Yang x Reader x Blake

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Requested Mistress_NightSky
(Not spell checked or grammar checked)

It seemed time stood still...whenever Blake and Yang were near each other they'd never look at one another. Blake felt horrible for leaving Yang and for Adam finding you guys and cutting off Yang's arm. Yang felt like she wasn't strong enough for anyone to stay with her. They both were like the same sides of a magnet once put together they refract. You didn't know what happened to them once they looked for a vehicle, you don't know if they'll be happy together again, and you don't know what happened that night when Yang's arm was cut of and Blake ran. You felt absolutely useless.
Blake has short lived smiles that made you feel horrible. Yang kept pushing the both of you away making you feel like she didn't want either of you around her. You wanted to be the piece of metal that would stick the magnets together. You made sure you would be.
The next day you walked out of your room in the Cotta-Arc home and right to Blake's room. You climbed onto her bed and hugged her making her jump.
"Oh..good morning honey," Blake says looking at you smiling.
"Hey bubs wanna join me for waking up Yang this fine morning?" Blake hesitated.
"I..." You smiled hopefully Blake unable to look at you, "I don't think I should..." She says and your smile fades.
"Oh come on please!?" You pleaded and Blake shook her head no.
"No Y/n...I can't," Her ears flopped against her head the last bit of determination drained from your being.
"Oh...okay I understand..." You said, "What do you want for breakfast?" You asked and she still didn't look at you.
"Toast with eggs," She says and you nod walking out of the room. You sigh as you step out trying not to cry. You walked to Yang's room. You opened the door walking in and sat on her stomach. She gasped as she opens her eyes sitting up and looking at you.
"Y/n..don't do that to me," She says and you nod smiling.
"Would you like it if this was a different situation?" You ask.
"What do you mean?" Yang asks.
"You know, without my clothes on?" Yang gasps.
"Wow where did that come from?" Yang asked and you shrugged laughing a little.
"Good morning blond beauty," You lean down and kiss her cheek. Yang smiles.
"Good morning love," She wraps an arm around you.
"I'm making toast and eggs for breakfast," You say and she nods.
"Okay," You get up and start making your way to the kitchen.
   "You know," You stop, "If you need to talk I'm here for you, Yang."
  Yang nods, "I know,"
But did she?
  You groaned as you flopped...on your bed. Your attempts for them to talk about stuff was completely useless they were quiet and never looked at each other. Well except for sad glances or sad glares and the attempts you made were pointless too because Blake or Yang would look at you at their faces would say drop it. Maybe you were being too pushy...or nosy. Your conscious told you you were being pathetic.
"No I'm not," You mumbled furiously.
"Not what?" Saphron asked from the entrance of your bedroom.
"Nothing, Whats up?" You asked.
"Well...everyone's downstairs and you're the only one who's up here," Saphron stated, "So Whats up with you?"
"I'm just...struggling I guess," You say sighing.
Saphron walks up to your bed, "With what?"
"Well...I kinda don't wanna talk about it, it's not about you it's just I don't trust a lot of people you know?" You say and she nods.
"Well talking about what's bothering might help you kiddo," She says and you nod.
"I know,"
"But you don't want to, that's fine whenever you do I'm here, Yang, Blake, Ruby and Weiss and everyone else is here too,"
You nod, "Yeah I know," but I'd rather not bother them with my problems...too much hassle.
  "Well you gonna come downstairs?" Saphron asked.
  "Maybe in a minute or two," You say and she nods walking out of your room. You look up at your ceiling.
Yang cringed away once she caught blake smiling at her, you sigh in defeat since they seemed to be getting along so well what changed? Blake's face twisted in concern a look that made you feel like you were getting kicked in the ribs multiple times. You sighed but tried your best to smile, Jaune just came up with a plan to steal or in other words, "borrow," an atlas airship. You didn't like the idea much but you guys needed to get to Atlas.
    Your girlfriends didn't seem to talk much about it but Yang had to drive Blake on her motorcycle far from the others including you because you were gonna go with Ruby. 
Right now the plan wasn't working entirely well, Maria and Weiss weren't in the best situation and you guys haven't had any response from Blake or Yang which made you worry, a leviathan had shown up, the only thing capable of stoping it couldn't stop it, it felt like you were under water unable to breath in and out from the amounts of stress you had experienced.
"Ruby...What do we do?" You ask her.
"We fight, we don't leave anyone behind, we're gonna fight that thing one way or another!" She yells climbing on board the ship.
"But What about Yang and Blake?" You ask.
"We'll come back for them later," Weiss says the others climb on board too, you sigh and quickly nod your head no.
"I'm waiting..." You say, "I'm staying right here..."
"Y/n please don't be-!"
"Guys! Y/n!" You heard Blake shouted, she had Yang's hand in hers as they ran towards you. Yang looked at you then at the giant Grimm monster approaching the protective walls of Argus.
"What the hell is that thing?!" Yang shouted looking at the leviathan.
  "Grimm Monster, get on board, now!" Weiss yelled and the two climbed on board.
  It's over, everything's alright now...right? You guys helped fight that monster and were given a gift of leaving with the airship free of charged but was everyone okay? Everything seemed ok apart from Adam finding Blake and Yang and her fighting, they seemed happier. Thank god.
  You looked down at your palms you sat on the floor crisscrossed, you sighed.
  "Y/n?" You looked up, Blake sat in front of you as well as Yang, "Are you okay?" She asked.
  "Why wouldn't I be?"
  "Well," Blake moved closer to you getting out of her seat, "You're crying."
  You gasped and touched your face feeling the wetness of your cheek.
  "I..I am," You say, "I didn't realize," You laughed a little but it soon became a sniff. Quickly you hide your face so everyone wouldn't see you crying.
  "Y/n?" Blake touched your knee.
  "You...you two stressed me out so much, one minute everything was okay the next Yang couldn't even look at you," You sobbed, "The sorrowful look on your face as she did hurt me just as much, it made me feel like you two were never going to forgive each other." You said.
  "..." Blake thought for a moment while yang got up to comfort you pulling you into her arms your head resting on her shoulder you hands leave your face.
  "Continue please, please talk to us," Blake said.
  "I never wanted you two to hurt, I wanted to think of a way for you to not be so angry and upset at each other," You said, "But I failed you two didn't I? I didn't know what you two experienced, so I don't understand."
  "That's not your fault, Adam's the one who..." Blake stuttered looking at Yang.
  "I'm sorry we stressed you out honey, we weren't ready to talk," Yang said.
  "I know but I didn't want to force you two to talk either," You said.
   "We know you didn't," Yang said, "You were just so worried that we'd never trust each other like we used to, and that's understandable love."
You nodded, "My Queen, why didn't you talk to us about this before?" Blake asked.
  "I didn't want to worry you with my problems," You say.
   "We are worried, but not about you giving us more problems," Blake says, "We want you to be happy,"
  "You know I'm happiest whenever I'm around you two," You say smiling at Blake.
  "Good because that would be pretty upsetting if you didn't feel happy around us considering we're girlfriends," Yang said making you laugh a little.
   Blake groaned at her.

  Happy Bumbleby Week! 🐝💜💛

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