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(Peter's POV)

Our ice cold swim had saved us from the wolves, but left us shivering as we floated down the river. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver had just swum to shore and were waiting to pull us out. Susan and I scrambled off of the ice chunk and I pulled my sword from it. We took a few deep breaths and were beginning to relax when Susan gaped at me in shock, "What have you done!?" I looked at her confused and followed her gaze to my hand, where I held Lucy's coat. With no Lucy.

I dropped it immediately and everyone began screaming for my little sister. Panic overwhelmed me as I searched the racing river waters. A shivering voice rang out to my right, "Has anyone seen my coat?" I snapped my head towards the sound and saw Lucy, clutching her shoulders and grinning. I let out a sigh of relief and helped her up. Susan hugged her tightly and I smiled. Turning to say something to y/n, I realized I couldn't see her. 

"Wait, where's y/n?" I said, trying to hide the panic in my voice. Susan looked up and her smile immediately disappeared. The beavers scurried around as we looked for our lost friend. Lucy looked terrified when we couldn't find y/n anywhere. Everyone froze for a moment, breathing hard and looking to me for answers. I opened my mouth to say something when a shrill, pained scream echoed across the sky. I felt my face pale and I lunged in the direction of the sound, knowing exactly who it was. 

"Peter no!" Mr. Beaver said grabbing my coat. "There is nothing we can do, Aslan's camp isn't far and we'll figure it out once we have the strength." "We can't just leave her!" I cried, my voice shaking. "Peter, listen to him. I'm just as scared as you but we can't face an army just yet." Susan placed a hand on my arm and I calmed slightly. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go." I said shedding my fur coat and marching away. The others did the same as Mr. Beaver hurried to take the lead. I walked confidently, though I silently prayed for the safety of y/n. I couldn't loose her, not now, not ever.

(Back to y/n's POV) (**Torture warning** if it makes you uncomfortable please skip)  

The Witch's camp was worse than I could've ever imagined. It reeked of despair and death, the tents were small and unwelcoming. Fires burned everywhere, puking black smoke into the air. I clutched my arm and limped along with the wolves until a group of nasty looking dwarves grabbed me. I gasped and tried to pull away, forgetting about the deep scratch in my arm and screaming again as grubby hands grabbed it. They pulled me down to my knees and roughly tied my hands with rope. 

Maugrim stalked over with a smug grin and spoke to one of the dwarves, "You know what to do." The dwarf smiled and unsheathed a small dagger, my eyes widened as the others followed suit. One of them grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, I winced at the pain and tried to stop the tears as I was gagged with a disgusting piece of cloth. Devilish chuckles fill my ears as the little men draw closer with their knives. Completely panicking now, I screamed into my gag and squirm in an attempt to get away from them. This only humored them more and against my will, I began to cry. What seemed to be the leader of their little group spoke up, "Aww is the little human gonna cry? Does the little brat need Aslan to save her?" He mocked my pain and delivered a swift kick to my side. I winced and tried to stay strong. Another dwarf shoved me onto my stomach and I lay there helpless as the evil munchkins laughed their heads off. 

A moment passed and they grabbed my arms, causing me to yelp in pain again as my cut from Maugrim was still bleeding, and dragged me towards a small tree. Through my blurred vision I could make out another bound figure with dark hair. My eyes widened as they placed me down roughly next to Edmund, who, compared to me, was in a lot better shape. Just before the dwarves left, one of them punched me across the face with impressive strength. I bit the gag as a sharp sting erupted on my cheek bone and a small trickle of warm blood raced down my face. My head fell forward as the activities of my day finally caught up to me.

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