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I heard them before I could see them, making conversation as the waited for me. Why was it that I always seemed to be the last person ready? I had a sneaking suspicion Susan had something to do with it. She always stressed the importance of a grand entrance. Their voices were floating up from the bottom of the grand staircase, just inside Cair Paravel's main entrance. There were two centaurs waiting at the top as I rounded the corner. Ready to announce my entrance the rest of the group. Both smiled and bowed to me before making their exit. Their hooves catching the attention of Narnia's royal family. Still just out of view of the Pevensie siblings, I tried to calm my nerves before stepping out into the bright light of the crystal chandeliers above. All of the soft chatter immediately ceased as I descended the smooth, marble stairs. 

The click of my heels on the stone echoed slightly as I focused on not tripping over my gown. Lucy broke out into a wide smile, gripping Susan's skirt with excitement. The older queen was looking at me with an expression of pride. Apparently, this had been her plan all along. Edmund and Peter were two entirely different stories. Edmund stood with his mouth slightly agape, eyes wide and unblinking as he watched me. His pale cheeks slightly flushed when I got closer but, unlike usual, he didn't look away. His deep brown eyes holding the reflection of the sparking crystals above. 

Peter watched me with a pleased smile. Walking to the bottom of the staircase and holding out his arm for me. The king seemed to stand taller whenever I was around, not in an egotistical way, just a matter of joy at my presence. He looked striking in his formal attire. His tunic was white with golden buttons and designs on the shoulders as well as the hem. A flash of red fabric was tied across his torso. Taught against his muscular frame, it was no surprise to me at this point to see that the sash was made of the same fabric as my gown. The second my realization settled in, I glanced to Susan, who winked playfully. 

"You look fantastic." Peter said as I took his arm. I smiled at the compliment, taking in his handsome features for a second before Lucy interrupted. "Come on! Were going to be late!" The little one squealed, her daffodil dress flouncing about as she struggled to stay still. Seeing as she was too young for a floor length gown and heels, her skirt went to her ankles. Showing off the cute white flats she wore that had small white flowers on the straps. 

Our carriages were waiting for us outside. The horses pawed the ground in anticipation for the journey ahead. Lucy quickly scrambled into one of them, ignoring the footmen and not so gracefully forcing herself inside. Susan and I laughed at the little girl's antics. Slightly jealous that we couldn't do silly things like that anymore considering our age. Edmund climbed in after her, stealing one last look at me before ducking into the intricate car. "I don't know about you but, I think this gown was definitely the right choice. They boys simply can't keep their eyes off you." Susan said, taking Peter's place and linking my arm with hers delicately. She wore a midnight blue gown that was adorned with sparkling white crystals. Mimicking the beauty of the sky above our heads that was still hanging on to the last bits of light. She wore a blinding white tiara that protruded from her dark hair like the crest of a great wave. She climbed into the second carriage first, using the help of the two centaur footmen that flanked the sides. Susan made it look easy as she disappeared inside with her large skirt. 

I was next, gratefully grabbing the first hand that was extended to me. After getting inside and making sure my skirt would not get caught in the door, I realized who had helped me inside. Peter was still holding my hand as I situated myself. His eyes staring into mine with a fierce determination. My lips curled into a small smile as he kissed my hand, nodded to his sister and left for his own carriage. The door to our royal car clicked shut as I ran over the skin of my hand that Peter's lips had touched gently with my thumb. Susan cleared her throat, "What was that?" "What was what?" She rolled her eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Peter just kissed your hand!" "So?" I replied with a giddy grin. "He's never done that before, I'm sure of it." Susan said, crossing her arms. I shrugged, "Maybe he felt inspired by the special occasion." "I think he's inspired by more than that." Susan's remark caught me off guard and my cheeks suddenly felt hot. "You two are simply adorable." She laughed. "Oh, be quiet Sue." "You wish."

The ride to the ball wasn't nearly as long as I had thought. The road was smooth, rarely any bumps or jolts shook the carriage. Susan was talking the entire time, going on about nothing of major importance while we rolled closer to the Aldonian palace. That was the funny thing about nerves, they made Susan more talkative while they made me silent. I stared out the window nervously as I spun one of my rings over and over again. Susan reached out and took my hands in hers, "Hey, it'll be fun!" She smiled, her jewelry glinting in the passing torchlight of the bridge. 

We were in the courtyard now, the sound of horses, carriages and party chatter filling our ears as guests walked through the grand entrance. "Here we go." I said under my breath as the two Narnian carriages pulled up to the palace door. Out of the window, I could see other guests beginning to whisper to one another and look over their shoulders. Great, that's exactly what I needed to see right now. Susan noticed to but tried to make it look like it didn't bother her, "Don't pay any attention to them y/n, they're just curious." She was probably right, it wasn't an everyday occurrence that two royal carriages flanked by centaurs showed up to a ball. 

The sound of trumpets silenced all bustling and chatter as the other guests rushed to the sides of the staircase, clearing a path down the middle. They pushed and prodded each other, trying to get a glimpse of Narnia's royal family. "Looks like Peter, Edmund and Lucy are getting out first." Susan said, straining her neck to look out the small window without revealing her face to the public just yet. As suspected, a round of applause exploded from the party guests. I could already tell Lucy would be twirling and waving excitedly to the people on the stairs, Narnia's sweetheart I believe they called her. "Ready?" Susan said, eyeing the centaur who approached to open the carriage door. "Ready as I'll ever be." I responded, taking a deep breath. "That's my girl." Susan smiled, taking my hand in her own and giving it a friendly squeeze.

The door opened and immediately, the small space was flooded with golden light. The centaur stood off to the side as Peter approached. His hand extended to help me down from the carriage. I took it gratefully, my cool skin welcoming the smooth warmth of his. I stepped down from the car as gracefully as I could. Holding my skirt out of the way with one hand to reveal the golden shoes I wore beneath. As soon as I stepped to the ground and looked up at my eager audience. I was met with the loudest applause yet. I heard murmurs of admiration as women and men alike commented on my beauty. I waved to them lightly with a bright smile, making sure I stayed as humble as I could underneath the heat of the spotlight. 

We stepped off to the side slightly as Edmund helped his sister down from the car. Although he was smiling for the crowd, I caught him glancing over to me and Peter. A small flash of jealousy hidden beneath the joy on his face. The people parted for us to enter the palace, Lucy excitedly leading the way for us. Women clasped their hands together over their chest as she passed, their eyes full of affection for the young queen. Peter and I ascended the steps next, trying not to notice that everyone present was staring at us. The men with admiration for myself, along with a jealousy for Peter and the women with love for the young king mixed with envy for me. Peter didn't seem to notice the hungry eyes of the ladies around him, that or he simply ignored them. His only focus was me as we entered the grand ballroom of our host. The usual joyous smile decorating his handsome face.

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