Ruby x Half Grimm! Reader x Weiss

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Requested  SapphireDraken173
(Not spell or grammar checked)
Whenever I get requests with half Grimm readers I always picture the reader to be like Venom and Eddie Brock.

  Life is bended by little things...The way the water falls on a rainy days, the way people walk or talk how they all can be affected by such little things. Your life hasn't been easy...ever since you were born you were left for dead but found by ironwood himself, he made sure he could have a weapon for battle by creating something you were not. You've escaped him three years ago, but that doesn't stop the fact that you've been experimented and turned into a creature of darkness. Deciding that the world should never see a creature like you, you decided to stay in a forest full of Grimm.
Since you looked and acted like one you haven't been attacked by Grimm, you have been tracked and hunted by huntsmen and huntresses. They never lived to tell your tale or never lived long enough to see you, you made sure of it.
  You sigh as you walked through the forest again, after a year or two you discovered humans were using this forest for a game. You found chess pieces and slain Grimm ashes everywhere. What sort of game is this? You roll your eyes and walk towards a nearby stream taking a sip. You couldn't stop the feeling of being watched like eyes where watching your every move, it made you nervous.
"That Grimm looks so human's so cool!" Ruby whisper yelled.
"Shush, You dunce they might be able to hear you or me," Weiss said covering Ruby's mouth.
Ruby licked Weiss's hand and Weiss reeled back in disgust.
"Ew!" Weiss said wiping of the spit of Ruby's scarf.
"Hey!" Ruby yelled, then gasped making the two look back at the creature.
"Whew," Ruby let out the creature was not disturbed.
"I don't think this thing is entirely Grimm," Weiss said.
"What makes you say that?" Ruby asked.
"It look like it's thinking," Weiss looked back at Ruby, "What creature of Grimm actually thinks instead of being driven to kill?"
Ruby looked at the creature, "Um...Weiss."
"Yeah Ruby?" Weiss questioned.
"Where'd it go?" Ruby questioned.
Before Weiss could say anything the creature grabbed ruby and threw her against a tree. Weiss grabbed Myrtenaster running towards you ready to strike, you put your hands out in hope of grabbing the weapon but it went straight through your hand.
"Ow..." You wince and Weiss looks at you shocked.
"Can you feel this?" Weiss asks.
"What kinda question is that?" You look at her angered.
"You Can talk?!" Weiss yells.
"You'll attract more Grimm if you keep on yelling like a banshee be quiet," You snarl.
"You're right," Weiss looks at your hand, "This'll sting and before you attack me for doing it I'm sorry."
"What?" She pulls Myrtenaster out of your hand making you wince.
"I'm sorry," She says and you give her a thumbs up.
"Wait why aren't you killing me?" You ask.
"Because you look like a grimm but act human? It is a little shocking," She says, "But you hurt ruby so be prepared to die."
"That's a little cheesy," You say.
"I know it felt really weird to say," Weiss agrees.
"Wait is that thing talking!?" Ruby yells getting up.
"I'm not a thing..." You say.
"Holy shiiiii-!" Ruby almost says but stops herself, "I'm Ruby Rose! This is Weiss!"
"Ruby don't just tell them that!" Weiss says, you roll your eyes.
"Most huntsmen and huntresses usually focus on killing me. What kind of huntsman are you?" You question.
"Oh we aren't licensed yet," Ruby smiles walking towards you.
"So you aren't actual huntsman?" You ask.
"Not yet!" Ruby says.
"How old are you two?" You ask.
"I'm 16 and Weiss is 18," Ruby smiles, "How old are you?"
It's been three years you've escaped, scientists started experimenting on you when you were 7 and you can remember your 14th birthday when you escaped.
"I'm 17," You say shocked.
Ruby laughs, "You sound unsure."
"I'm sure...I think," You say and ruby nods, "Um you okay? I just knocked you into a tree?"
"Yep!" Ruby replied "So...where'd you get this neat costume?"
"Costume?" You question.
"So you aren't exactly human and you aren't exactly Grimm?" Weiss asks.
"That's right. I was born human but I was turned into this creature at a young age," You say.
"I'm sorry, that must suck," Ruby frowns.
"You get used to it," You say, "Um...thank you for being so understanding, most people I've come across have one thing in mind and that's to kill me."
"So what happens to them?" Ruby asks.
"Um...i turn the tables on them...and I do what any Grimm would do when given the chance," You look away.
  "You kill them?!" Weiss yells.
"Yeah..." You trail off.
"You're being so nonchalant about it," Ruby mumbles.
"So should I let them kill me?" You question.
"No of course not, just why couldn't you let them off with a warning?" Weiss asked.
"If I were to let them they would've come back with more people to try and take my life," You say, "I want to live my life without anyone telling me how anymore."
Weiss nods, "I get it...How did you get here from all the way from Atlas?"
"I hid in one of the cargo ships that carried dust and sailed here," You state.
Ruby gasps, "So you're like a runaway misfit!"
"I don't know what that means," You look at Ruby confused.
Weiss sighs, "Ruby gets over excited about somethings. I think it's time for us to leave, right ruby?"
"Wait, You guys just got here and how do I know you aren't going to tell anyone about me right?" You asked.
"We won't, we promise," Ruby swears.
"Fine...I'll believe you just remember what happens if you don't," You threaten.
"We get it," Weiss rolls her eyes playfully.
"O-okay...Wait..sorry I attacked you!" You yell at them.
"It's okay!" They walk off, Ruby waving at you as they do.
The fuck was that? Your conscience asks you.
"I dunno I just felt as though I could trust them," You respond.
You pushed one into a tree then the other cut your hand through, can you really trust them and do you really think that apology is good enough?
"Who knows? But I'm hoping it was and I can, I don't want to be alone anymore," You sigh and your conscience fades out of thought, "Hopefully...hopefully I'm not going to be alone anymore"

This wasn't my best one I'm sorry, my sleep schedule has been a little bit wacky...I've been trying to get it back on track, but thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed.

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