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Sun poured into the room from the open windows. The remnants of raindrops causing fractions of light to glint like diamonds. My eyelids fluttered open gently as a streak of golden sunlight danced across my face. Momentarily blinded, the events of the night before fell back into place. I was still nuzzled into Peter's side. Now much closer than last night, although I'm not sure how that was possible. He now lay on his back, my leg draped over his torso. My head rested comfortably in the crook of his neck, my hand was still laying on his chest just below the collar bone. Peter's left arm was wrapped tightly around my waist while his right was laying gently on my thigh. 

I didn't move, not wanting to wake the sleeping king. I bit my lip to keep from grinning widely as he stirred. He looked so unbelievably peaceful as he slept. The weight of being a king seemed to have been lifted from his shoulders. His golden hair shone in the morning sun as it always did and I lifted my hand to gently sweep a few strands out of his face. His lips lazily curled into a soft smile as I did so. Now beaming myself I said, "Good morning Peter." He hummed lightly and responded sleepily, "Morning." Good lord his morning voice was enough to knock a girl out. I moved my hand back to his chest and Peter rested his own on top, stroking my skin lightly with his thumb.

We lay in each other's arms for a while. Talking about nothing in particular as the sun rose in the sky. Eventually, I had to break the bad news, "Peter, we have to get up." I used my elbows to push myself off of the mattress but Peter groaned and pulled me back into his chest. I was now laying completely on top of him with both of his hands pressed to my lower back. Blushing furiously, I couldn't meet his eyes as he grinned like an idiot. "Peter, seriously." I struggled against him but he just laughed and flipped us over. His cheery face made me break out into a smile as he hovered above me. My fingers clutched at his shirt just like they had the night before. This time however, Peter began to inch forward every so slowly. His eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips every once in a while. Just as I felt the warm tingle of his breath on my skin, the door to his room swung open followed by a loud gasp.

Lucy stood in the doorway, completely frozen with shock. I saw her first and quickly pushed Peter off. Grabbing at his blanket in an attempt to cover myself. "Lucy! What are you doing?!" I gasped, running a hand quickly through my hair. All she did was grin until Peter rushed over, swore her to secrecy and then quickly escorted her out. Once the door was closed, he leaned against it with a sigh. To our dismay, we heard her footsteps rush across the hall. Followed by furious knocking and then a door slamming shut. I looked to Peter, "She's gone to tell Susan." He winced at the thought. Everything was going to be extremely awkward this morning. 

With a groan, Peter flopped back onto the bed. I giggled as he buried his face in the deep red blankets, tracing his back lightly with my fingertips. "We really should get dressed." I hummed lightly. Pulling off the red blanket and reluctantly pushing myself off of Peter's bed. "Why?" He complained, trying to use puppy eyes in order to convince me we shouldn't get dressed. "Because, we have work to do. You said it yourself." I laughed, bunching up my nightdress in my hands as I looked for a covering that could help me on my escape to my room. Just as I eyed the jacket Peter gave me the night before, he grabbed it. Facing me at the door with it dangled above my head. "Let's go riding today." He proposed, a childish grin decorating his handsome features. "Peter, you know we have the advisor's meeting today." I smiled, attempting to grab the jacket out of his hands. "Afterwards then?" I sighed, my arms crossing in front of my chest. "Fine, afterwards we can go riding and maybe I could teach you a thing or two." I replied, snatching the jacket out of his hand and leaving the room in a rush before he could respond.

Semestra and Oriphone were waiting for me in my bedroom. A gorgeous gold, white and sage gown laying delicately on my now made bed. The looked up with bright smiles but burst into giggles when they saw I was wearing nothing but a night gown and high king Peter's jacket. I blushed and quickly discarded the garment, hanging it on my bed post. "Sleep well, your highness?" Semestra grinned. Helping me take off what I was wearing and beginning to secure the underdress. "Yes, thank you." I said, meeting her eye and immediately breaking into a wide smile. Oriphone laughed, a sound equivalent to ringing bells as she tied my hair up and began to lace up the corset. 

The nymphs worked quickly and hummed softly as they got me ready for the advisor's meeting. The gown was beautiful. Just like all of the other garments in my closet. It had a long draping sleeves with golden swirls decorating the seams. The dress itself tied in the front, at my chest, and fit perfectly (of course). Semestra brushed through my hair, perfecting a few curls before deciding it would look best to wear it down. Something I rarely did anymore. Instead of my usual crown, Oriphone placed a golden circlet on my head that pointed downward in the center. At the upside down peak, there were four small, teardrop shaped diamonds that sparkled in the sunlight. Golden leaves decorated the sides and the precious metal glittered brilliantly against my hair. A delicate gold chain was clasped around my neck along with matching bracelets that held smaller gemstones amount their perfectly crafted twists. I smiled at my reflection and did a small twirl for my maids before they curtsied politely and left. I followed them not soon after, closing my door softly behind me. Susan, Lucy and Edmund were waiting for Peter and myself. Making light conversation in the hall. Silence fell as I approached, for different reasons. Edmund looked at his feet, Lucy smiled so wide I thought her face may get stuck like that, Susan raised an eyebrow at me with a playful smirk. 

"Good morning." I said, trying to keep my cool as I nodded at each one in turn. Lucy hugged my knees and yanked on my skirt. I laughed and the girl, looking up at me with sparkling eyes before kneeling down to her. I whispered to her, playing along with her little scheme. "Yes Luce?" "You were in Peter's room!" She hissed excitedly in my ear. I nodded and took her small hands in mine, "It's our little secret, remember? You mustn't tell a soul." I pretended to be serious but Lucy miming zipping and locking her lips made me break character. 

Standing back up still holding her hand Susan ushered us off to the side. "Edmund, excuse us a moment will you? Thanks." She answered her own question before Edmund could even open his mouth. Once a good distance away she pounced. "What on Earth happened last night?!" "I spent the night with Peter!" Susan raised her eyebrows which earned her a slap on the arm from me. "Not like that! I couldn't sleep so I went to his room and just stayed there for the night." Susan nodded slowly, processing what happened. "You girls coming?" Peter called, having excited his room, stood a few feet in front of Edmund. I guess the two were still on bad terms. "Just a second!" Lucy called for us, still grasping my hand. "You and I need to talk after this stupid meeting." Susan once again was trying to scold me but I knew her too well. She was excited. More than excited actually, she was positively bursting at the seams with joy. "I'm going riding with Peter after the meeting." I giggled. The queen's mouth dropped open, "Well then, tonight. My room." She wagged a finger at me. "Don't be late." "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled, taking her arm with my free hand and following the boys down to the throne room.

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