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My late night ball planning with Susan was a nice distraction from my new entanglement with Peter. Now, the day of the festivities had finally arrived. Sunlight crept through the windows and decorated my satin sheets with small circles of golden light. I sat up in bed, feeling a slight chill from the cool morning air slipping under my balcony door. My shoulders were bare. I was wearing nothing but a small nightdress with lace adorning the front. Pulling my blanket to my chest, I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to banish the sleep from them. Looking around the room I saw a porcelain bowl on my dresser. Semestra probably dropped it off in preparations for getting me dressed for tonight. Something I had learned during my time in Narnia is that when there was a ball, getting ready started practically at the break of dawn. 

As if on cue, my two maids entered the room with bright smiles. "Good morning my lady!" They chimed in unison. I hummed in response. Still not fully awake. Semestra threw open the curtains excitedly and I winced at the sudden brightness. "It's a lovely day for a ball, isn't it my lady?" She asked, bubbly and happy. I nodded, turning away from the window to climb out of bed. Oriphone was ready with a lilac robe, helping me slip it over my shoulders as I reluctantly let go of the blanket. Approaching the balcony with adjusted eyes, I tied my robe before pushing open the doors to let the cool, clean air inside. The land before my eyes was bathed in the morning sun. The glisten of morning dew still present, making the glass glitter like sacred treasure. Birds sang in the distance, their song carrying over the wide expanse of forest and sea bringing joy to the ears of all creatures.

After I had washed my hands and face in the white, floral bowl brought by Semestra, I was given a tray with a small breakfast complete with a tea set. Oriphone poured me a cup before bowing and excusing herself. I was left alone for a while as my maids went to fetch hot water for a bath. I still wasn't completely used to having personal servants. So against Semestra and Oriphone's wishes, I did all I could to prepare. I folded and put away my night clothes, made my bed, and tided my room overall before sitting down to eat. 

In front of me lay a colorful spread of fruit along with a few small pieces of cheese and bread. Nerves had gotten the best of me as I realized my lack of hunger. Instead of eating, I sat cradling my small cup of tea in my hands. Grateful for the warmth it supplied for my chilled hands. I sipped it gently, the warm liquid trickling down my throat in a sweet, herbal waterfall. I was glad to be alone. Even if it was just for a fleeting moment. I rarely found myself without company these days. There was simply no time to stop and think, always something to do or somewhere to be. It was on mornings like these I could actually be left with my thoughts. 

Just as I finished the tea, Semestra reentered the room with a large pitcher of warm water. "Ready, my lady?" I nodded and reluctantly stood from my seat in front of the window. Oriphone had come in with a second pitcher, filling the tub in my room to the brim with steaming water. I got out the gold and white screen used to shield me while bathing and dressing. Setting it up in front of the tub while Semestra placed flowers and assorted bath salts into the water. When both nymphs had finished their small tasks, they bowed and left. "We will be right outside my lady, call when you are finished."

The day was extremely busy after my quiet, peaceful morning. The second I was done cleaning, Semestra and Oriphone began working on my appearance. There was an entire routine to guarantee that I looked my absolute best for meeting suitors. All day was spent on the intricate details of preparation. I watched as the sun peaked in the sky and began a slow descent towards the welcoming horizon. I could hear servants rushing up and down the halls as they helped the other kings and queens. The familiar sound of horse hooves echoed faintly in the distance as our carriages were prepared. Susan had most likely requested two, simply for some privacy from the ears of her siblings. 

She was surprisingly intrigued about the ball despite her objection to meeting suitors. To be fair, neither of us had any interest in introducing ourselves to snobby, spoiled, childish princes who were no doubt only present at the insistence of their parents. "My lady?" A soft voice brought me out of my thoughts. I turned in my chair to see Semestra, beaming and holding up a scarlet ball gown that reached the floor even through she held the hanger high above her head. My mouth nearly dropped open as I approached her, taking the smooth fabric in my hands and running it over my fingers. It was absolutely beautiful. Shining in the golden light of the sun, it gleamed like fresh blood dripping off of a sword. The simplicity of the dress made it unquestionably divine. There were no ruffles or layers, just a tight, low cut bodice with thin straps rising over the shoulders and a large, light weight skirt that was perfect for dancing. Oriphone and Semestra helped me get into the gown, making sure everything was perfectly placed for my comfort. The two nymphs were so excited about my appearance that they wouldn't let me look in the mirror until everything was finished.

After I had the dress on, I began to feel butterflies in my stomach as my jewelry was fastened. The metal pieces felt cool against my skin, giving me something else to focus on instead of the ball. I admired the rings I had chosen once more, the gold complimenting the color of my dress better than I ever could've imagined. I was fiddling with one of them when Oriphone caught my attention. "Something on your mind, my queen?" "It's nothing," I assured her, "Just nerves." She smiled softly, quickly finishing the fastening on my shoes before getting to her feet. "There's no need to be worried your majesty, Aldonia will be honored to have the privilege of your presence." I smiled and nodded a silently thank you before there was a knock at the door. Semestra answered it and turned around with an excited expression, "They're ready for you!" 

I smoothed out my skirt and took a deep breath before standing. Getting used to the feeling of heels again before moving to the mirror. Even my own reflection took my breath away. The gown perfectly accented my figure and the color was simply flawless. The jewelry glittered like the surface of the ocean during sunset. My hair fell delicately down my back in loose curls. Semestra and Oriphone had decided that wearing it down would be an elegant choice for the ball despite the tradition of women wearing their hair up in complicated twists or braids. "Your majesty, you forgot this." Semestra said just as I turned to leave. In her hands, cradled gently, was a simple golden tiara. Adorned with crystals, it looked delicate yet powerful at the same time. "Oh, how silly of me." I tried to laugh it off as Semestra stood on her tiptoes to place the metal firmly in my hair. I bent my knees slightly to make up for the height difference. "There. Perfect." She smiled like a proud mother as I looked in the mirror again, giving my maids a twirl as the applauded with shining faces. "Go on your majesty, your carriage awaits." Oriphone said, gesturing to the door. I thanked them again before venturing off to find the other kings and queens. 

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