Pyrrha x Snake! Reader

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  "Heya how's the water feel?" You ask Pyrrha groans.
"Y/n..." Pyrrha was currently training by the seaside in Argus.
  "Is it cold?" You question.
  "Yes..." Pyrrha says.
  "Cool I might dip in wanna join me Ms. Nikos or are you going to be busy later?" You smirk.
  "I'll be training all morning," Pyrrha states.
  "Than join me in the afternoon?" You ask.
  "Please you don't make any time for me anymore I feel like you don't want to be around me," You whine begging.
  "That's not it at all!" Pyrrha says, "I just need to keep this training up until I enter beac-!"
  "Beacon yeah I got it!" You walk away looking at your arms running your fingers across your scales.
  "Is it because of my scales? Because I'm a faunus and everyone back home says I'm a menace to you is that why?" You sigh, "Well I'm sorry I'm different."
You walk off, in the corner of your eyes you can see Pyrrha running down the shore.
You walk into a ice cream shop nearby the shore, even though it is kinda early, you order your favorite and than sit down at a table.
"Y/n?" You look up, "What's up?" The cashier asked. If you remembered correctly the girls name was Jen, she had been serving you ever since you've come here.
"Hey Jen, come to sit with me? I'm all by my lonesome," You ask.
She nods, "'Course," She sits down.
"Where's Miss Redhead? Jen asks.
"Busy with training," You shrug.
"Hahah, When is she not training?" Jen laughs.
"Exactly..." You mumble.
"You okay?" Jen questions.
"What's with all the questions?" You hiss.
"Y/n..." Jen says tenderly.
"No okay?! I just...when Pyrrha's gone who..who will I hang out with? Everyone who knows me or looks at me says just because I am a snake faunus thinks I have a snake personality," You confess.
"Well I don't think that, so I guess not everyone," Jen smiles.
"You're different Jen, you got to know me before judging me," You state, "I hate people."
"Pyrrha will come back I assure you," Jen says.
"How are you so sure?" You question.
"What do you mean?" Jen looks confused.
"What if she just doesn't want to hang out with me anymore? What if she leaves forever without looking back? I'll be...alone..." You look down at your ice cream.
"Well when she does...You can always hang out with me if you want?" Jen questions.
"I...yeah I would like that I are like the only person who treats me with respect," You smile.
" after my shift do you maybe want to...oh I dunno play tricks on Parker?" Parker was the kid that Jen would always hang out with, if you didn't know better you'd think that Jen has a crush on Parker.
"Hahah! Okay," You laugh.
"Good to see you smiling again," Jen gets up, going back to work.
"All thanks to you," You add.
Jen chuckles walking back to behind the register. You casually flirt with people you come across, you don't have enough friends to think that they don't talk it seriously.
  You finish your ice cream and than wait for Jen or you hope Pyrrha to walk in and apologize to you, but she has better things to do...
It's almost been a year since you've seen Pyrrha, she went to beacon early leaving you behind without a goodbye. But should you care? She chose training over her friend. It's been You, Jen, and Parker for awhile, you guys have become very close friends too which sort of made you forget about Pyrrha.
You sigh, but than look at Parker, "Hey ding dong how is you?" 
"It's 'how are you?' And don't call me ding dong," Parker says.
You laugh, "Where is Jen?"
"Work, want to go and visit her?" Parker asks.
"Yeah I miss her," You say.
"We saw her yesterday," Parker states.
  "Doesn't matter feels like she's been worlds away," You smile.
  "Whatever lets go," Parker rolls his eyes.
You nod, "Yeps!"
The walk there wasn't that bad you and Parker made inside jokes and raced there when you were close to a block away.
"Hahah! I win!" You shout.
"That's because I let you win!" Parker yells back at you.
"Whatever you say short stack," You smile, turning to open the door you gasp looking at a pair of familiar emerald green eyes. You do your best to ignore it and walk in without disturbing her...she seems to have more friends...guess she really forgot about me...
"Y/n! Parker! Hey!" Jen smiles.
