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The next morning, I awoke hours before the others. I was even up before Lucy which was shocking. Walking to my wardrobe, I dressed in a pair of light brown pants, good for riding and combat training, a loose, white linen shirt that was breathable and allowed for a wide range of movements, a brown corset on top because apparently that was necessary, a belt to hold my sword, and my leather boots that had become worn down from use. Tying my hair up into a high ponytail, I grabbed a deep green cloak from the wardrobe and threw it on. Pulling up the hood as if by habit. Just before I left the room, I strapped a smaller dagger to my thigh, as a precaution. You never know what could happen out in the woods in the middle of the morning. 

Finally ready, I left my room. Speeding silently down the hall, out the doors, and into the stables where Sinbad was waiting for me. The huge animal began to paw at the ground once he saw me, whining excitedly. "Hello my darling! It's been far too long hasn't it." I cooed, stroking his nose a few times before tying on a rope bridle and leading him out of his stall to be saddled. Although it had only been a few days since I had last ridden him, it felt like a lifetime. Sinbad's saddle and bridle were just as breathtaking as the first time I saw them. They complimented his shining black coat perfectly as he flexed his muscles in anticipation. Once everything was in place I mounted him quickly. Elated to be back in the saddle again. As if Sinbad could sense my happiness, he took off without any indication from me. I couldn't help but smile as we left the grounds of Cair Paravel and began to streak through the forest. His speed making my cloak fan out behind me as I glanced over my shoulder at the shrinking castle. 

Sinbad dove deeper into the forest, following a worn out trail that I hadn't noticed. Hell, I could barely see it but I trusted that the stallion knew where he was going. The rhythm of Sinbad's smooth gallop relaxed me as I gripped the reins, allowing me to reflect on the previous night's events. I admit, I was taken aback by Edmund's boldness but part of me liked it. His sudden aggressive yet passionate movements were unexpected and unusual seeing as he tended to keep to himself. Although I had been trying to convince myself that Peter was the one I had feelings for, my kiss with Edmund had turned the tides in his favor. It excited me that something so fiery was hidden underneath his moody, introverted exterior. 

As Sinbad slowed, I realized that I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't been paying attention to where I was. Coaxing my steed to a stop, I slid off his back. My feet landed on lush grass that swayed gently in the wind. Sinbad had brought me to a grassy cliff that possessed an outstanding view of Cair Paravel and the ocean beyond. My mouth practically dropped open as the rising sun made the castle sparkle like it had come straight from heaven. A chill ran down my spine and I couldn't tell if it was from the view or the breeze that rippled through my clothing. Sinbad nudged my back with his nose and I giggled, "It's lovely. Was this one of my mother's favorite spots?" I asked, quickly realizing that I was talking to a horse but, I could've sworn I saw him nod. Smiling again, I plopped down into the grass, breathing in the fresh Narnia air. Trying to block out the Peter/Edmund confusion that ripped through my thoughts like a ferocious tornado. Eventually, my eyes shot open, frustrated that I couldn't seem to think of anything else. I pushed myself up to my elbows, taking a long look at my new home before whistling to Sinbad and racing through the forest again.

I arrived back at Cair Paravel around noon. I fully intended to return much earlier but I lost track of time exploring. A few fauns unsaddled Sinbad and got him back into his stall with some food and water before I left. Although they were scared of his size, they insisted despite me offering to take care of it. I tried to tame my wind swept hair as I entered the palace through a back door. The heels of my boots echoing in the hall as I approached the the throne room. Voices could be heard inside, they sounded urgent. 

I pushed open the door and to my surprise, Peter, Edmund, and Susan stood together talking frantically with Oreius. Their heads snapped up in unison at the sound of my entrance and I froze in my tracks. "What's going on?" I said, confused as Susan rushed up to me. "Where on earth have you been?! First day of ruling a kingdom and you disappear!" She sounded upset yet relived. "I was riding?" I said, still very lost on their concern. "You have been gone all day! Didn't you tell someone, anyone, to let us know where you were?" She continued, punching my arm. "Ow Sue! I'm sorry I just needed to..." at that moment I caught Edmund's eyes and my breath caught in my throat. "Think." I finished. "I needed time to think." I raised my eyebrows at my friend and the realization clicked. "Don't scare me like that ok?" Susan softened as Oreius bowed and excused himself. Seeing as the 'crisis' had been averted. 

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