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Peter's P.O.V

I sat down on the grass as Edmund tried to push Lucy away after she tackled him with a hug for what had to be the third time. I was relieved that he had survived but his stupid decision still frustrated me. I was his brother after all. If it hadn't been for Y/n with that magic, he probably would've died before...oh my god. Y/n, I can't believe I got so wrapped up in Edmund that I wasn't by her side. I leapt to my feet and ran to her, still in the place she fell after striking the Witch. Her sword planted deeply in the ground like the marking of a grave. I collapsed to my knees, another wave of sorrow drowning me. She would have looked as if she was peacefully sleeping, but her beautiful blue eyes were wide open, reflecting the clouds above. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I heard Susan slap a hand over her mouth to stifle a heartbreaking scream of horror. 

The rest of my siblings joined me by her side and I pushed Edmund away as he placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. Poor Lucy was a mess as she tried to open her cordial but her hands were shaking so badly the task seemed impossible. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. All I managed was staring at y/n's body, which only made the feeling worse. Susan was muring no under her breath as she stroked y/n's now pale face and tangled hair. She looked to have taken the worst of the battle, her arms were scratched in multiple places, there was a swipe mark across her cheek, two bad stab wounds in her torso, and her hands were bloodied and cut. Even Edmund was crying, although he had pretended to not like her the whole time we were here.

Y/n had caught all of our hearts and I watched desperately as Lucy scrambled to drop some her healing potion into her slightly agape mouth. We all waited for her to come back to life, just as Edmund had, but she didn't move. Susan's cry got caught in her throat as we waited. Lucy was burying her face into Susan's side as a river flowed out of her eyes. Edmund was kneeling next to me, his hand resting on y/n's knee as he cried silently. I clutched her hand in mine, holding it to my lips, rocking back and forth on my knees. 

This couldn't be happening, that cordial was supposed to heal every wound. Susan and Lucy had turned away, to overcome with grief to look at her anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed the back of Y/n's hand to my forehead, completely sobbing at this point. I was about to move away when a small voice made me freeze. "I thought I told you, getting rid of me is going to take a lot more than that."

Back to your P.O.V

Immediately, the four Pevensie siblings whipped around and simultaneously rushed to get as close as possible. Peter was the closest and hauled me upward with a strength I had never seen. Both of his arms wrapped around my waist, causing me to wince slightly. "Careful darling, it's not everyday you come back to life." I smiled as he buried his head into my neck. His tears wetting my skin. Once he released me, I stared into his bright blue eyes, watery but happy. He rested on hand on the small of my back, holding me to him, and the other on my shoulder. Once again, he moved forward until our noses were practically touching, his eyes flicking towards my lips, when a pair of small arms wrapped around my neck. Pulling me backwards, Lucy was giggling, crying and smiling all at the same time. "Luce, I can't breathe." I managed through laughter. She was pried off by Susan, who then had her go at me. Pulling me into the tightest hug I had ever received, "Don't you dare scare me like that." She said, obviously still crying. All I could do was smile as I stroked her hair and ran my fingers over her back. She helped me to my feet and Edmund surprisingly rushed to hug me. 

Taken aback by his sudden show of affection, I gasped slightly as he lifted me off my feet and spun me around, his arms firmly around my waist. Once he brought me back down, I realized I had never seen him smile like this before. His dark brown hair was tousled, his romantic brown eyes sparkling, and his smile, no words could describe how he looked. A slight blush blossomed across his cheeks as we stepped out of each other's arms. I turned back to Peter, who was hiding a flash of jealousy under his smile. I slapped his shoulder playfully and he snapped out of his trance immediately, we smiled at one another but I could still see Edmund out of the corner of my eye.

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