Blake x Abused! Reader

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Requested thelunaticfringe1985
(Not spell or grammar checked)

You walked down town...of vale staring at the ground with what felt like you were by yourself. You should've even be out by this time, you should be in your dorm with your s/o (significant other), you were holding your shoulders tightly, canceling out any noises.
"Y/n?" Or at least trying to cancel noises out, "You alright?" You looked at the girl behind the voice.
"I'm fine I should really just get back to my dorm though..." You say Blake nods.
"I can walk you home if you wa-!" She attempts to put her hand on your shoulder but you slap it away in fear.
"I'm sorry..." You say putting your hand down it comes to your shoulder gripping onto it as you fear the worse.
"Hey it's fine...I know you can take care of yourself I'll see you later," She says and you nod walking away thinking back to s/o's words.
You can't do anything right!
Hah! What? You need me to baby you now? Does baby want her bottle?
You're going out without my permission?!
You sigh dreading when you make it home to your dorm.
Blakes Pov
"She's been acting different," Yang says ruby nods.
"I agree almost more suspicious of our next moves," Weiss says.
"Blake?" Ruby calls out, "You good?" I turn my attention to my teammates.
"Yeah...but I don't think Y/n is," I say.
"Yeah what do you think is up with her?" Yang asks.
"I'm not sure she hasn't been talking to me as much anymore," I say.
  "Well maybe an investigation is in order!?" Ruby shouts and Yang nods.
  "Yeah!" Yang yells.
  "Absolutely not you two," Weiss says and ruby practically deflates.
   "Why not?" Ruby whines.
   "Because it's rude to spy on people? And it makes you look like a stalker." Weiss pointed out.
   "Boo," Yang said whining as well.
  "I'll talk to her the next chance I get to see her," I say and the girls nod.
  "Okay," Ruby says nodding at me.
No ones Pov
Your hands shake as you open your door to your dorm room, it feels like the air has been sucked from your lungs,your stomach felt empty, but you had to urge to throw your lunch up. You walked inside not seeing your s/o you look around before you close the door sighing in relief.
"Where were you, Y/n?" You look behind you seeing your s/o from behind the door.
"Out," You say.
They walk towards you, "With whom?" They ask backing you up into a corner, "Or are you cheating on me?!" They push you.
"I was with Blake! And Ruby, and Weiss, and Yang," You say, "I would never cheat on you."
"Hmm..." They lean in on you, "You...lying bitch!" They punch you in the gut making you lean over in pain, "Here's a secret...I don't want you going out with anyone... capeesh? You are to only be with me got it!?" They grip onto your hair pulling you to meet their eyes you nod.
" get some sleep it is late after all dear," You hold your stomach as you rest on your bed. Your s/o went to their bed falling fast asleep you fell asleep crying.
"Y/n?" You don't look at the voice knowing exactly who it is.
"Why're you ignoring me?" You look at Blake. Whiny kitty wants attention? You awed internally but you look back down.
"Y/n!" You walk off, "Y/n...?"
You sit down next to s/o in the next couple of classes, whenever they touched you your leg shook in fear.
Lunch came slowly but as soon as it did you waited for s/o to get up ruby walking up to you two.
"Hey guys! You wanna sit with us at lunch?" Ruby asked and you look at s/o waiting for their approval s/o nodded.
"Sure," S/o says and wraps their arm around your shoulders making you jump a little. You look at Ruby you didn't see anything...please tell me you didn't see anything...Ruby looked at you but quickly looked away at her team. You guys walk off to lunch.
  "Y/n are you okay?" Blake asks you s/o's grip on you tightens as Blake rests her hand on your hand.
  "I think you should let her go blake I don't think she wants to be touched right now," S/o says.
  "Then you should release your grip on her too then, S/o," She says in a hidden angry way. S/o glares at her you move your hand away from Blake's making her stare at you.
  "I'm fine Blake I promise," You say but something in Blake didn't make her believe you. You take a bite from your lunch looking at S/o as they look unimpressed at you. You take one more bite before you shove your tray away from you.
"You barely ate Y/n a couple more bites wouldn't hurt you," Weiss says and you shrug. Yes it look at S/o's pleased face, but Blake's didn't look pleased at all.
"Y/n..." S/o's expression changed once you got into your dorm, "What did I say last night? You pay attention to only me." They yell and you nod.
"Good girl, but you know I'm still going to punish you," They said in a dark voice. Little did you know there were footsteps coming towards your dorm.
  After awhile of kicking and shoving and hurtful words there was a knock on the door.
  "Y/n? Are you in there?" Blake...Your s/o walked towards you and you whimpered a little. They knelt down putting a hand around your mouth.
  "Keep quiet," They whispered sharply tears formed in the corners of your eyes.
  "Y/n? I know your in there...I'm coming in," The door handle jingled as it is opening your s/o is quick to get up and go towards the door grabbing it.
  "Hey Belladonna Whats up?" S/o said calmly and Blake glares at them.
  "I can tell Y/n's in here what's going on?" Blake said and S/o hid behind a mask of happy.
  "Nothing just getting ready for bed is all," They say.
  "Alright then let me say goodnight to Y/n then," Blake says.
  "Oh they're already fast asleep," They say but Blake doesn't buy it instead she pushes the door open wider and sees you by your bed sitting by it.
  "How do you explain that then?" S/o stayed quiet, "How do you explain her being all beat up and you trying to come up with some weak excuse of why I can't see Y/n?" She said louder then her normal tone. S/o got ready to punch her but Blake instantly shoved them away walking towards you.
  "Y/n..." You didn't look at her.
  "Get out...get away from her," Blake said sternly, "And I'll be sure to tell Professor Ozpin about this, just you wait," She growled are them, Blake wasn't aggressive physically but she was strong with her words. S/o walked out.
  "I'll be back Y/n just you wait," They walked out completely Blake turned her attention back to you and she sat in front of you. Her head gently rubbed against yours you look up at her. Your face full of tears as she smiled at you.
  You cup her cheek, "Thank you for finding me," You say.
  "No worries I'm here don't worry about anything else right at this moment," She says and you hug her.
  "I'll make sure that they never ever lay a single hand on you ever," Blake says you believe every bit of her words.
  "Thank you..."

Hey ya'll hope you guys enjoyed thank you for reading.

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