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I slept better than I ever had in my life that night, curled up in warm sheets with soft blankets and the comfort of Susan and Lucy. We talked for a while before we dropped off to sleep one by one. My dreams were filled with the events that had taken place since we got here. Mostly Peter if I'm being honest, everything about him enchanted me. He had grown more mature and protective since we arrived, which only made it harder to hide how much I liked him. I knew Susan and Lucy were hot on my trail, which doesn't help my case, but they seem pretty persuaded that Peter likes me back. Which makes my heart skip every time I think about it. I couldn't get him off of my mind, especially after seeing him so worried about me when I woke up in his lap toady. It pained me to see him so upset, but I couldn't help but blush at his concern. That meant he cared right? 

Unfortunately, my mind also replayed the moments when I was with the White Witch. Her sword slicing me over and over again as I lay helpless. The moment kept repeating itself no matter how many times I tried to stop it. Until I jolted awake, breathing hard and sweating. Susan and Lucy were still asleep and I didn't want to disturb them. I knew it was early morning so I decided to get dressed and head outside. Needing fresh air after my nightmare. I slipped on the same dress as yesterday, seeing it was the only one that I could access noiselessly and left the warmth of the tent. 

The summer air was still, humming with familiar fireflies and cicadas. I walked barefoot through the grass and up to the hill that Aslan and I spoke on. I sank down onto the long grass and crossed my legs, staring at the land before me as the sunrise began to light up the sky. I felt so unbelievably peaceful in this moment that I decide to try some magic again. Fearing the pain but remembering what Aslan told me, I closed my eyes and relaxed. 

Resting my arms on my knees, palms up, I began to take deep breaths and focused on wings. Large, beautiful, brown wings that dragged behind me slightly when I walked. I tried to remember all of the images of Maleficent and her wings that I grew up with. My mother's wings were powerful and strong, yet graceful. I imagined her soaring through the clouds, dipping and spinning with a huge smile on her face. I felt myself smile at the thought of her, although the memories I had were not of a beautiful enchantress. I got lost in my thoughts for a while, feeling the sun warm my face. My meditation state was interrupted by the sounds of Lucy scrambling up the hill. 

"Hey! You said you would wait for me!" She said between gasps before plopping down next to me. "Sorry Lu, I just got excited." I said with a smile. "So, what should we try? I've never done magic before." Lucy said with a shrug. I thought about it for a moment and then picked up a blade of grass. "Let's see if I can move this blade of grass from my hand to yours." Lucy looked excited and moved so she mimicked the way I was sitting, holding her hand out so I had a clear target. I relaxed again and focused on the small slip of green in my palm. 

It only took a second before the grass floated into the air, sparkling golden light swirling around it as I moved it towards Lucy's hand without moving my hand. Lucy looked extremely shocked and excited at the same time as the grass dropped into her palm. "You did it! That was great!" I smiled at her enthusiasm and playfully created a flower with a smooth hand movement and handed it to her. "Maybe you should start with more advanced stuff, seems like you do this pretty well." She said, admiring the plant I just gave her. I shrugged, "I don't know Lucy, I don't want to get ahead of myself." "It doesn't hurt to try, right?" She said, encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone. I sighed, knowing it was a lost cause to try and change her mind. "What do you think I should try?" "Your wings!" She said with a grin. "Lucy.." I tried to get out of it but it was no use. 

She had shuffled over next to me and sat criss-cross with her hands on her knees. "Well? Come one then!" I laughed and shook my head, looking out at the valley before closing my eyes. I tried to find the peaceful mental state that I had been in earlier, and it took less time than before. In about a minute I was back to thinking about my mother, and what she may have done for Narnia. I don't know how long I sat there with Lucy, but our meditation was interrupted again, this time by Mrs. Beaver. 

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