparkled when he laughed, his smile that was perfectly enchanting, and the way he looked at me with a joyful face. My heart skipped whenever I saw him like this, soaking in every detail of his handsome figure. At this point, I was convinced that this may be more than just a silly crush.

Cair Paravel was even more stunning on the inside than it was outside. The whole building seemed to be made of elegant white stone with glistening marble floors. There was a great hall, ballroom, library, rooms for each of us as well as an office, and many more but that was all Oreius had managed to tell me when I asked. We had arrived just before the sunset and after saying a quick goodbye to Sinbad, I followed the Pevensie siblings into the palace. 

We were each led to our new rooms for the rest of the night, our official coordination would be tomorrow. Our bedrooms were all in the same, large, beautifully decorated hallway with Lucy's at the beginning on the right, then Susan's a little ways down same side as Lucy, and finally mine almost at the end of the hall after Susan's. Edmund's and Peter's rooms were on the left, with plenty of space in between. Peter's was just across the hall and a little ways down from my room, which I noticed almost immediately, as did he. 

The huge door of my room swung open magically as my faun guide let me inside. After a quick thank you, I shut the door behind me to admire my new space in peace. The room was absolutely breathtaking, enormous as well. The walls were a smooth cream color with gold decorations that climbed up towards and across the ceiling, they all met in the middle where a crystal chandelier hanging down, glinting in the setting sun. The floor was wooden, but was mostly covered by a white carpet that had light gold and silver designs around the edge. My new bed was against the left wall, the headboard was golden as well, the designs matching the walls. Just above the headboard, on the wall, hung the largest gold accent in the room with sweeping curtains hung just above it that were just for decoration but looked extremely elegant. The furniture of the room was all white with smaller versions of the golden designs on the walls. I had two bedside tables, one on each side of the bed with matching lamps, a dresser with a mirror with lots of golden decoration around the edge and a small elegant stool, a huge wardrobe filled to the brim with beautiful dresses, shoes and casual outfits, and small tables in each corner of the room with large vases filled with beautiful white flowers. My favorite part was the tall, glass double doors with flowing curtains that opened outward onto a balcony that came straight out of a fairytale, just like my room. It was made of the same smooth white material as Cair Paravel itself. It over looked the castle grounds and the sea beyond, with a perfect view of the sunset. The fabric of my dress rippled in the slight breeze as I breathed in the fresh air. 

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