Glynda x Reader

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No ones Pov
You where an experienced huntress maybe up to Pyrrha's fighting level. It felt really good to be admired by others even the professors where impressed. Glynda was one of the people who treated you as if you needed to work twice as hard to get where you wanted to be. Although your dreams of being one of the greatest huntress out there was yet to be accomplished. With extra training you'd be half asleep in class sometimes which Port or Oobleck would send you to your dorm for rest. They knew of your training at night but Glynda wouldn't allow it and gave you detention. You'd just rest in detention though Glynda would just stare at your snoring face. It was unbelievably cute and inappropriate for a teacher to feel this way about her student. She'd let you off with a warning and send you to your dorm for a proper rest. After getting the other 3 hours of sleep you needed because you only get 4 hours  each night. You go to the training area in the lower section of Beacon and run on the treadmill. It's almost 3 when you finish working out and you get your normal 4 hours. Poor tired you...your sleep deprived and needed to stop and get needed sleep. That's what Pyrrha told you and Yang basically everyone told you needed more rest instead of training you ignored them. Like Philip Hamilton you where trying to make your father proud! Except no duels and death you needed food and water especially sleep. You ignored it just trying to make your family proud of you. Especially now that your little brother was born you wanted to show him that you where and still are one of the greatest heroes out there! But what was left to impress someone when you already did. When you went back home for the holidays to stay with your family you started to cry. Your brother was so impressed that you where a hero and all he did was stare at you in amazement. He played with you all day and when he was all tuckered out you put him on his bed in his sleeping area. After you went back downstairs your Mother and Father told you how proud and impressed they where of you. When you got back to Beacon the stress crept up on you. You had more school work and training to do. Glynda saw your stressed out face and you looked as if you where going to break down any second.
"L/n stay after class for a minute." She said abruptly taking her attention away from the lecture she was teaching. Everyone just stared and oohed and laughed. You looked even more stressed now she never intended to do that. Once everyone left she went to your place of seating.
"Are you ok?" She asked you and you looked at her. You decided it would be best to talk to her since she was a teacher and this was the first time she has ever done this. Her voice sounded caring and sensitive almost gentle it made you blush a little.
"I...I..don't know," You stuttered pausing she gave a smile telling you to just talk it out, "I'm trying to make my family proud! Now that I have a brother I'm trying twice as hard! But it's so...stressful! I'm trying my best to keep up with my school work too! I'm just to tired to hold onto everything right now! It's like everything's moving so quickly and I don't know how to slow it down!" You finished and Glynda's attention was still on you trying to make you comfortable with a small smile on her face. She listened to you every word that came out of your mouth she listened to. You smiled at her knowing she was here to listen to you.
"Well I'd say to just try and take it easy. No more extra training you only get two hours of training. So if you do it at 7pm just get done at 9pm to get more sleep. The rest of the hours are spent doing homework and projects. Ok?" She questions you and you smiled at her determined you could handle this now. After a week or two your stress filled face and body was gone. The talk with Glynda really helped you.
Your Pov

  You still impressed everyone and now that you where getting more sleep you where much more wide awake. You had more energy more fun and your friends wouldn't tell you what to do anymore! Yay!! Glynda helped you out and you couldn't be more thankful. When you walked into her class room the next week you immediately mouthed a thank you and sat down at your seat. Blake who sits right next to you noticed your behavior and smiled at you.
"You seem...more energetic." She says happily.
"I've gotten more sleep and I'm less stressed." You say back smiling.
"That's good you seem brighter now." She says and you continue to talk to her not noticing a jealous Glynda glancing up at you once in awhile.
"Ahem! Excuse me girls but can't your talk wait until I'm done with my lesson?" She asked strictly and you give her a confused look.
"Oh...sorry Professor Goodwitch. We....I didn't mean to interrupt you." You say and she nods and get back to her lesson. When the bell rings Glynda asks you to stay after for a minute. She goes over to where you are sitting.
"I..I'm sorry Mrs.Goodwitch don't tell my family about my behavior." You say and sort of look like a kicked puppy. Glynda frowned. Why in the world of Remnant would I tell her parents? Glynda thought.
"Y/n...I know you didn't mean to disturb I was...jealous" She mumbled the 'jealous' part but you still heard her.
"Why?" You say quite densely and she sighed.
"I...I.." It was no or never she kneeled down to where you where sitting and kissed you. To her surprise you kissed her back. The blush spread across your face was very noticeable. When you two where done you looked at her.
"Is this another way of saying 'I love you'?" You question her in which she chuckles and nods.
"Yes." She says.
"I love you too..." You say.
Time skip
Coming out of the classroom your hair is now messy and so is your uniform.

Sorry if it was short and you found spelling mistakes but hope you enjoyed it and this was requested by @Atgdfvt so hope you enjoyed it as well. :)

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