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That night, I tossed and turned endlessly in bed. Every time I closed my eyes I could see Edmund's heartbroken face. If I managed to fall asleep, I woke up minutes later feeling a hand around my throat that wasn't there. The sheets on my bed were twisted like an angry vine, no doubt caused by my restlessness. I tried multiple things to relax myself but nothing worked. My balcony was not an option for a storm had blown in and now rain pelted the window. 

I watched the droplets streak down the window for a long while. Back at home, storms had been one of my favorite occurrences. I loved the way thunder rippled through the sky like a beastly growl. The clouds that covered that stars in every shade of grey imaginable, and the way raindrops peppered my skin with small, cold kisses as they plummeted downward. The storm comforted me, but outside my door I heard the soft thump of footsteps. Getting untangled from my blankets, I walked to the door and cracked it open just in time to see Lucy slip into Susan's darkened room. 

Poor thing, I forgot she was scared of thunder. No matter how many stories I made up to ease her mind, the fear caused by the threatening rumble in the sky was almost impossible to get rid of. I smiled softly at light that could be seen coming from under the door before gently retreating back into the darkness of my room. I walked slowly back to my bed, my eyes having fully adjusted to the blackness. Attempting to smooth the twists in the silky coverings, I tried to distract myself by fixing up the mess before me. Unfortunately, the task took no time at all and once again I was staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep that would not come.

After another hour of laying wide awake in my room, I sat up in frustration. The rain had softened and the thunder was gone but a chill ran through my room. I clutched my shoulders, rubbing them furiously to get warm. Giving up on sleep, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Shivering as my bare feet met the cool fabric of the carpet below me. Making my way over to the door for the second time that night, I found myself in the hall before I really thought about what I was doing. 

My feet padded across the marble floor towards Peter's room but I paused just in front of the door. Hesitant to wake the king if he was sleeping peacefully. My brain told me to turn around and just suffer through the night on my own but my heart told me to knock on his door. My heart must've been in control at this point because after a few minutes of debate, I found myself knocking softly three times on Peter's door. Immediately, regretting it when no answer came.

Just as I turned around, the door slid open. "y/n? What are you doing up?" I whirled around to see Peter, sleep in his eyes but is was painfully obvious that I was not the only one who spent the night awake. "Sorry, it's just- um, I couldn't sleep." I started to back away from him but he reached out for my hand. I looked at his outstretched arm in confusion. "Well it's no use if neither of us sleep tonight. We have a kingdom to run. Remember?" He smirked as he stepped forward to pull me into his room.

To my surprise, his curtains weren't drawn like the last time I was here. He had pulled them apart and lazily clipped them to the sides of the windows. A book was open on his desk with a recently blown out candle emitting a small stream of grey smoke into the air. I fingered through a few pages of the novel he had open, "Seriously?" I giggled, scanning the pages. "What?" Peter said defensively as he sat on his bed. "A book on horseback riding?" I turned to him with a silly grin on my face. "Nothing wrong with trying to get better." He mumbled. 

"I could teach you of you want." I added softly, moving towards the window on the side of the bed that Peter sat, leaning against the headboard. He smiled, "I'd like that." "Besides, you could really use some instruction." I smirked, glancing to Peter in the darkness slightly illuminated as the moon peeked out from behind the dark blanket of clouds. "Oh, really?" He scoffed, I crossed the room and sat comfortably on the other side of him. Almost shoulder to shoulder, "It's a shame the High king of Narnia needs riding lessons." I smiled. Peter grinned mischievously and lunged towards me, attacking my sides with his hands. 

I giggled whilst trying to push him off but to no avail. Eventually, he stopped his tickling and now leaned on his hand. His face not too far above my own. "What happened to 'it's useless if we don't sleep, we have a kingdom to rule'" I tried to mock his voice but my impression failed miserably. Peter snickered, "Wise words, from a wise man." I rolled my eyes, pushing him to the side as I got up to leave. 

"Where are you going?" He sounded hurt, much different from his sarcasm just a few seconds ago. "I should go back to my room. Don't want to keep you awake." I said, hesitating to leave the comfort of the king's room. I turned towards the door but just as my hand brushed the cool doorknob, Peter's voice halted my retreat. 


The word hit me like minotaur running at full speed. "Please." Peter added softly. I was grateful for the darkness as I felt my face heat up. It didn't take much convincing for me to stay here with Peter rather than return to my cold and empty bedroom.

Peter threw back the sheets and I climbed in reluctantly at first but Peter wrapped an arm around me. Using the other to pull up the blankets before resting it lightly on my waist. My head was nested comfortably in the crook of his neck. My fingers fiddling mindlessly with the strings on his night shirt. He laughed in his throat, the sound reverberating through his chest. 

Butterflies exploded in my stomach as a soft gasp escaped my lips. I could tell Peter was smiling but instead of teasing me, he gently kissed top of my head and finally welcomed the comfort of sleep. 

The rise and fall of his chest slowed, my cool fingers resting delicately above his heart. My mind wandered as the muscles beneath his night shirt strained ever so slightly against the lightweight fabric. I tried to relax but the racing pounding of my heart in my ears made it nearly impossible. Instead, I lay there, curled into Peter's side, synching my breathing with his as I waited for the sweet release of slumber. With my eyes closed, I mentally noted every detail about him and me. The sound of his breathing, the feeling of his arms around me, the scent of his skin. In a matter of seconds, I was completely relaxed because of his presence. I finally fell asleep with memories of our time together swimming through my head. 

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