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Back at my tent, some fauns had dropped off my battle attire. I had requested something that wasn't a dress, in order to make sword fighting and hand to hand combat much easier. What lay before me on my bed exceeded all of my expectations. 

There was a leather corset, protective of my torso yet comfortable and easy to move in. It had a light, long sleeve shirt to wear under it in order to prevent chaffing. Deep brown pants made of some kind of fabric that felt heavy but was very breathable, they fit tightly against my legs. Perfectly outlining my hourglass figure along with the corset. There were also beautiful leather boots that were the most comfortable pair of shoes I had ever put on. They went up to below my knees and slipped on and off easily. 

After I had the basic parts of the outfit on, I fastened a small belt to my waist that had a dagger strapped to the side with a place for my sword and sheath as well, which I tied on tightly for fear of losing it. Next came the detachable armor pieces that protected my shoulders, chest, back, and forearms. These prices fit as if they were a second skin. Light and moveable, but sturdy and protective as well. Not to mention slimming, when I looked in the mirror I barely recognized myself, I guess all of the training and running had done some good. 

Smiling, I pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail with a few strands hanging out around my face. I strapped another dagger to my thigh for emergencies and picked up the finishing touch, a crimson cloak with small lions embroidered at the shoulders. I swung it around to my back dramatically and fastened it not too tight so it would flow behind me elegantly when I moved. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I smiled. I looked kick ass, the dagger around my thigh was a perfect addition to my glinting sword hilt and shining armor. "Alright then." I said softly to myself, "Let's go kill a witch."

I practically threw the tent flap out of my way as I excited the tent, I felt unstoppable with my new clothes and skills. Creatures of all kinds stopped dead in their tracks and stared at me as I passed. Their jaws dropped at the sight of me striding towards Peter's tent and I smiled, enjoying their shocked expressions. I had been nothing but sweet and innocent in the days prior so stepping out of my comfort zone and dressing like a total badass surprised everyone.

Oreius stood guard outside of the main tent and smiled at my approach, "Your highness." He said as he bowed his head, I grinned at him and ducked into the tent. Peter and Edmund were discussing action plans with a map layer out in front of them. They both wore chainmail and larger pieces of armor, their swords strapped to their sides. On their chest was a piece of red fabric with a large lion on the front. They both looked surprisingly handsome and I had to force myself to tear my eyes away from them. "So, what's the plan boys?" I said with a smile, watching them turn their heads and freeze at the sight of me. 

Just like the rest of our army outside, they were shocked at my outfit. Edmund must've looked me up and down at least four times and Peter, he was a different story. His eyes widened as he took in the armor. He opened his mouth a few times as if he was about to say something but nothing came out. I winked at him and smiled as blush spread across his cheeks. "We're going to station our troops here, here, and here." Edmund stuttered as he pointed to places on the map. "Then we'll use our flight groups to drop boulders on Jadis' forces as they approach." "And the archers?" I asked, not looking away from the map, "They'll be above everyone here." Peter spoke up, finally able to pull himself together. 

I ran through their plan in my head, it seemed pretty good for never doing this before. "Are we on foot or horseback?" I said after a moment of silence. "Edmund and I will be on horseback, you never trained so I guess you'll be on foot." I turned to him sharply, "I am perfectly capable of riding, Peter." He tried to protest but I stopped him, "My mother taught me when I was young, I have no doubt that the skills she passed onto me were for a reason." Oreius must have heard us for at this moment, he ducked in. "Pardon my intrusion your majesties, but if I may, we have Maleficent's steed for her daughter." Peter grabbed my arm as I went to leave and practically whispered, "Are you sure about this?" I chuckled, "Don't worry about me Prince Charming, I'll be fine. " He managed a smile at the nickname and watched me leave with Oreius.

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