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I turned around to see Theo, the handsome dark haired young man from earlier. "You may." I said with a pleasant smile. Placing my hand delicately into his outstretched one. He led us gracefully to the dance floor as many other couples began to sway. I must admit, he was a brilliant dancer. Moving elegantly as long grass sways in the breeze. "My, I didn't expect you to be the dancing type." I smiled as he spun me around. "It's a pleasant surprise I hope?" He replied with a grin. Never taking his eyes off mine as we moved. I nodded, noticing Peter over Theo's shoulder. 

He was watching us with his hands behind his back. A young woman was trying to engage him in conversation but, it was clear that his mind was elsewhere. I did my best to focus on Theo as we moved around each other. Remembering the lessons Mr. Tumnus had drilled into my head about being polite and whatnot. Yet, Peter's face would not leave my mind. It seemed as if every time I turned, he was there. Watching me carefully like a wolf stalking its prey. Jealousy was one of his weak spots, I'll admit that. I shook my head. Trying to clear it and focus on the young man in front of me. 

"Something wrong, your majesty?" Theo said, sounding slightly concerned as I stumbled over my own feet. "No, everything's fine." I smiled. "Just slightly overwhelmed that's all." He pulled me closer to him as the dance repeated itself for one last time. His arm was wrapped around my waist but for some reason, it felt wrong. A deep, unsettling feeling in my stomach appeared and I tried my best to maintain an appropriate amount of space. The young suitor was completely oblivious and gloated as we danced together. Showing me off like a prize, his eyes danced around the room. Hungry for attention from the other guests. As soon as the song ended, I curtsied and excused myself with the excuse of needing fresh air. He tried to follow but I led him towards a shy wallflower awaiting a dance partner. She blushed fiercely when I placed her hand on his arm but mouthed a happy thank you as he led them away. With the friendly clamor of the ball behind me, I quickly found my way back to the small balcony Susan and I had sat at earlier. Rushing to open the glass doors and shut them behind me, I failed to notice a dark figure leaning gracefully on the stone railing.

"Are you alright miss?" I straightened at the sound of another voice. Turing around, I began to apologize for my rude intrusion. "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect anyone to be out here." I said, taking in the figure opposite me. He smiled softly at how flustered I was. "No worries, I was actually hoping for some company." The boy spoke smoothy, his words sounding much more mature than he looked. Yet, his soft features and bright eyes told me we were close in age. "I'm Killian, by the way." He held out his hand to me. "y/n." I responded, allowing him to press a kiss to my skin. As he straightened his eyes grew wide with realization. "Queen y/n?" I nodded. "My apologies for the informal greeting your majesty, I had no idea." He looked at the floor and nearly fell to his knees with embarrassment. "Please, that's not necessary." I sighed, trying to make this interaction as normal as possible. Killian looked back into my eyes, confused with what I had said. Obviously, his experience with royalty had been much different than this. 

Now that I got a good look at him, I realized that we hadn't been introduced earlier that evening in the long line of suitors. His hair was a sleek, obsidian black. Slightly falling in his eyes and standing out against his fair skin. His eyes were a stunning amber, glowing like forbidden gold in the moonlight. Unlike the other excessive outfits I had seen tonight, Killian was dressed in a formal black suit. A sliver chain strung delicately around his neck. Thick silver bands decorated a few of his fingers, flashing in the dark as he fiddled with the buttons on his cuffs. "Why didn't I meet you earlier?" I asked, taking a seat on the small chair Susan had been in earlier and motioning for him to follow. "I'm not really one for parties, believe it or not. My father usually drags me along." My eyebrow raised, "Who's your father, may I ask?" Trying to tread carefully in case it was a sensitive topic. "Lord Ioco." Killian said with a disappointed tone. 

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