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Dinner went relatively smoothly. Peter kept sneaking glances at me from his seat at the end of the table but, I did my best to ignore him and focus on Lucy's latest adventure. She was saying something about her lessons with Mr. Tumnus. To be honest, I wasn't really listening. My mind was only interested on the fact that a certain blonde haired king was still looking at me. This continued for the entirety of the meal. I was praying no one would notice his intense interest in me but the second we were out in the hall, Susan grabbed my arm. 

"Well, it's been a lovely night boys but I'm afraid y/n and I have much to discuss about the upcoming ball. Isn't that right?" She nudged my shoulder and I quickly nodded. Lucy scrambled over, expecting to be included. Susan shook her head, "Not tonight Luce." She said softly but sternly. The little one looked upset but I gave her a smile, "We'll explain tomorrow." Lucy nodded before Peter took her hand and led her off to get some rest. It was adorable to see them retreat down the hall. Peter smiling down at his little sister as she skipped away. We said goodnight to Edmund before Susan pushed me through her door. "You have a lot of explaining to do." She said with a smile, pulling aside blankets and patting her mattress so I would sit next to her. 

"What happened today?" She beamed, practically shaking with excitement. "Peter and I went riding, what's so strange about that?" I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "What's strange is that you two come back practically stumbling over one another and then he can't keep his eyes off you at dinner! Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" I blushed and looked at my lap. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said, wishing we could talk about the ball and not my love life. Which seemed to be the most popular discussion topic as of late. Susan caught this change of mood. I swear, nothing gets past her. "You need time to think about it, don't you?" She smiled, adopting a calmer, more understanding tone. "Yes, lots." I laughed, finally meeting her gaze. "Unfortunately for you, that'll have to wait until later. I was serious about the ball planning you know." She said jumping up from the bed and laying out an array of beautiful fabrics, jewelry pieces, and crowns.

"What's all this?" I said, gasping as the treasures were placed before me. "It's our wardrobe. Ms. Beaver and a few nymphs dropped it off this morning." Susan explained, smoothing the last of the fabric samples delicately. "This is how it works, they have a dress made of each of these fabrics. All we have to do is choose which one we like best, jewelry to go with it, and a crown. It's simple really." I touched each of the pieces softly, elated that such a task could be bestowed on me. 

"So, what do you say? Which one do you like?" Susan grinned, sitting beside me again. My eyes caught a beautiful ruby red fabric that seemed to change shades depending on the lighting. "This one's gorgeous." I said, holding it up to feel the texture and weight. Susan sighed, "I knew you would like that one. It suits you." "Which one do you like?" I asked, shifting the conversation to her. "Oh you know, nothing wrong with a classic." Susan held up a midnight blue fabric that had tiny crystals sewn in that made it glitter magically. "Sue, that's stunning!" I said, taking it from her and comparing it to her skin. "Something about you and the color blue just works." I laughed, diverting my attention to the jewelry pieces as she beamed at the compliment. 

There were so many treasures to choose from. Dangling earrings with detailed metal work and glinting gemstones, necklaces that cascaded down the wearer's neck in a gorgeous display of gems and precious metals. After a long time of Susan and I closely inspecting each item, we had both decided on the set that we would wear to the ball. My fellow queen chose a stunning pair of crystal earrings that had a crescent moon right on her earlobe with stars attached to delicate chains hanging down. They sparkled against her raven hair, even in the low light. For a necklace, she chose to continue the midnight theme and held up another crescent moon with a single star dangling from the tip. Made from crystals as well, it glinted like a royal chandelier. Moving to  rings, she chose an array of sliver pieces varying in style. Some had gemstones while others were simple a twisted or engraved band. They fit perfectly on her fingers, complimenting her movements as they caught the light even with the slightest gesture of her hand. One was a crystal vine of leaves that twisted around her fingers, another wast just two silver bands curled around each other. She had also chose one that was a glimmering grey diamond that had the same visual effect as the surface of a lake in the moonlight. Her last ring was a simple silver rose that she admired for the delicate craftsmanship.

Once Susan had finished showing off her selection, it was my turn. One by one, I set out the golden pieces that I decided would accent my red gown elegantly. The earrings I chose were the long, dangling kind. A delicate chain swung from my ears with a spiked, sun like charm hanging off the end. They were simplistic yet quite beautiful. My necklace was also gold but the charm that would rest on my chest was a dagger with a painstakingly detailed hilt. It reminded me of the one that I had carried into battle against the White Witch as it rested in my palm. Moving on to rings, I chose a ring of leaves connected by a crystal at the middle, a floral engraved golden band, a large, teardrop shaped diamond, and a circular moonstone. Susan applauded my choices and went on and on about how perfectly the dress would accent the jewelry. 

We spent the rest of our evening deciding on crowns. Trying on each one like two young girls playing dress up. Time flew by, I couldn't tell if I had spent hours or just minutes with Susan as the sun sunk lower into the horizon. Only when it had completely disappeared did I manage to excuse myself from my best friends room. "It's only a day away now." She sighed at the door, leaning against it drowsily. Nodding, I moved slowly out into the hall. "We should really get to bed Susan. We have more planning tomorrow." I said, holding back a laugh when she rolled her eyes. "Why Mr. Tumnus feels the need to teach us how to dance I have no idea." She grumbled. "Goodnight Sue." I laughed, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze before retiring to my own room for the night.

A/N: Hello everyone! I am absolutely overjoyed that you all enjoy this story so much. I cannot thank you enough for all your support. Reading your comments make my days so much better. More chapters are on the way so stick around. :) Until next time my darling readers!! 

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