Team Rwby x Dragon Faunus! Female Reader Part 2

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Requested by: @tmp2017

    I did it...I unlocked my semblance! You smiled happily and they hugged you shouting words of congrats. You finally felt happy with yourself, with the people around you, and felt happy with Team RWBY.

For at least now...

You were on your way back to Beacon walking throughout the emerald forest. The girls around you started to ask what your semblance was taking guesses.
"It should be dragon related? Right? Maybe when you where running you got a semblance like mine but instead your wrapped in like dragon wings?" Ruby guesses and you smiled.
"Well what about the shadows? That's like mine you turned into a shadow and a fiery burst was the aftermath of it?" Blake questioned and Yang looked at you.
" looked so angry at one point I thought you where gonna breath fire but then you got up and put that Grimm in it's place!" Yang yelled and Weiss looked at you.
"Maybe it's like a dragon related copy of different semblances? I didn't see mine though? Did you forget about me?" Weiss asked trying to guilt trip you and you started to panic.
"W-What!? No of course not Weiss! I think about you all the time! Not to be taken out of context of course! I mean that I think your great I guess it's because your so calm and collected during fights that I wasn't thinking about that...Only angry. I'm sorry I should've never let my feelings get to my head." You finish and Weiss smiles softly.
"Of course I sometimes get angry," Ruby and Yang start to laugh and Weiss face turns into one of anger, "But I'm happy you acknowledged that I'm proud of you." Weiss says placing a hand on your shoulder you stop walking and smile nodding. Once you make it back to Beacon it's quite late so you get a lecture from Prof. Goodwitch. You girls get to your dorms and before you go to bed you take a shower and settle down in your sleeping bag.
The next morning came easily is what I would have said if Weiss wasn't yelling at Yang for her to quit all the snoring. It was Sunday morning as you woke up Ruby was rubbing her eyes awake and Blake was grumbling about it being too early. You yawned and looked at the time 9:04.
"What do you girls want for breakfast?" You asked and Ruby's eyes sparkled.
  "Chocolate chip pancakes!!!" Ruby shouted and you smiled getting ready to make them. Once you where done you placed one for Weiss, Blake and Yang and two for Ruby. You went back to the kitchen to grab the tray of coffee telling the difference with the smells except one was a cup of tea. It was quite simple to pin point it too because it had a small fish in the middle of it and was smaller than the other mugs. Finally you sat down and enjoyed your cup of coffee with a chocolate chip pancake. Peaceful was the word you where looking for what a peaceful morning. Fighting with anyone was past you for now unless Cardin was being a bitch and you needed to slap some sense into him.
"Y/n~!" Nora sang as she sat down, "did you save any pancakes for us?" You looked at Team JNPR and pointed at Ruby.
"Ask little rose." She chuckled and smiles at Nora.
"No." She runs off with the last pancake as Nora runs after her. You laugh a little as Pyrrha sits next to you.
"Oh well anymore coffee at least." Pyrrha asked and you nod pointing to the machine.
  "Yes just keep it away from Nora this time." You say and Jaune laughs a little. Next Sun and Neptune came to the kitchen. You didn't want to say you disliked Neptune but you did. After all he flirted with you knowing that Weiss had a crush on him.
"Hey lovely lady," Neptune said winking, "how are you this fine morning or should I say you look fine this morning." You groaned as Weiss looked kinda upset you gave her a sorry look and she nodded. You won't admit this but whenever Team RWBY's getting flirted with you get jealous so maybe you were kinda jealous of Weiss' crush on Neptune.
  "Sit down Neptune or go and pour yourself some coffee or how about I get you a nice glass of water?" You teased and Neptune jumped up at the mention of water making Weiss laugh. When Ruby got back her hair was messy and there was a bite in the chocolate chip pancake.
"Come on Ruby let's go fix your hair...again." Yang said standing up and Ruby places the pancake down on a plate.
"You win this time Nora!!!" Ruby placed on of her feet on the table and clenched her fist for dramatic tension. You chuckle and sip the rest of your coffee getting up and stretching.
"I'm going back to the dorm join me when you want to." Weiss and Blake nodded once you got there you saw Yang fixing Ruby's hair and walked over to your desk.

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