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Of course there wasn't an antidote, why would she need one? This was the first time in her life that her plan had failed. I lowered myself to the floor, at this point willing to try nearly anything. I was deafened by the sounds of battle behind me and the quickening thump of my heart as it jumped into my throat. I couldn't let this happen. Narnia could not be kingless because of some jealous, snobby little brat. "Y/n!" Susan called over the clamor, "There must be some extraction spell you could use!" I did my best to get on my feet as I ran over basic charms and spells. I heard Edmund cry out as Peter struck his arm with his glimmering blade. The moonlight making the blood look black as it trailed down Edmunds sleeve and dripped menacingly onto the tile below. Frustrated, I forced the brothers apart with magic and held them both against opposite walls. The struggled against me but, I knew it was necessary. I needed time, just a few minutes to collect my thoughts and do my best not to panic.

What had Mr. Tumnus said? Come on, come on! It was right there on the tip of may tongue, something about a cure all in case something goes wrong with potions. A counter potion maybe? Cause that would be awesome to deal with. 'Hey you guys, mind stopping this little tussle while I run home to brew up a solution real quick?' Yea, that would not work. Maybe Susan was right? Extraction spells existed for a reason, but they were dangerous. If completed incorrectly, more than just the poison could be extracted. "Y/n!" It was Lucy screaming for me this time as Edmund hacked at the invisible force holding him far from his brother, "Please!" Time was running out. It looked like it would be extraction spell or nothing. "Susan!" I called, "You were right. All I can think of is an extraction spell, it's dangerous but it could work." "Why is it dangerous?" She questioned, clearly worried for her siblings. "I'll tell you after." I knew that the possibility of turning her brothers inside out would immediately turn her off to the idea.

"Lucy, honey, run to the kitchen of this palace and see if you can find cinnamon, honey and water." I held the young girl by her shoulders. Forcing her to look at me and not her brothers. "What will that do?" She was on the verge of tears. "It will help soothe them afterwards, just trust me." I lied through my teeth and as she ran off I added, "see if you can find two bowls and some root of mystic Thyme too!" Lucy toddled off as fast as her little body would allow. As the large door to the ballroom closed behind her, I met Susan's grumpy gaze. "You made all of that up didn't you." "What?" I countered, "I didn't want her to watch this will not be pretty." Susan shrugged and asked what she could do to help. We had all but forgotten about Lady Natalie who was now curled up in a ball on the ground, using her dress as a rather stuff handkerchief. Susan gave me a 'don't you dare' look before I merely pointed. "Crowd control." She huffed but went to shield the sobbing girl from what was about to take place.

"Alright you two, let's get all that nastiness out of here." I took a deep breath, closing my eyes to picture Mr. Tumnus and his massive stack of magic books. "This will take an enormous amount of energy and focus. One wrong move and it's over for whatever poor soul you're trying to help" Shuddering at the thought of more blood on my hands, I raised my arms towards the boys. Come back to me. Edmund and Peter, still struggling, began to move towards me as if being carried by invisible hands. With one brother on either side of me, shouting and trying to reach the other, I placed my hands on their heaving chests. I could feel their hearts racing, hammering against their ribs as if they were trying to escape the cage of bones that entrapped them. My hands began to glow like a kettle on the stove, the boys' movements slowed as exhaustion began to kick in. The wind retuned and I heard Susan's muffled voice against the gale. Leaves were flying, my dress was whipping around my body like a torn sail on a ship fighting against a vicious storm. I was breathing heavy, I could only see the red on my hands. Ever so slowly, small vine like shapes began to crawl out of Edmund and Peter's chests. They snaked around my arms, attempting to find another hosts before perishing in the cold air. Peter and Edmund began to awaken, writhing and screaming in pain as I continued. I needed it gone. Whatever Natalie had done was a deep, old form of magic. She had no concept of its sheer power.

The boy's clawed at my hands, begging me to stop as more red was pulled from their skin. I ignored them, taking steps back to pull the rest out. I forced my emotions to the side and tried to block out their pained voices. Focus, my dove. My eyes flew open. There was a voice in the back of my head, a woman's voice. Soft, and silky smooth. Calming my mind and slowing my heart with the ease of a gently flowing creek. It is almost done. Be strong. "Mom?" The word slipped from my lips in the middle of my fight. I took one last heave at the red vines sprouting from the boy's and ripped the magic clean out. I saw them collapse to the ground, exhausted but physically alright. The poison's snake like arms began to fight me with the last of its strength. I was ripping it off my arms as fast as I could. Struggling against its sheer strength before it just seemed to disintegrate from the inside out. I watched to writhe on the ground, leaving burn marks on the stone and sending putrid smoke into the air. When silence fell, I could only think of that voice. If it truly was who I thought, why hadn't she come to me before? Why now? The slamming of the door woke me from my trance.

"Y/n! I have the... stuff" Lucy's rushed footsteps slowed and eventually stopped. "Y/n?" I heard a crash as Lucy dropped everything I had requested her to grab. "Hey, hey it's ok. It's over." I said, holding my arms open to the small girl as Susan checked the unconscious bodies of her brothers. "They're alright, thank Aslan they're ok." She sighed, collapsing on the ground next to Lucy and I. I managed a small smile and sank to the floor myself. Focusing on the waltz music still floating around softly. "This palace must have really strong walls." Lucy said, looking around us. "Why's that?" Susan laughed. "Well, when I went inside, nothing had changed. No one moved. It's like they didn't hear anything." She rubbed her eyes as she spoke. The mannerisms of a little girl still pushing to the surface of her royal appearance. The three of us began to hear groaning and hopefully looked towards the boys. Susan and Lucy jumped up, beckoning for me to do the same. "Go." My voice was weak, " I just need a second. They reluctantly left me on the cold stone to check on Peter and Edmund.

My head was swimming. I felt as if the world was teetering and rocking around me, like a s ship at sea. Lying down on the oversized skirt of my gown, I watched the ceiling swirl and contort before my eyes. The only solid thing being a small golden butterfly that fluttered into my vision. It seemed to be made of light. The same glow that my magic was. Mom. I smiled. I did it. 

Author's Note: Hello my dear, dear readers! I know it's been a ridiculously long time but I was reading all of the comments left on this story and saw how many of you wanted more so, I picked it back up. I'm working on more chapters as we speak! It makes me so happy to know that so many people like this story. Thank you for your patience, I'm excited to see where this story goes! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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