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The dance hall was absolutely exquisite. The entire party was dedicated to its Narnian guests, red and gold banners detailing Aslan's majestic face draped across the back wall. There were even more people inside the palace. Already spinning across the floor in the arms of their partners. The scene brought a smile to my face as I took in every detail of the majestic room. Gold decorations hung from every ledge, mixed with bountiful bouquets of flowers that released a pleasant floral aroma into the air. Chandeliers sparkled above our heads. Not as intricate as the ones back in Cair Paravel yet, they were equally as beautiful. Dozens of different dress styles and colors swirled across my vision, seemingly glowing in the candlelight. There were dark purples, bright greens, cyans, oranges, blacks, and everything in between. The curious thing was that no dress in the entire ballroom, matched mine or Susan's in color or grandeur. Many envious ladies looked us up and down, mentally comparing our garments to their own. 

People moved out of the way for us and bowed as we approached the front of the room. Lord Guibor stood excitedly with his wife, fluttering his fingers with nerves. "Welcome to Aldonia, your majesties!" He chirped, clambering across the floor to meet us. A servant signaled for the music to stop as the party guests applauded our entrance. The woman he married followed in his footsteps. Practically gliding across the floor as her golden gown dragged lightly behind her. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, you highness." She said, a voice like silk that was smooth and calm. Peter nodded his head as she dropped into a curtsy. Something about this woman was strategic, practiced even. It was clear that she had been raised for a privileged life such as this.

Her hands were gloved and rested just below her hips delicately. Shining bracelets were situated gently on her thin wrists, there was one golden band around the ring finger of her left hand, inlaid with a few sparkling diamonds. She towered over her husband yet, her shoulders were hunched. A habit no doubt created from shame of her height. We both wore heels but, I was a head taller. So was Susan. The woman had a kind face, just beginning to show signs of age but she wore makeup that hid this fact from the eyes of men. Her dirty blond hair was pulled back into a low bun with feathers tucked deep into the golden strands. "Oh, pardon me, this is my wife. Lady Velesia." Guibor said proudly, puffing his chest and nearly smacking the poor woman as he moved to introduce her. Lucy giggled and the woman's face brightened at the sound. "I'm Lucy. Queen Lucy technically, but you can just call me Lucy." She said, extending her arm for a handshake. Velesia smiled, kneeling down so she was eye to eye with the little girl, "I'm delighted to meet your acquaintance, Lucy."

"Well, we better get started! Those young men are dying to meet you. Now if you'll follow me, Queen Susan, Queen y/n." Guibor said, holding out both of his arms to us but to his embarrassment, neither of us took them. Instead, we stepped out of the king's reach and stood on Guibor's side. Waiting for him to lead us somewhere. He cleared his throat nervously and dabbed his shining brow with a handkerchief. "Right then, here we go." He said before waddling off towards the front of the large room. Susan and I glanced to each other, simultaneously biting our lips to keep from bursting out into laughter at the little man. Instead, we walked delicately behind him. Not quickly nor slowly. Just a comfortable pace that highlighted our feminine grace and regal influence. All eyes were on us as our shoes clicked against the smooth floor. Yet, neither one of us faltered under the weight of constant attention. Susan's nerves along with my own had simply evaporated quickly like water in a desert. 

We were instructed to stand at the front of the spacious ballroom. Facing all of the guests as they held their breath, waiting eagerly for the next step. Peter and Edmund were situated off to our right. Unfortunately, they were a good distance away. Preventing us from exchanging any sly remarks with one another. I was watching the two kings when a sudden shuffling noise caught my attention. Turning back towards the elegantly dressed crowd, I watched as they separated at the middle like two waves pulling apart from each other. They pressed themselves against each wall with their necks craned in the direction of the great doors entrance. Ever so slowly, the towering doors swung open accompanied by a trumpet fanfare. "Oh for heaven's sake." Susan breathed as the surprise was revealed. Two lines of suitors stood tall in the glowing torch light. The line on our right was one of bright young ladies, beaming at Peter and Edmund as they made last minute adjustments to their clothes or hair. The line on our left was much longer. Composed of the sons of kings, lords, and every suitable position who had an eligible child for Susan and myself. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor at the sight. The line seemed to stretch on forever and ever. They were ushered forward by lord Guibor, who directed the ladies towards Peter and Edmund as the boys marched towards us like soldiers.

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