Futa Blake x Reader 2

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Requested by UzukiB
(Not spell or grammar checked)
2/2, 2nd chapter

   God...why did you have to say anything? She seems so uncomfortable around me now...
  "Blake you okay?" You ask and she doesn't look away from her book. You two sit at the desk in your dorm room.
  "Yes..." You frown.
   "Can you please look at me when you say that?" You ask.
  "I'm fine Y/n," Blake responds.
  "Really? Than why do you sound so angry?" You ask.
  "Because of all these questions..." Blake says.
  "What else?" You ask.
   "You. I'm angry at you." She blankly says.
   You sigh, "Why?"
    She stays silent.
  "If I know I can apologize for it," You try to move toward her but she moves back.
  "You've been my best friend for 8 years...and during those 8 years you've helped me through a lot," Blake says, "What I'm trying to say is...I've been in love with you for awhile now."
  You heart feels like it's about to explode.
  "But..." Oh fuck... "Do you like me or do you just want to fuck me?"
That...was really quick. I was expecting more of a buildup. But really who cares? At least she trusts me to tell me her insecurities about me. That was a lot of mes in one sentence...
  "No no!" Her face drops shes thinking the wrong thing. "I mean, I like you Blake a lot..I mean I always have, but those dreams are just things I thought about of you and I."
  She waits for me to continue. God this is getting so awkward right now...
"I guess it's just...the way I thought about you is both romantically and sexually." You sigh in embarrassment.
"Now that we're being honest, I have also." Blake remarks.
You look at her shocked, "You mean you've thought about me sexually?"
She looks ashamed now, "Yes...I've thought about it multiple times, tying you down with my ribbon and just having my way with you. Sometimes I think about just holding you while you bounce on m-"
She coughs cutting herself off.
  You stare shocked, red in the face, "Wow..."
Blake's eyes meet yours, she's blushing and she seems like she has something to say but she can't say it.
  "This really isn't going anywhere with words so why don't we just do what we want with actions?" You ask and Blake nods. Blake reaches over and kissed you you immediately kiss back. You go to put your hand to cup Blake's cheep but you realize that your hands are tied behind you back with a black ribbon. You look up seeing Blake's cat ears and smile.
"That was quick," You say.
"You're not one for paying much attention to your surroundings," Blake shrugs. "Is the ribbon to tight?"
"It's fine, please continue," Blake nods, she gets up from the desk, pulling out your chair so she can pick you up. She carries you to her bed allowing you to sit up on it. She lays down right next you. You move so now you're straddling her. Blake undoes her skirt and pulls out her dick from her boxers. Precum is already leaking out from it.
"Ahem!" You cough gesturing to your hands.
"Oh right.." Blake then takes off your skirt and moves your underwear out of the way. She then alines her dick with your pussy.
"Jump." Blake directs and you begin to jump up and down on her dick, Blake's hands hold onto your hips.
"Blake...fuck...put your hand on my throat," You moan out.
"What?" She looks up surprised.
"Choke me," Blake does so leaning up towards you adding light kisses to your jaw and cheeks.
"Blake..." You moan and she looks at you, the lust in her eyes resemble those from your dreams more vividly. Blake's other hand goes down to your ass, gripping it while she pounds into you.
  "Fuck!" You moan out. "Blake untie me."
Blake doesn't pay attention or she's acting like she isn't listening to you, "Blake untie me...please?"
  The ribbon is off with just a tug and you rest your hands on Blake's shoulders. Bouncing up and down on her.
  "Good kitty..." Blake mumbles making you shutter. You lean over and rest your chin on Blake's shoulder your arms going down and wrapping around her.
"Ooh~!" Blake groans as she moves your hips up and down on her. You nails dig into her back.
  "Fuck...Im gonna cum..." You mumble Blake's pace quickens.
   "Holy shit!" You cum setting Blake off as she comes as well.
   You let out a shuddered sigh, moving to look at her, giggling. Her hairs messed up and she's a little sweaty.
  "Sorry if I scratched your back to hard," You say and she leans up kissing your cheek.
  "It's fine, we'll just make sure not to be in a position where you can scratch my back." Blake shrugs.
"Next time?" You question.
  "Of course, I don't think I want this to stop," She says.
  "Good, me neither."

  Unexpectedly the door opens, you two jump looking at the door.
  Weiss is looking down at her book but then looks up at the two of you.
  "...What the fuck are you two doing?! Is this what happens every time you guys say you're "studying"!?" Weiss yells.
  "Why don't you knock?!" Blake yells back.
  "Why don't you lock the door?! Good thing Ruby isn't here to see you two in this position! She'd probably malfunction and ask so many uncomfortable questions."
  You sigh, feeling embarrassed as the two of them yell at each other.

     I felt like that was a little too awkward at the beginning, but honestly it took me 4 tries to get to the smut part so... Anyway hopefully you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Also, I probably said this already but if you request something and then I follow you it means that your request is pending and taken to be written. Happy holidays!

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