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The night had continued without incident, each minute magical under the golden glow of the candles. The sun had long set and now the palace grounds were lit by the stars along with the pale moon. The sea lapped lazily on the shore, shining in the moonlight. I spent most of the night with Peter, and the other bits were split between Edmund and Susan. Quite frankly, I was exhausted after dancing and dancing and dancing but, it was absolutely worth it. Now, the Pevensie siblings and myself stood in a line at the ballroom door wishing our guests goodnight as they filed slowly out the huge doors. All of them bowed or curtsied, some even expressed their gratitude in long speeches or poems. 

Although the night had been extremely fun, part of me was glad it was over. I had spent all day smiling and thanking subject after subject for their compliments, it was draining. The last couple of nymphs stumbled out the door and all of us finally dropped the royal image, sighing deeply in unison. "I don't think I've ever danced that much in my life." Susan said, plopping down on a nearby bench to pull off her shoes. I agreed with her as I took a seat, my skirt splayed out on both sides. "It's getting late. I believe it's time for bed." Susan said in her usually motherly tone, elbowing me and nodding towards Lucy, who had curled up and passed out on the floor. "I should really get her out of here." She smiled, standing to pick up her shoes and her nudge her sister awake. "What?" Lucy said groggily, rubbing her eyes as her older sister coaxed her to a standing position. 

They left the ballroom slowly, the younger queen dragging her feet lazily. I laughed softly at the sight, "Lucy darling, what are we going to do with you." Peter and Edmund smiled too, both equally content with the night's events. "Well, you heard her. I should go." I said, breaking the awkward silence as I struggled to get up. Edmund offered a hand and I took it gratefully, "Thanks." I said, not looking away from his face as he placed a delicate kiss on the back of my hand. Shocked at the motion, I glanced to Peter who cleared his throat with a stone cold look. I drew my hand away and forced a smile, "Goodnight Edmund, Peter." I said softly, nodding to each in turn. They returned the gesture and I exited the ballroom quickly, rushing towards the shelter of my room. Hoping that the blush on my cheeks hadn't been too obvious.

Once there, I threw off my shoes and rushed back to the hallway. Praying I could make it to the garden without anyone seeing me. Now barefoot, my skin slapped against the cold floor as I held my skirt in my arms, rushing towards the spiral staircase that would aid in my escape. Just before I reached it, I heard voices in the down the hall. I pressed myself against a wall as Peter and Edmund's voices drew nearer. "What was that? Earlier?" Peter said, attempting to be quiet but I detected anger in her voice. "What was what?" Edmund responded, acting innocent. "With y/n? Why would you do that?" Peter sounded as if he were accusing his brother of a crime. "Kiss her hand? Peter you can't be serious." Edmund chuckled. "I'm absolutely serious, didn't you see how uncomfortable you made her? Or are you so blinded by your own desires that you didn't even care?" The high king seethed. "Since when are you in charge of how she feels? She doesn't need you constant protection. It was just a kiss, you have no reason to be this upset. Maybe you're just jealous you didn't do it before me." Edmund hissed back. 

I bit my lip, not realizing that tears had begun to well up in my eyes. Just by being here, I had driven a stake between the two brothers, pitting them against each other completely by accident. Not caring whether they saw me or not at this point, I rounded the corner and rushed towards the stairwell. Running straight past the boys to their surprise, they shouted after me but I didn't slow my pace. I needed to get out of here, I needed space and time alone to think. Just like Susan said, I had a huge decision to make.

The cold air stung my freshly wet cheeks as I ran down the path towards the beach. The cobblestone stung my feet and I almost tripped at least twice in the dark but it didn't stop me. The sand felt like sweet relief once I reached it, cool against my warm skin. I checked once or twice just to make sure no one had followed me and began to walk slowly down the length of the beach, roughly wiping away my tears and catching my breath. Why was I so upset over boys? When one really thought about it, it was a stupid reason to be crying. Their conversation in the hall was obviously not meant for my ears and I guess I just hated the fact that I had caused it. Scolding myself, I sniffed a few times just to get the emotions out of my system before I headed back to the palace. I stood straighter, swearing that Peter and Edmund would not be the cause of my tears. I was better than that, stronger, more mature than a little girl who cries when two guys fight. No, that wasn't me, I was a queen, a warrior. Staring out at the glistening sea, approaching footsteps brought me out of my trance. I looked up to see Edmund walking slowly towards me in the moonlight. "Great." I sighed. Wiping my cheeks in defiance as he stepped closer and closer.

Once at my side, he stood silently for a moment, his arms behind his back as his eyes scanned the open water. "Hey." Edmund spoke, finally breaking the silence. I said nothing, not even acknowledging his presence. "I'm-um, I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to upset you." His apology was genuine as he pleaded with me. "It's fine." I said with no emotion, not taking my eyes off of the sea. "y/n, please. Look at me." Edmund turned his body to face mine and out of the corner of my eyes I could see his eyes glisten in the low light. His puppy dog expression broke me and I reluctantly move my head, staring at the sand at first but then flicking to his eyes. 

A light breeze rustled his dark hair as he stood there, jaw clenched waiting for one of us to say something. I'm embarrassed to admit that I had never fully noticed how handsome the younger king was. I had been so focused on his brother that he must've slipped from my sight. But now, in the pale moonlight, Edmund shone like a greek statue, his skin looked as if it were glowing as the stars sparkled above. I opened my mouth to say something but was so taken aback by him, nothing came forth. Edmund looked at me expectantly, desperate for me to speak. "Edmund I-," I stuttered trying to find the words. "I'm sorry. It's just that- I'm confused." Was all I could manage as I took a few steps back to create some distance between us. In the process, I tripped on the back of my skirt and began to fall backwards. Before I could hit the sand however, Edmund caught my wrist and quickly pulled me into his chest. 

Gasping slightly, our eyes met once more, our faces merely inches apart. I could feel his heart race beneath his tunic as his eyes flicked to my lips and back up to my eyes at least three times. My hands rested on his chest, just below his collar bones, allowing me to feel the rise and fall of his breath. Which surprisingly, was quite soothing. "Um- thanks." I practically whispered, hypnotized by his brown eyes. "I should-" I started but was interrupted, Edmund had quickly released my wrist, grabbed my face and planted a fierce, passionate kiss on my lips. For a moment I was startled at his action but it didn't take long for me to melt into his arms.  

There was hunger in his actions as he deepened the kiss. Obviously, he had wanted to do this for a while. The warmth of his lips on mine was intoxicating as his hands traveled down from my face to my hips, gripping them tightly. My hands still rested on his chest, feeling the muscles underneath as he held me close. After a moment, I pulled away. "What was that?" I tried to sound upset but I was so flustered I knew my attempts failed. My heart was racing at the speed of a hummingbird's wings and I could feel the heat of blush in my cheeks. He smirked, "I dunno. Let's call it a spur of the moment." Pleased with the outcome of his risk, he leaned in again but I stopped him. "I think that's enough excitement for one night." I said softly as I stepped past him and started back towards the castle. Looking back once to say, "You coming?" 

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