Winter x Wolf faunus! Female reader

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Pyrrha's alive and so is Cinder

  No ones Pov

  After team RWBY, JNPR, Maria, Oscar, You and Qrow fought of that giant robot that was used to take down giant Grimm. Ruby fought the leviathan with help of Caroline Cordovin she granted you a ship to go to atlas in. Most of the flying was just Blake and Yang being lovey dovey as well as Ren and Nora. You smiled most of your friends where in a well balanced relationship. Well except for you, Oscar, Maria, and Qrow. Jaune was sitting next to Pyrrha there holding hands. When you got to atlas the military air forces was sent out and it scared you a little. Where they going to attack you surely not you guys had a Schnee on board. When you landed you and Blake where unsure to hide your ears or not. You looked at Qrow and he simply said 'No' you understood why you always wanted to be a free Faunus. You looked at Blake than shook your head no and she nodded stepping out of the aircraft. You heard metal boots rushing toward the aircraft.
"Weiss!" You look over to see Weiss's older sister Winter.
"Winter!" Weiss shouted and ran right into a hug given from Winter.
"How was the flight? Did Cordovin give you a hard time? Why weren't you here earlier?" She asked Weiss many questions and Qrow came up behind Weiss.
"Hey cool it Ice Queen we just got here and need a place to stay." Qrow stated and you walked next to him. Winter glancing at you than back at Qrow.
"Am I not allowed to worry about my little sister?" Winter asked and you looked at Qrow.
"She does make a good point Qrow.." You say and he groans making you chuckle a little. Winter lets go of Weiss and shows you guys where the place you would be staying at. Girls had one room the boys had another. When you where going through the security at the hotel they looked unbelieved that you where a good Faunus. They had patted you down at least 2 or 3 times now and when they where going for a fourth Qrow grabbed the guys hand.
"She's not carrying anything dangerous let her go already!" Qrow angrily stared at the guy and the guy finally gave you passage to go. You look at Blake seems she had to go through the same thing but Yang was the one to say something.

  Your Person Point of view
Was it really that bad to be a Faunus here? You thought to yourself as you where in your room with Qrow, Maria and Oscar. You would sleep on the lay out couch. You could hear what Winter was saying to  team RWBY.
  "Be prepared to see father again Weiss. Protect her please if he hits her. Also protect each other! You need your teammates for strength." She says from the other room and you look at Qrow.
  "Can you hear her?" You mouth to him and he nods you chuckle a little than hear a door click and the room your staying at knocks.
"Come in!" Qrow yells and the door opens to reveal the one and only ice queen, "Ice queen looking as good as ever." He winked flirtatiously and your heart dropped. Wow fall in love easy Y/n or are you just head over heals for the ice queen. She makes a face and goes back to her proper stance her back straight and her chin high.
"Qrow...still drinking? She says smugly and you let out a little laugh she looks over at you and smiles, "As I was saying please do look out for each other...I need someone to protect my sister. Ms.Rose volunteered but I need all of you to watch out for each other. There will also be a meeting tomorrow around 12pm get there early so we can start early." You smile and nod at her. Qrow laughs at her.
  "Who melted all that ice away?" He questions and laughs at the end.
    "Who took all your drinks away? Oh right a 16 year old." You say quietly but he hears you and frowns. You give him an apologetic smile and Winter laughs and smiles.
"Anyway we promise to protect our teammates we've already been doing it. Plus have you seen how protective Yang is of Blake? And we'll try to go and be there as early as we possibly can." You say and get up she looks at you.
"Of course." She says smiling and laughing. Maria looks up at her putting her book on a table.
  "It's better if we continue to train tomorrow." She says and I nod in agreement. Qrow sits down and Oscar looks a bit surprised.
  "Don't you think we could use a break?" Oscar asked.
  "It's a possibility but I believe we have a lot of time before another Grimm attack. We have no idea what Salem's planning so it's not better that we rest." I say and Oscar nods and smiles.
  "Well I'll leave you be. Have a goodnight everyone." Winter says leaving and I unfold the couch bed laying on it. Mumbling a goodnight and falling asleep. The next morning you guys woke up and decided breakfast in atlas would be the best option before training. Getting some strange looks from the people at the place but after eating you and Weiss sword fought and Ruby and Yang focused on hand to hand combat. Blake would take your place with Weiss as you and Qrow sword fight. He was going really hard on you today and didn't give you breaks. When he finally got rid of your weapon he "accidentally" slashed down on your arm making a cut. Jaune ran over and started to heal it.
"What the hell Uncle Qrow!?" Yang yelled at him and he picked up your weapon and gave it to you.
"She should've stayed away from winter!" He says and storms out. You looked at Ruby and Yang they just shake there heads in disappointment. You sigh and get up you arm had just a little scratch on it now. When you get to the Schnee mansion you see Winter, Whitley, and of course the asshole himself Jacques. You groaned once you and Blake see him Winter waves at Weiss and than you making you smile. You walk into a room which hold the general himself. Ironwood you salute him and he chuckles and walks over to you pushing your hand down to your side. You smile and sit down Winter sits next to you and Blake on the other side sitting next to Yang. Qrow looks upset at you and tries to throw something at you but you dodge it in time. Winter looks at him and puts an arm around you protectively making you blush and she glares at him making you smile.
"Over protective much?" You whisper to her and she chuckles.
"Only to things I like." She says flirtatiously and the meeting goes on. When you walk out Qrow grabs you by the arm and slaps you across the face.
"I told you to leave Winter alone she's mine." He says and your face stings.
"Actually Qrow I'm no ones now let the girl go!" She says demandingly and gets her weapon out ready to fight him. He gets his out and pushes you to the ground as they get in a fighitng stance.
W-what should I do break it up and get hurt or just sit here and watch and let them get hurt

It's your choice and sorry if it was too short but I need to finish two more stories/oneshots chapter and this is the best. It also wasn't spell checked but enjoy :)

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