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When I reached the gardens, the area was illuminated with a heavenly golden light from the slowly setting sun. Peter sat patiently on a marble bench in a small clearing, twirling a small flower between his fingers. I stopped for a moment, admiring the king from afar. I felt my heart flutter like a hummingbird at the sight of him. His jaw was clenched, giving away the fact that he was deep in thought. His hair glinted in the sunset, tidier than usual but still just the way I liked it. After settling myself down, I approached him. Walking slowly towards him across the lush grass of the garden. He didn't seem to hear or see me until I sat down, even then it took him a minute to speak up. 

"Hey." He said softly, adjusting his posture so he towered over me. "Hey." I smiled back with a soft laugh. That made him grin and I got lost for what seemed to be the thousandth time in his twinkling blue eyes. He grinned back at me, the remaining light outlining his handsome features. Peter lifted his hands towards my face and ever so gently tucked the blue flower behind my ear. His fingers tracing down my jawline until he held my chin to admire it. "What?" I smiled at his gaze, already feeling blush rise into my cheeks from the attention. "You're beautiful." He chuckled, watching with content as I looked at my lap to hide the red in my face. 

Our conversation flowed easily from that moment on and I couldn't help but notice how happy I felt with him. It seemed like everything we said brought smiles to each others faces. We walked around the garden until nightfall, seeing no one except a few fauns who came out to light the various lanterns that lined our path. Every second I spent with Peter, the more it dawned on me how much I cared for him. Before, I had always brushed off the butterflies I got when he was around as a silly little crush. But now, I realized that my feelings were much deeper. I had memorized the curve of his face, the way his smile reached his eyes and made them glint like gemstones. I knew each detail about him, they way he held his sword, the way he straightened when I entered a room, how he was willing to do anything to protect me and his family.

Walking beside him in the starlight, I had this revelation in silence. Enjoying his presence as we rounded a corner, ending up exactly where we started. Both of our moods changed at the realization that our night together was over. "Well, we'd better get back." I said, staring at the palace which seemed to give off a low, magical light in beneath the dark sky. "I guess so." Peter sighed through his words, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Suppose we have another work day tomorrow?" Peter asked as we stepped through a marble archway, leading us towards a stairway that would take us to our bedrooms. "I hope not, I'm not sure how many more marriage proposals I can handle." I smiled again, giggling when I caught Peter's puzzled look out of the corner of my eye. "You got one too?" He asked, another grin crawling across his lips. "One? Peter, I had at least 20!" I smacked his arm playfully. He was laughing, but a second of disappointment flashed in his eyes. Peter didn't want me to get married either, I could tell. I pondered this thought as we fell into silence, trying to hold back the smile and blush that came with the thought of Peter being protective. 

Our steps echoed in the large hall as we neared our rooms. To my surprise, Peter's hand brushed against mine as we walked. I felt my breath hitch at the contact although it was incredibly simple. Neither of us looked down or moved to create distance. Instead, we slipped our hands into one another. I could feel my cheeks flush, seemingly a common occurrence when I was around him. 

I glanced to the floor again, biting my lip to keep from grinning like an idiot. In the process, I caught Peter smiling, obviously pleased with himself. At that moment, all of the previous days confusion was swept from my mind. No more Edmund, no more self blame for causing the brothers to fight, no more marriage proposals. The only thought that swam through my mind happy as a duckling, was Peter. Everything about him was intoxicating and I cherished every waking moment. Before we knew it, both of us stood hand in hand outside my door. 

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