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Once inside, I sighed deeply. "I'm assuming it went well." Startled, I looked to see Susan and Lucy still awake, both of them waiting for me. "What are you still doing up? We have a huge day tomorrow!" I attempted to scold them but Lucy's lovesick expression made me laugh halfway through. I walked over to my bed and plopped down, relieved to see that one of the nymphs from earlier had dropped off my shoes. 

"Did you kiss?" Lucy squealed with excitement. "Lucy!" I said quickly. "What? I'm just asking!" "No, we didn't." I said matter of factly but with a smile. Her smile dropped and she looked extremely disappointed. "I don't even know if he likes me back." I said, trying to get off the subject. "If he likes you!?" Susan chimed in. "y/n you've got to be joking!" "We're just friends!" I protested as I motioned to my corset and Susan walked dover to help. 

"Friends don't look at friends like that and you know it." Susan practically scoffed as she tugged at the laces. I simply shook my head and looked at the ground as Lucy tried to pry more information out of me. "Did he say he liked you?" "No." "Did you say you liked him?" "Absolutely not." "Ugh." Lucy flopped dramatically on her bed after I answered negatively to all her questions. Once my corset was finally off, I took a deep breath. Glad to be able to breath again and slipped out of my dance attire. Folding It neatly after I put on my casual dress from earlier (seeing as no nightclothes had been packed), I snuggled under my thick covers as Susan blew out the last flickering candle. 

Even after dancing the night away, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I tossed and turned as seconds ticked by slowly in the darkness. Attempting to drift off into sleep one more time, I let my eyelids fall and tried to clear my mind. Listening to the crickets outside, I slowed my breathing trying to beckon sleep to come to me. My calls were unanswered and I eventually gave up. 

Swinging my feet over the side of my bed, I crept out of the tent as silent as possible. Glancing a few times at Susan and Lucy, who shifted a few times but didn't get up. Once outside, I breathed in the fresh cool air as I walked with no specific direction in mind. I felt as if I knew this place like the back of my hand, an old secret tucked away now resurfacing. I walked through the grass with ease as a few fireflies buzzed drowsily around my legs. Stars twinkled in the sky and Narnia's lush green trees swayed proudly in the wind, thankful to be free of the everlasting winter. I turned to the forest, smiling as if I was greeting an old friend.

Now, I wandered through the forest alone. Deep in though about the fight tomorrow, I hadn't noticed Aslan, who walked somberly not far from me. "Out for a midnight stroll are we?" His deep voiced boomed in the silence but managed to be calming. "Aslan! You startled me." I said, climbing over to him. "What are you doing out?" "I could ask you the same question dear one." He chuckled as we walked together. I was about to ask him another question when he abruptly stopped. My heart skipped a beat, fearful about what he sensed. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" 

"We couldn't sleep." Lucy and Susan emerged from the bushes and I let out a sigh of relief. "y/n?" Lucy and Susan said in unison. "It looks like a rather sleepless night for us." Aslan said as Lucy pleaded to stay with the great lion. He agreed saying he would enjoy our company and we continued on the path in silence. 

I rested my hand on his back, feeling his muscles move with every step. Stroking his fur, I realized that I felt a connection to him, although I barely knew him. Aslan was close with my mother, a part of her was embedded in Narnia's history. Maybe that was why I felt like a part of this world, comfortable with surroundings that I had never seen before. 

Visibility was becoming a problem in the dense trees, without thinking I held my arm out and hundreds of small, glowing lights floated delicately into the air. Lighting our way like personal fireflies. "It seems you have gotten a hold on your abilities." Aslan said, trying to sound cheerful but sadness leaked through. I smiled and couldn't bring myself to say anything, unsure of what could make him feel better. After a while, Aslan stopped and spoke to us in a low voice, "It is time. From now on, I must go on alone. Thank you y/n. Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy. And farewell." All of us watched tearfully as he walked slowly out of sight, the light that I had supplied suddenly dropped to the ground, extinguished by the emotional weight of his exit.

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