Futa Blake x Female Reader

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1/2 parts
Requested by UzukiB
(Not spell or grammar checked)

   "Hi Blake," You look at her. She smiles leaning over to you and biting down on your neck.
"Bl-Blake?" You question her.
"Sit still and take your shirt off," Blake eyes are lustful you comply taking off your shirt.
"You're breathtaking," You moan as she lowers herself towards your skirt.

You gasp as you wake up you look around. What the fuck? What the fuck was that dream?
"You okay?" You look at Blake, "Did you have a nightmare? You're a little sweaty..."
"Yep! Yeah I had a nightmare I'm just gonna go take a shower," You rush to the bathroom and look in the mirror. You touch the spot on your neck where Dream Blake bit you.
"Holy shit..." You just had dream of you and your best friend fucking, what the fuck? You take your shirt off and underwear because sleeping with pants on is dumb. Stepping into the shower you remembered how lustful Blake's golden amber eyes looked. It made you blush even thinking about it. Your hand slides down your thigh and to your-
"Y/n? You okay?!" Blake knocks on the door.
You quickly move your hand away, "Yeah! I'm fine!"
"Alright...What do you wanna do today?" Blake asks.
"Can we talk about it after I'm done showering?" You grab onto the conditioner, squeezing the bottle.
"Oh...yeah, sorry, enjoy your shower," Blake says nervously laughing at the end, she walks away.
  You sigh in relief, "What the fuck?" You look down and see that the bottle had broken open from the bottom, "Shit..."
"Y/n..." You jump back holding onto your towel, Blake smiles, "Do you want to grab tea with me? Af-after you get dressed of course."
"Oh yeah 'course!" You say.
"I'll...I'll leave you alone now," Blake says looking down at your towel.
"Right..." You say and she walks away you turn back around and pick out a day outfit. You change as fast as you can and walk over to Blake.
"Are we going to Vale? Or are we drinking tea in the cafeteria?" You ask.
"Vale...duh," Blake says as she gets up from her bed, you nod.
"Yes ma'am," You smile and the two of you walk out and down to Vale.
You two take a seat at Blake's favorite spot to get tea, "Soooo are we gonna invite anyone else? Your monkey friend? Ruby? Ice Queen? Yang?" You question.
"No I was hoping it could be just you and me," You nod, "Why was Sun the first option though?" Blake asked.
"I think he's fun," You say.
"Do you...do you like him?" Blake asked.
"He's cute but not my type," You answer.
"Oh, Than what is your type?" Blake asked.
"Why so many questions?" You ask and Blake shrugs.
"Your my best friend I want to know what you like and what you don't like," Blake says.
"Awww Blakey!" You smile, "That's so sweet."
Blake smiles, "I suppose...I don't know much about Sun but I think he likes bananas," Blake says sipping her tea.
"Is that code for he's gay?" You question.
Blake laughs, "No...not that sort of bananas...I mean he enjoys eating them like a monkey."
You nod, "Ohhhh...but Blake I don't like Sun I just think he's neat."
"Than what do you find attractive?" She asks and you look at her. Remembering your dream and how lustful Blake's eyes looked, you look away from Blake's stare.
"I..dunno," You say.
  "So what are we going to do today?" Blake asks, "Do you have anything on your mind you want to do?"
"Maybe...go walk around some more? I don't know I'm all for what you want," You say.
"I want you..." You hear Blake say.
"Umm...What did you say?" You ask your eyes wide as you look at Blake.
"I want to go where you want to go," Blake says and you nod.
"Oh okay 'course..." You say and Blake looks at you confused.
"What did you think I said?" Blake asks.
  "Don't worry about it," You smile.
After your walk around...you and Blake went back to the dorms.
"So what now?" Blake asks.
"Wanna watch a movie?" You ask.
Blake nods, "Sure."
"Yeshhh...you're gonna cuddle me!" You flop down on Blake's bed.
"I didn't agree to that," Blake says sitting down next to you.
"Too late Blakey-Belle," You smile.
"'Blakey-Belle'?" She questions.
"Hahah Yeah! Belle does mean beauty," You say.
"Thank you Y/n," Blake smiles laying down next to you.
"No problem," You wrap your arms around her and pull out your scroll. Blake laughed a little and wraps an arm around you pulling you closer. You pick a movie on Netflix, your pick, and you two start to watch it. Blake ran her fingers up and down your body softly it was loving to you but also teasing you it reminded you of your dream of how gentle Blake was when she began to...Stop thinking about it she's right fucking there...
"Y/n are you okay? You've been a little distant today," Blake asks and you look at her.
  "Um...I've just been thinking about the dream I had last night," You say.
  "Was it that bad of a nightmare?" Blake looks concerned now.
"Mm..." You didn't give her an answer looking away from her, fuck what am I supposed to say you're my best friend and I had a wet dream about you?!
"Huh?" You look back at Blake her eyes are wide.
"Did I..." say that out loud? Blake nods, "I-I'm sorry."
  "Hey It's fine it wasn't your fault it's not like you actually what me to you know," Blake doesn't finish and you nod.
"No no absolutely not," You say she nods, "How about we go back to watching the movie?"
  Blake nods, "Yeah let's do that..."

   To be continued

I'm leaving it here, next chapter I'm going to write the smut part, but hope you enjoyed this one thank you for reading.

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