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It didn't take long for Killian to pick up on the jealous stares flying between myself and Peter. "Something on your mind, majesty?" He smiled. Looking down at me as we stepped around the other couples on the floor. "Nothing much." I hummed, my eyes flicking back to Peter involuntarily yet again. 

I couldn't believe him. Honestly, prancing around with that tramp so carelessly. So much for dignity. "Forgive the abrupt observation my queen, but, it would seem that you're a bit jealous." I hesitated, unsure of how I should answer. "Not exactly jealous," I finally responded. "More...concerned, you could say." Killian raised a quizzical brow but he didn't push the topic further. I took a deep breath in an effort to rid my mind of a certain tall, blonde, handsome king. Trying to focus on the young man who stood directly across from me. 

I began to study his face as we moved. His skin was smooth, not quite porcelain but rather a calm shade of tan that reminded me of aged parchment. Despite having a high social status, he had quite the ruffian look about him. Dark shaggy black hair, assorted jewels and silver bands on his wrists and fingers, and he smelled of the deepest part of the forest on a rainy day. I was intrigued to say the least, now glad that I had bumped into him on the balcony. "Enjoying the view, your highness?" He chuckled, catching my gaze. Startled, I blinked hard a few times as I tried to think of a comeback. Killian laughed again and to my relief, the song came to an end. The young man bowed as I curtsied low, willing the heat in my face to disappear. 

Among soft sounds of civilized applause, I wandered away from the crowded dance floor. The crystal lights had drained me of party energy and to make matters worse, Peter was still with Lady Natalie. Laughing with a few older gentlemen across the room. She knew I was tracking her around the party. Every once in a while she would meet my gaze and smirk devilishly. My features remained stone cold but I could feel my hands begin to itch with the urge to use magic. Just something small. The tiny voice in the back of my mind tried to convince me. Donkey ears perhaps? Voice of a seagull? Or even better, catch the hem of her horrid skirt with a spark. That thing would disintegrate in seconds. 

I couldn't believe I was thinking such things, she didn't deserve that. I'm sure that Peter was just trying to be polite and couldn't find the words to excuse himself. Right? Before anything could happen or the issue was pushed further, I decided that another short break from the party would be beneficial. I told Killian I needed some air and despite his protests to escort me outside, I refused. Making my way towards the door alone. Occasionally nodding with a smile to partygoers, I dropped the charade once I was completely alone. With my mind racing, I thought a walk would help to calm my nerves. 

Pushing through a large set of doors as silently as I could, I found myself in a cool, moonlit breezeway. As soon as I heard the door click shut, I let out a sigh and slumped against the smooth wood. What in the world was happening? Everything seemed to be going so well but it was destroyed in seconds. I brought my hands to my temples, covering my eyes and willing the confusion, jealousy, anger and disappoint away. When that did nothing, I looked up to examine my surroundings as a distraction. Through the low light, I could see that on my left was a towering wall adorned with all sorts of golden wall art, paintings and empty candle stands. Looking down, there were small tables evenly spaced from one end to the other. All with identical porcelain vases holding bountiful peony blossoms. The pink flowers released a soft, elegant scent into the cool night air. Giving the hall a fairytale feel as various crystals caught the moonlight and sparkled like stars.

On my right, the hall overlooked a gorgeous garden with a sitting area down below. There were no windows. Instead, it was an open space with majestic pillars mounted on a waist high wall and going on all the way to the ceiling. Various vines crawled up the aged marble and some crept over to brush the cool tile floor with their lush leaves. The openness of the hall brought about a feeling of serenity. Although the murmur of the crowd and muffled music escaped under the thick set of doors behind me, if was calming to get a break from the night's events. 

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