Winter x Fem! Reader

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Requested by BIGGFACE099
(Not spell or grammar checked)
Another request I'm super excited to write about and really happy I got, thank you for requesting. This takes place before V7 and v8.

   "Hey...what do you want to do today?" You look over at winter, she was awake, typing away at her computer. You had just woken up.
   "Maybe go brush your teeth and then we'll decide?" You groan getting out of bed.
   "But really what do you want to do?" You ask, picking up your tooth brush and quickly rinsing it.
  "We could go for a stroll and then go to that new cafe that just opened." Winter stated. "Though it's up to you my dear, whatever you want to do I'll go with you."
  You, with your toothbrush in your mouth, peer out of the bathroom shaking your head at the suggestion. Winter smiles.
  "Okay I'll get ready," You can barely contain your excitement anymore so you quickly brush your teeth and run out of the bathroom ready to pick an outfit.
Winters always been a busy woman so since this was one of the days she wasn't busy you were sure to spend enough time together. You were practically bouncing with joy as you two walked hand and hand to the new cafe that had just opened.
  Winter opens the door letting you go in first as she does. You're met with the smell of roasted coffee and other treats. You're pretty sure from just the smell there are brownies and cookies baking in the back. You both get on line thinking of what you'll order. You look up at the menu.
When it's your turn in the line you tell the guy behind the register your drink order. What you can't see or tell is the way the guy is looking at you.
"Will that be all or do you want my number too?" He asks and you shake your head.
"No um..thank you?" You say hesitating on your
"C,mon it's just my number? Why you don't want to be friends with me? Friends text and call each other." He asks.
"I'm sorry I just don't want your number is all," You reply.
"How about I give you a discount for your number?" He questions, now you're getting uncomfortable.
Winters glare increases but he doesn't seem to notice her standing right next to you. You were smaller then her in height he would've been able to see the taller lady right next to you. You just wanted your drink and a nice comforting evening with your girlfriend, why did some men have to be like this?
"I'll have a-"
"Sorry lady you'll have to wait your turn in line let the rest of these costumers," He says interrupting her and not just winter is getting mad at him now.
"Well excuse me for trying to order with my girlfriend," she says harshly.
"O-oh...sorry." he stutters. "Please continue ma'am."
Thank you winter, this guy was making you increasingly uncomfortable. You're slightly nervous to get your drink now or come back to this cafe if there is a next time.
After you two order your drinks you pick a nice seat near the window.
"Are you okay?" You look at winter. "You're squirming in your seat. Did he make you comfortable?"
You sigh nodding, "I'm okay babes, honestly I'd just like to forget this ever happened and just enjoy the morning with you."
She nods then the waitress brings your drinks. You sigh at least you can relax now that you don't have to speak to him anymore.
"Hm?" You look down there's a folded up note on the bottom of the cup you're drinking from. You take it off and read it.
When you want to "hang" out, XXX-XXXX-XXXX,

The guy from behind the register.

Your stomach twists in displeasure, winter spots the note and looks at you confused. You look up at her and hand it to her, then look back down at your drink nervous. Once she reads it at least three times getting angrier and angrier as she does; she rips it up.
"Some men have no class and can't take no for an answer." Winter groans. "My love why don't we just go to the park and walk around there?"
She's obviously trying to get you to relax but you can't stop the unsettled feeling in your stomach.
"I just want to go home..." You mumble.
She nods, her eyes hold nothing but worry for you, "Okay then...I'll make us lunch and then we'll watch movies until the sunsets. How about that?"
Since you have been dating for awhile she's grown accustomed to what makes you happy and what makes you feel safe. You give your best smile as you look up at her nodding.
  "Go wait outside while I pay," Winter says, fresh air will be good for you so you comply.
  Winter goes up to the register the same guy still is there, when she's done before she leaves she put the note she tore into the tip jar. He glared at her and she smirks glaring back twice as irritated. Winter then walks away, out of the cafe and to you.
"Ready to go?" She asks reaching to hold your hand. You nod grabbing her hand to hold it.
"Yeah," You respond.
"I'm sorry he ruined our morning," Winter says.
"It's okay, I'm glad we still got to spend time together." You respond. "Even though anyone could see your jealouschnee from two blocks away."


"...that was terrible."

Please...let her defect in v8...along with marrow and neo and emerald and maybe hazel too. I need Oscar to be okay too, please he needs a break...he's baby you can't hurt him. I also really like the angst in v8 too, I just like angst in general, but this season is really angsty and I hate and love it at the same.
Anyway thank you for reading and requesting.

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