Raven x Female Reader x Summer

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Warning(s): smut, toys strap-ons
Takes place in (past) Beacon

You sighed as you finished taking your last note from the book you where studying from. You've been studying for the past two weeks getting ready for a big test in Oobleck's class. You shut the book and looked at your girlfriends who were cuddling together on the bed. Qrow and Taiyang had there own room together because of there more than friendly relationship. You got up and walked to your drawer to get a t-shirt. You quickly put your day clothes in the laundry hamper which was more than full and climbed into get with the two. Summer quickly wrapped her arms around you smiling. Raven had her arms around summer and you protectively while summer hugged you. You smiled and turned to summer also wrapping your arms around her. You inhaled her scent...roses...
"I missed you," Summer said sleepily and you chuckled lightly.
"How? I was just studying?" You asked her and she kissed your forehead.
"I missed you sleeping next to us. I missed you in my dreams." She said kissing your cheek this time.
"You dream about me?" You ask her as her kisses start to lead down to your neck.
"I dream about you all the time when your next to me. You always brighten up my dreams as well as Raven." She kisses you on the lips before whispering a goodnight.
"Goodnight Rosie.." You say before you lay down your head the pillow and fall asleep.
The next day you woke up without your girlfriends next to you so you got up and didn't question it. You got up and took a shower. But you didn't now that there was a person sneaking up behind you (play creepy music). When the curtains reeled back you almost punched the person in the nose before they grabbed your hand.
"Hey save the fisting for later," Raven chuckled as she entered the shower with you.
"Not funny Raven," You said as you continued to scrub your body.
"I'm sorry hunny maybe I can make it up to you?" She questioned her voice going low as she gripped onto you hips.
You blushed, "Q-Quit teasing me," You stuttered out as the kisses on your neck began to spread all the way down to your thighs.
  "I said stop teasing me," You whispered out as your hands went against the wall.
She got up and whispered into your ear, "Too bad you'll have to wait til later," She then left and..took your towel to dry herself off leaving you wet in two ways than one and frustrated. Damn it...
  Time skip
You got out of the shower in a much smaller towel.
"Raven why'd you steal my towel?" You questioned or at least you tried before your towel was pulled off.
"What the-!" You didn't get a chance to finish that sentence because lips attacked yours. You opened your eyes a spotted Summer you tilted a little and saw raven behind you her arms roaming your body. You let out a groan when summer decided to bite down on your shoulder.
  "Heheh you like biting?" Raven asked making you blush.
  "No..." Summer bit down on your neck and you groaned again.
  "You just lied to us. You know what Summer and I do to liars like you?" Raven asked.
  You chuckle nervously, "Kiss them and treat them nicely?" You question and Raven laughs a little.
  "No, we have make them apologize~!" Summer smiled before shoving you on your guys bed. Summer quickly pulled her shirt off as well as the skirt she had on. Raven tore her flannel button up off and her pants, both were now in there underwear and bras making you blush furiously. Raven went under the bed to grab something and pulled out a box. Raven chuckled a little suggestively pulling out two strap-ons on red and one a deeper darker shade of red. Both seemed to be seven inches making you blush Raven gave one to Summer in which Summer put it on. Raven grabbed lube from the box and put it on hers than walked over to you. She slid you on her lap than entered your ass making you gasp in pain and pleasure.
   "It's ok princess the pain will go away," Raven said holding onto your waist but not moving. Once the pain went away Raven started to move a little, but tears burned in the corners of you eyes. Without any notice summer quickly slid into your pussy. Your moans quickly flooded the air as summer used her semblance to move her hips swiftly. Raven's grip on your waist made you fall back when she pulled you with her. Summer gasped out because the strap on she was wearing slid out of you.
  "Raven!" Summer yelled and raven shrugged moving her hips faster. Summer rolled her eyes and went back over to your hips and entered again moving her hips at the same pace she was before. Your gasps and moans could be practically heard from outside of beacon.
  "F-faster! Please?" You moaned out raven laughed a little at you and picked up her pace as well as summer.
"Cumming!" You gasped out before you released your juices on Summer's strap on. Summer pulled herself out of you as well as Raven. Taking the strap on off summer placed it on the bed than went straight down (or should I say gay down) to your pussy licking up all of the leftover juices from you cumming. You gasped and Summer pulled away smiling.
  "You taste good," Summer said, "Wanna taste Raven?" Summer asked and put two fingers into you (making you moan a little) and than pulled out. Summer's fingers went to raven and she grabbed summers wrist putting Summer's fingers in her mouth. Than, pulled them out.
  Raven laughed a little, "She wasn't lying." You blushed as Summer got up to go and change since it was almost 5pm putting her pjs on but after that everything seemed tiring.
"Not like I didn't enjoy that but why did we just suddenly have sex?" You asked and Raven smiled.
  "Because you've been studying all week and we haven't had quality time together," Raven admitted and you sighed.
  "I'm sorry," You said, "I'll try to make time for you two and not study as much. I love you two." You say and Summer walked over to you after she put her pjs on kissing your cheek.
  "We love you too," Summer said crawling into bed pulling you down with her cuddling you not soon after raven joined the two of you cuddling you and summer. Raven grabbed her scroll and you three watched movies until you three fell asleep.

    Not gonna lie that was a little embarrassing to write. It's not spell checked but I hope you enjoyed reading it. Hope you also have a happy holidays.

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