You look up at her, "Hey Jenny how are you?"
"Good I missed you two," She replies.
"Aww how sweet, you hear that Parker she missed us," You smile at him.
Parker's face flushes, "Shuddup."
You laugh walking up to the register, "I'll get my usual. What do you want Parker?"
"I'll get a vanilla with chocolate sprinkles," He says.
"That's boring..." You mumble, Jen laughs giving you the price, you pay than Parker and you go sit down. You couldn't bare to look at the girl next to you, it seemed like she was ignoring you and focusing on her friends.
"Hey isn't that Pyrrha?" Parker questions whispering to you and you nod.
You sigh looking down at your arms, trying not to itch at your arms nervously.
"Hey!" You look to your side, "I'm Nora I like your eyes, they look cool."
You smile, "Thank you, I'm Y/n L/n."
"Coolio, are you a snake faunus?" Nora asks.
"Isn't it obvious?" Parker asked, "They do have scales and slits instead of pupils."
You kick Parker's leg, "Yeah I am, pretty cool right?"
"Hahah! Yeah," Nora looks back at her friends, "Oh this is Ren, Jaune, and Pyrrha!"
"Nice to meet you guys," You smile.
Pyrrha finally looks at you, "Hello there."
Cool now we're both pretending that we don't know each other that's fun...
"Here ya go..." Jen says giving you and Parker your ice cream.
"This is Jen and Parker, my friends," Parker waves.
"Hi," Jen says sitting next to Parker.
"Where are you guys from?" You ask.
"Oh well...that's a long story," Jaune says and you nod.
"What brings you to Argus?" Parker asks.
"We're just visiting for awhile...we are actually trying to get to Atlas," Pyrrha says.
"Mhm..." You nod biting into your ice cream, "Yum."
"Be careful you might get a bellyache like you did last time," Jen smiles at you.
"You can't tell me what to do!" You say playfully and Jen rolls her eyes smiling at you. Pyrrha's eyes never leave you.
Two hours later
"Well I think it's time for us to head out Parker," You say, "Your mom might be worried if you aren't home on time."
"Oh Shuddup," He says.
You laugh, "See you guys soon hopefully."
"We should go to we got to meet up with Team RWBY," Jaune says getting up, "Thanks for recommending this place Pyrr."
"No problem an old friend recommended it to me long time ago," Pyrrha said making your eyes go wide.
"Yeah?" You look back at her.
"Mhm..." Pyrrha responds.
"Oh fuck off..." You mumble.
"Y/n! You can't stay mad at her forever," Parker says.
"I'm not mad Parker! I'm fucking pissed," You say, "She acts like nothing happened, like the past doesn't exist, like she doesn't even want to remember me."
"Y/n..." Parker says carefully.
"I'm forgetful I suppose...but what everyone says about me having a personality like a fucking snake and I shouldn't be trusted, you finally listened didn't you?" You question, Pyrrha doesn't speak.
"Um...What's going on?" Jaune asks.
"You three please wait outside while I talk to Y/n please," Pyrrha says, they nod hesitantly, walking outside. You two look at each other.
"Parker why don't to go talk with Jen?" You ask.
" me if you need me," He walks away quickly.
  "I didn't forget about you," She says.
  "Than what did you do? Pretend I didn't exist?" You raise your voice a little.
"No! I never meant for it to seem that way," Pyrrha shakes her head no.
"Than what?" You yell, "Than why did you leave me behind?"
"I don't..." You don't know, "I wasn't thinking all I could think about was Beacon, I ignored you, but I never thought of you as what everyone said, a rebellious snake."
You stood still waiting for her to continue, "Y/n seeing you today brought back so many memories, I'm sorry I pushed you away, I'm sorry I left you, but I'm not staying here and you know that."
"Than...can we at least keep in touch?" You ask.
"I don't want to lose you again," Pyrrha smiles and you laugh wiping off fallen tears.
"I don't know," You trail off.
"Y/n...don't be stubborn," Pyrrha folds her arms.
You laugh, "Was I? I didn't even realize."
Pyrrha grins, "I missed you."
"Me too."

"And by that I mean I'd miss me too."

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading, I just made up people names in two seconds and Jen and Parker came to mind, I dunno.

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