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Back at the Beaver's dam, we had barely sat down again when wolf howls could be heard not far away. In a panic Mrs. Beaver and Susan began to pack food as Peter and Mr. Beaver tried to figure out an escape route. "Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked hurriedly, "only if the witch has toast!" Peter retorted. I thought it was funny but decided now was not the time for laughter. 

Mr. Beaver threw open a tunnel door and began to usher everyone inside. He ducked in first, then Susan, Mrs. Beaver, Peter, and Lucy. I looked around one last time and crawled in, slamming the door behind me. The tunnel was cramped as we rushed away from the snarls and scratching sounds that began to get louder. In front of my Lucy tripped in her haste and I pulled her up quickly, giving her words of encouragement and trying to remain calm as we fled. 

Up ahead, Peter's torch disappeared behind a corner and I pushed Lucy faster. "Come on Lu, we can do it. Everything's gonna be fine." The young one gripped my hand as we scurried after our group. We caught up to them only to find a dead end. "You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver scolded. "There wasn't room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver retorted, quickly scrambling upward to shove open a small round door. Peter helped him and it swung outwards. Mr. Beaver scrambled out first, then gave the ok and everyone followed quickly. Peter pulled me up and his grip on my arm lingered for a moment before he reached for his sister. 

Lucy wasn't expecting that much momentum from her older brother's adrenaline and stumbled backward into a bunch of little statues. She turned and clapped a hand over her mouth. Before us lay a number of small animals. Including a badger, all made of stone. Mr. Beaver stumbled forward and put his hand on the statue of a badger, "He was my best mate." Mrs. Beaver comforted him as he began to cry. The rest of us circled the scene, trying to process what lay before us. "What happened here?" Susan said, breaking the somber silence. "This is what happens to enemies of the White Witch." An unfamiliar voice said. 

Instantly, everyone jumped and Peter pushed Lucy behind him. Mr. Beaver on the other hand, recognized the speaker and stomped forward angrily. "Stand still there, traitor." He spit. A small red fox emerged from the darkness with a sly smile. "Relax, I'm one of the good guys." Mr. Beaver wasn't convinced and to be honest, neither was I. They had another short exchange and I moved closer to Peter, coming up to him from behind. I grabbed his arm and he turned to me for a moment before looking back to the beaver and fox. Behind his back, Lucy took my hand and I was calmed by her gesture. "What do you suggest?" Peter said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. The fox simply smiled and looked up. 

The beavers rushed us over to the trees and thy began to climb effortlessly. Susan and I exchanged concerned glances, we both knew she couldn't climb very well. Remembering, what I had done earlier, I took her hand and ran to a tree trunk, placing my hand on the rough surface. Peter and Lucy followed, confused as to what I was doing. Susan began to panic as the sound of wolves quickly approached. 

"What are you doing?!" She said, "Just a second!" I retorted, closing my eyes I focused for just a moment until, suddenly, the tree branches dipped down and individually scooped us up, placing us high and out of sight of our pursuers. Lucy's mouth fell open and she was about to say something to me when she was silenced by Susan, who placed a finger to her lips urgently and pointed at the ground below. The fox was now surrounded by large, menacing wolves. 

I was astounded at their speed, they seemed so far just a minute ago. Our new friend remained calm and almost confident as he stared down the largest animal. I assumed that he was Maugrim, for the other wolves seemed to watch him, awaiting instruction. 

"Evening gents, lost something have we?" Mr. Fox said sarcastically as Maugrim circled him. "Don't patronize me, I know where your allegiance lies." He snarled, "We are looking for some humans." Besides Maugrim's menacing stance, the fox remained calm and simply replied with. "Humans? In Narnia? Now that's some valuable information." In a flash, one of Maugrim's soldiers jumped forward and grabbed Mr. Fox by the neck. Lucy gasped, but her sound was covered by a heartbreaking whimper from the wolves prey.

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