Ilia x Faunus!Female reader

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This is just a short oneshot because I'm working on 6 others. Enjoy!

  She smiled at me and turned pink! Can you believe that? Does that mean she was blushing at me?? Hopefully... I really like her and want this to not be like my last relationship. Also when someone decided it was a good idea to pull my tail today and yell racist slurs but she stood up for me! She makes me so happy but she probably likes Blake. Til next time journal...
                                                Love Y/n...
  Ilia chuckled she had found your journal yesterday and couldn't stop reading it. She liked the parts were you talked about how your day went and how good it. She liked when you decided to talk about her liked when you talked about your family and liked when you were being so encouraging to yourself. But, you did have bad days and you wrote them down too. I wasn't drama it was just you spilling out your feelings in the best way possible. Copping in the best way you knew and she liked it all your feelings were written with your hand writing. She sighed as she opened another journal entry only to find the page blank. That was it? Boo...
  "Ilia~! Have you seen my Jour-!" You stopped as you looked at your journal you blushed, "How much did you read!?" She asked anxiously and I winced closing my eyes.
  "A-all of" You sighed and there was tears in your eyes.
  "I understand if you don't feel the same but can you give me my journal back and if you want can we please just stay friends?" You asked and she looked confused handing you back your journal.
  "I don't want to be your friend." She raised her voice a little at the end.
  "Oh..." You whispered at the end and Ilia panicked that's not what she meant. Quickly, Ilia grabbed onto your hand.
  "I meant that I wanted to be more than your friend..." (I'm sorry but if this was Ruby wouldn't she say "Like best friends?") She said and you looked at her in relief and shock.
  "Really?" You asked and a smile was happily resting  on your face. She nodded.
  "Really..." Ilia smiles as you jumped hugged her smiling to herself, "Also I'm reading your next journal entry." She said honestly and you laughed.
"Not a chamce." (Get it because Chameleon is spelt like never mind.) You joked.
   It was short because I'm making 6 others I'll post them soon when I'm not being lazy. It's also next proof read so 😐.

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