Pervy! Blake x Curvy! Reader

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Requested by @piekid1238

No ones Pov
What if she just liked to snuggle? You thought as you looked up at the ceiling from your bed. She was usually cuddly and snuggly but now she's kinda been groping...You thought it would be nothing and thought you were special since she's never done that to her team. The groping didn't happen immediately it started off as Blake would wrap her arms around your waist and pull you in for a hug. You enjoyed them of course who didn't want to be hugged by a cat? You where confused but thought that she just needed one because life was a stressful roller coaster of emotion. It was a hug from the behind so your butt was almost touching her...ahem lower area. The last time she hugged you was earlier today but she kinda gripped you hips tightly as you tried to talk to Sun. You didn't see the glaring at Sun but you see his nervousness and when you looked back at Blake she smiled sweetly. She also slid her hands up making your shirt ride up a little. You coughed at her actions and she lowered her hands. When you walked to go to your next class Blake followed you. Well you two did have the same class together so I guess it wasn't all weird.
"Um...Blake what was that?" She looked at you confused, "I mean the gripping of the hips and sliding your hands almost in my shirt." Blake walked faster but you caught up to her.
"Nothing...I just like your company." She mumbled and you laughed a little.
   "Company? Your in team RWBY I don't think you would need my company when you have them?" You question jokingly.
  "..." Blake doesn't answer but has a slight blush on her face looking away from your eyes.
   "No worries Blake I like hanging out with you." You say trying to make her feel better and she smiles the both of you continue to walk to your next class.

Time skip
Blake's Pov
"Pssst...hey...hey Blake?" I look over at Sun it was the period after the one I had with Y/n.
"What?" I ask as Professor Peach looks at Cardin since he's disturbing class.
"Why are you so...Well you know clingy with Y/n?" Clingy?! I'm not clingy! I just look back in the front waiting for Prof. Peach to look away again.
"I'm not I just care about her safety is all." I whisper and Sun chuckles.
"But she is safe we're all friends Blake." He says and I wait for the bell to ring so I can talk to him privately. Once it does I grab Sun's arm and go to the court yard.
"Listen...I like Y/n in a romantic way ok! I guess I just don't like you flirting with her." I say and sun smirks.
"I knew it! Haha! Do you need help I'm a good wingman." I shushed him putting a hand on his mouth.
  "Not so loud some one could hear you." I say and he nods.
  "So...Wingman? Or maybe I'm a wing monkey?" He says.
  "Was...was that a pun?" I question and he nods making me roll my eyes.

      Time skip
  (Still Blake's Pov)
   After I told Sun about my crush on Y/n he's been pushing me to hand out with her more. I'm talking literally pushing me into her it's also embarrassing when I have to apologize to her. When I walk away my face always burns a pinkish red which most of the people who walk by can see. It's a ten minutes into lunch time I'm sitting besides Y/n as she eats. I looked over at her she had a bit of her food on her cheek. I lick my thumb and wipe it off she looks at me confused with an embarrassed blush on her face. Making me smirk she tilts her head like a confused puppy. The next day we're in the library when I'm about to go to Y/n I see Sun talking to her.
"What are you doing?" I mouth to him and he rests his hands on her shoulders of where her straps for her backpack are.
  "Helping!" He mouths back I growl and walk up to them giving Sun a look.
  "Hey Y/n let's study together." I say and she smiles but than looks at Sun he nods smirking. I grab her hand and she follows me to the back where all the chairs and tables are. She gets up to look at the books mumbling 'f' to herself to look at the history of Faunus culture.
  "Y/n? I'm a faunus I could help you with your homework." I say and she looks happy.
  "You'd do that for me?" She questions a slight blush on her face.
  "I'd do a lot of things to you." I say (Who gets that reference?) she blushes.
  "F-for me?" She stutters and I blush realizing what I just said.
  "Yep that too." I say and walks over getting a pencil from her book bag and her homework along with a couple of books. When she sits I get up and go behind her wrapping my arms around her. She starts explaining her homework but I don't listen and pay attention to her neck. I quickly nip at her neck and she jumps up blushing.
"Blake..did you...did you just bite me?" I smirk and shake my head no.
  "Maybe your imagining things." I say and she nods in agreement.
"Maybe.." She says going back to her work and writing stuff down.
"I like you Y/n." I say and she blushes turning to me.
"Blake why was that so sudden?" She questions and I laugh a little.
"I mean I like how determined you are to get work done." I say and she blushes mumbling an of course focusing on her work.
"I also just like you." I say and she blushes again to red.
  "St-stop teasing me!" She says clearly flustered and I smile.
  "But I mean it I like you Y/n." She gets up from her chair making me lose the chance I get to hug her even more.
"As a fr-friend right?" She asked gaining confidence I shake my head no.
"I mean...I really like you Y/n." I say she lets out a little oh playing with her fingers.
"I like you too." You say I smile walking up to her kissing her cheek.

"I also did bite your neck."

"I knew it!!"

Sorry it took so long to publish I'm a depressed little ass and trying to get myself back together piece by piece. Anyway hope you liked it too also according to the time it's 3 am :D. Hope you enjoyed it cause it's also unchecked for spelling errors! :)

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