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I knocked on the door and shifted the weight of my suitcase in my hands nervously. The door swung open and a scowling old woman stood rigid next to the door frame. "Yes?" She snapped, looking at me through her eyeglasses that perched on the edge of her pointy nose. "Mrs. Macready I presume?" I asked, trying to get rid of the quiver in my voice. "That is correct." She frowned at me, looking like she wanted this to be over with already. "Your brother sent me, I'm supposed to stay here because of the bombings." I said softly. "Ah yes, you are the one we were missing, well come on then get inside. The other children will show you to your room." Did she say other children? 

My smile dropped as I tried to process what she just said. Mrs. Macready ushered me inside and I heard rushed footsteps on the stairs. I took a deep breath, ready to meet my new roommates when a familiar voice shouted. "y/n!" I snapped my head up to see all four Pevensie siblings on the stairway, staring at me with huge smiles. Well, everyone except for Edmund. Lucy was the one who called my name and I dropped to my knees with my arms open to embrace her. She barreled into me and wrapped me in a tight hug. "Luce, if you hug her any tighter she'll suffocate." Peter laughed, leaning against the hand rail. 

I looked up at him after Lucy had released me and felt the familiar butterflies that I got whenever I saw him. He wore casual tan pants and a white button up shirt, his arms were crossed with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his toned forearms. His blonde hair was tousled as usual and swept across his face just above his bright blue eyes. I must've blushed because Peter smiled sheepishly and looked to the floor. I broke out of my trance as Susan approached. 

"Thank god you're here, I was about to die of boredom." She said into my shoulder as she hugged me tightly. I laughed and said "I know, I know, I'm the best." She smiled brightly and grabbed my hand. "Come on, you're sharing a room with me and Lucy." Lucy, the darling, had tried to lift my suitcase and was stumbling towards the stairs with the case knocking against her knees. Edmund laughed at her, which earned him three very sharp glances. He quieted quickly and stomped up the stairs. I took my suitcase from Lucy, mouthing 'thank you' and giving her a wink. "Here, let me take that." Peter said as I place my foot on the first step. Although I could manage perfectly fine on my own, Peter's eyes hypnotized me again and I said "Oh, um sure. Thank you." While handing him my bag. Susan shoved me slightly and I muttered under my breath "Shut up."

After dinner that night, Peter, Susan, Edmund and I hovered near the window of the girls' room. Lucy was in bed, presumably asleep as we spoke. Moonlight lit the room and everyone's faces glowed in the pale, soft light. 

"This is stupid." Edmund snapped after a while of silence. "What is Ed?" Susan turned from the window pane to her brother, who leaned on the wall with crossed arms. "We have to cower in the country while London is blown to bits." "It's just for our safety, Ed. We'll be home soon." Peter chimed in. Edmund scoffed. "Yeah right. That's what everyone says." He kicked at the carpet and huffed. 

I sat in an armchair, facing the window. Peter leaned on the back of the chair, he was so close I could smell his cologne. Swallowing butterflies I said, "I'm sure we can make this fun, we'll figure something." "Oh yeah, like what?" Edmund snapped back "Reading stories? Playing dress up? Creating your own fantasy world so you can escape your miserable life?!" Edmund's last words stung, I flinched as they left his lips. Peter jumped up "Edmund!" "What?! I'm just calling it as I see it! She doesn't belong here with us and you know it!" Edmund yelled back at his brother. "You have no right to speak to her like that and you know it!" Peter stepped towards his brother, matching his intensity. "Don't tell me what to do! You are not dad so stop trying to be!" Edmund practically screamed as he stomped out of the room and slammed the door. I was still in shock when Susan placed a hand on my shoulder, "y/n, I'm so sorry. I'm sure he didn't mean it." She said softly. "It's alright Sue, I get why he's upset." I looked into her blue eyes, trying to hide the fact that what Edmund said had actually really hurt.

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