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My day off was possibly one of the best I'd had in a while. Susan and I sent hours doing various things. We started off with chatting about anything and everything. I tried my best to shift the conversation from myself to the other queen. As I'm sure she had plenty of issues of her own but she was so dedicated to helping me feel better they often dropped off the map. Susan detailed about the few marriage proposals that she'd received and declined. "They were positively atrocious." She scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment. "Just a bunch of royal prats whose parents do everything for them." I bit my lip to prevent from smiling but the bluntness of her comment got to me. My laughter was contagious and soon, the older sister was giggling along with me. 

We brushed off the matters of state that could be dealt with tomorrow at the advisor meeting. Susan eventually wandered over to my wardrobe, curious to see the different dresses that hung behind the smooth oak doors. "May I?" She asked, I nodded enthusiastically. "Sue, you don't need to ask, you can look whenever you want. You're welcome to borrow something if you like." I said, moving to the end of the bed so my feet swung off the edge. Susan rolled her eyes and opened the doors with a flourish. 

One by one, she pulled dresses off the rack and held them up to herself. "You look like Lucy." I laughed as she spun around with the blue dress that I had worn the night Edmund kissed me. "What's wrong with that?" A small voice chirped from the doorway. Lucy stood there with her arms crossed but the giant grin on her face proved she was anything but angry. Without a second thought, she rushed over and jumped onto my bed. Tackling me with a hug. "I heard about this morning." She said into my neck where she had buried her face. "Are you ok?" The little girl twisted in my arms, sitting in my lap and staring up at me with bright eyes. I nodded with a smile, not wanting to burden the small queen with the truth about what happened. As I'm sure Mr. Tumnus made it more child friendly for her young ears.

We spent the rest of the day together in my room. Playing, talking, dancing, everything normal for girls our age would do. Just as the sun began to set, we stood on my balcony in silence. Watching the sky transition from a light blue, to a striking mixture of oranges, pinks and purples. I welcomed the usual light breeze as it brushed across my face. Carrying the scent of fresh pine, sea water, and the smoke of small chimneys. Susan and Lucy stood on either side of me, relaxed looks on their faces as they observed the wild expanse that was our home. 

The stillness around us was pierced by a short knock at the door. "Yes?" Susan spoke up a second before I could react, moving reluctantly towards the door. "Are you coming to dinner?" My heart stopped at the voice. I knew exactly who stood in my doorway and frankly, had no interest in meeting them face to face. "Is it that time already?" Susan exclaimed, rushing back to the balcony to grab Lucy's hand. She made sure I met her gaze before turning her attention to her younger sister, "Come on Lu, let's go." "Isn't y/n coming?" Lucy asked innocently as she was led away from the balcony railing. "She'll meet us there. Right, y/n?" Susan glared at me but I didn't look away from the sea that glistened in the low light. "Yeah, I'll be right there." They left in a rush, closing the door behind them but I felt another presence in my space. I hung my head for just a second, biting my lip before turning to face the visitor.

Edmund walked for ward slowly. His brow knitted in concern. I opened my mouth to speak but discovered that I was at a loss for words. "Are you alright?" His voice was soft against the night breeze as he stepped out onto the balcony. I nodded, "Edmund, I- I'm so sorry I haven't spoken to you. There was a lot to think about and I just got buried in everything." I began rambling, my emotions getting the best of me as I faced the younger brother for the first time. "It's ok, It's partially my fault anyway." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. My eyebrows creased in confusion, "I shouldn't have sprung that on you without a warning at least." He spoke just as I had, unsure and hoping that by saying it fast he could get it over with. I nodded slowly, wringing my hands. 

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