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I watched him nervously, afraid he would explode. "How dare they speak to you like that." He fumed. "Treating you as if your only something to marry off! It's ridiculous!" Edmund agreed quietly, deciding to join his brother as an excuse to get out of his seat. "Peter there's no need to get worked up. y/n and I are not getting married." Susan and I stood at the base of our thrones, waving a small goodbye to Lucy as Mrs. Beaver ushered her out of the hall. "Do you really think we could legally bind ourselves to some pompous royal idiot?" I laughed, trying to diffuse the tension. It worked and Peter allowed a small grin to form. 

I lifted my skirt slightly to descend the small steps of the marble plateau on which the thrones were seated, stopping by Peter's side. "I'll be at the stables, if any one wishes to find me." Peter got the message, nodding to me without taking his eyes off of my face. Just as I was leaving, Susan cleared her throat, "Edmund, I'm having some difficulty with a few legal papers, mind meeting me in the library?" Her ploy to prevent Edmund from following us was obvious, but it seemed to work. After a glance at me in the hall, he trudged off after his sister.

I welcomed the warm caress of sunlight as I stepped out onto palace grounds. Breathing in the fresh air, I made my way towards the royal stables. When I got there, Sinbad neighed excitedly in his stall. Rushing to him, I stroked his nose with a smile before leading him out to be saddled. Just as I finished tightening the last straps and adjusting the bridle, a shadow crossed the floor. "I hope you weren't planning to leave without me." Peter grinned. Leaning against the wooden doorway with a smile. He had gotten rid of his crown. Something that I most likely should have done. 

"If you don't hurry up, I might." I joked, moving my dress so I could put my foot in the stirrup. After I mounted, I turned Sinbad to face Peter. Who was now leading out a milk chocolate colored steed with a white strip on his nose. "What about the unicorn?" I asked, remembering that was the horse he rode into battle. "Lucy wanted to trade. Said she was jealous that I got to ride a unicorn and not her." Peter shook his head with a chuckle. That definitely sounded like Lucy. I watched Peter brush, saddle, and bridle his new horse with a soft smile. With each passing day, I seemed to fall harder and harder for the king. He made the simplest of movements look smooth and elegant. Sinbad suddenly whined and shook his head wildly. I laughed, slapping his neck softly, "Oh be quiet you brute." He snorted, content with his perfectly timed interruption. 

"So where do you want to go?" Peter asked, now sitting atop his steed with one hand on the reins and the other on his hip. I grinned, knowing exactly where I wanted to take him. "I know the perfect place. Try to keep up!" I shouted, Sinbad bolted out of the barn at break neck speed. Barreling into the forest and leaving Peter in the dust.

The trees zipped past as Sinbad weaved his way through the dense wood. My hair whipped in the wind wildly along with the fabric of my dress. A smile plastered on my face as I dodged various branches. The sound of hooves apart from Sinbad's thundered behind me. I turned for just a moment to see Peter. Low in the saddle and gripping the reins. Doing everything he could to catch up. His attempt to gain on me was adorable as branches slapped his face and arms, I almost pitied him. 

Up ahead, I spied the opening in the forest that led to the overlook I knew well. "Nearly there Peter!" I called, not caring if he actually heard me or not. I pushed the last branch out of my way as Sinbad broke out into the sunlight. Letting go of the reins, I spread my arms wide and threw my head back. Soaking in the feeling of the sun on my skin, the wind rippling through my clothes and the rhythm of my steed beneath me. Joyous laughter escaped my lips just as Peter emerged from the woods. Pulling on the reins, Sinbad slowed to a walk. Peter trotted up next to us with tousled hair and a wild grin. 

"How did I do?" He gasped, breathing hard from the long commute. "Not too bad. You need to keep your knees in, heels down, and you could loosen up on your reins a bit." I smiled. Peter laughed and shook his head, "Come on, just bit further." I nodded my head towards the edge of the grassy hill. Nudging Sinbad to a walk so Peter and I could actually spend time together whilst we were away from Cair Paravel. 

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