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A/N: Of course I had to add the iconic Cinderella dress and ball scene. Couldn't pass up that opportunity :) Enjoy!

The Pevensie siblings and I were escorted back to our rooms after socializing with our subjects to change for the dance portion of the celebration. It seemed like I had just spoken to every creature in Narnia, and each one had bowed before me gladly. We had all stood in a line as they passed, talking to each of us in turn. Most of the younger creatures gathered around Lucy, making her laugh and smile as they spoke of who knows what. The rest of us had to carry polite, somewhat political conversation before Mr. Tumnus escorted us away from the crowd. Once in the hall, we dropped our royalty act and walked towards our rooms together as kids. Laughing and mocking each other's bows and handshakes. Edmund did a great rendition of my curtsy, almost falling in the process. Then, one by one, we each broke off for our rooms. Peter and I locking eyes for a second as we closed our doors. I leaned against mine after it clicked shut, smiling like an idiot before twirling through the room, perfectly happy.

I unhooked and hung up my cloak, turning to see a gorgeous ballgown splayed out on my bed. It was a light blue, ruffled off the shoulder neckline with butterflies resting in the folds. When I moved the fabric, it sparkled like the ocean glinting in the sun light. The skirt was absolutely enormous and I sighed deeply, wondering how on earth I was going to get it on. Next to the dress, there was a pair of heels, not too tall but just perfect for dancing. They sparkled like crystal and each had a butterfly resting at the top of the toe area. I undressed from my coronation attire and debated where to start with the luxurious garment. I managed to get the under garment and hoop skirt on by myself, those were relatively easy, then came the top skirt. I found the middle after digging through ruffles and liners for a while and slipped it over my head. It had been tailored to fit me perfectly and sat on my hips comfortably. To my disappointment, it needed to be laced up as well, and I couldn't reach it. I sighed and tried to twist around to get it but a knock at my door interrupted my struggle. 

"Come in!" I said, frustrated. Susan came in, laughing at my debacle. "Ok I think I need help." "Stand still." She instructed, tying up the skirt in seconds before telling me to raise my arms for the corset with the detailed top. I did so and braced for the worst part. "Ready?" Susan smiled, "Just get it over with." I said as she yanked on the laces. Pulling it tight before tying it and tucking the extra lace into the skirt to hide it. "There, all done." She said, slapping my shoulder. I exhaled, "That never gets easier does it?" "Nope." I finally got the chance to look at her gown. It was a deep emerald green with a bejeweled corset and sheer fabric attached to the straps on her shoulders, dragging behind her like a cape. Her hoop skirt spread out the skirt perfectly, like mine, and the fabric brushed the floor as she walked. Her dark hair fell down her shoulders in waves, now half up half down with a green hair pin keeping it in place. "Wow, Sue, you look amazing." I gaped at my friend as she pulled out a few strands to frame her face. "Come here, I'll do you hair." She said, blushing slightly at my compliment. 

She took out the twist and ran her fingers through my hair a couple times to get rid of the knots but not disturb the curls. Susan pulled up the top half of my hair, braiding it and spiraling it delicately and pinning it in place. The rest of my hair cascaded over my shoulders in loose curls, like hers. I smiled at my reflection and said, "What would I do without you?" "I don't think you would survive." She laughed and helped me up, "Crap. I still have to get my shoes on." I said, looking down at the enormous skirt and at the glittering shoes before me. "Lucy can help with that I bet, give me a second." She rushed out and returned a minute later with her little sister, now dressed in a bright yellow dress with a bow tied in the front right at her hips. She wore small, delicate flats and her hair was now pulled into a bun. "Luce, will you help me?" I smiled, as the little girl skipped over to me. I lifted my skirt as she grabbed both shoes and crawled under, instructing "Right" then "left" as she slipped on the heels. Once I was all set, Susan grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room. "Come on, y/n, don't want to keep your suitors waiting." "y/n has suitors!" Lucy squealed as I glared at her sister. Susan motioned for me to wait a minute as she exited with Lucy. I laughed at the sisters before approaching my mirror. The dress was absolutely stunning, it twirled beautifully as I spun around. Clearly, it was made for dancing. I couldn't believe my reflection was really me. I had never looked so beautiful in my life. My door cracked open and Susan poked her head in, "Come on, your princes are waiting." She winked. "Shut up." I blushed as I hurried towards the door. 

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