Protective!Caring! Ruby x Shy!Depressed!Cat Faunus!Female Reader

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   Requested @tmp2017

No Ones Pov
You and Ruby have been dating for awhile now she's knows a lot about you and you know a lot about her. Your shyness makes it a bit difficult for when she tries to kiss you because you get nervous. Well she does kiss you and it's not as bad as what happened with your ex. They rushed you forced you to kiss them it was rough while Ruby's where more passionate. She doesn't rush you! You had a really bad break up with your ex she/he was abusive manipulative. (Like Adam but not.) She/he wasn't a faunus the abusive side was when she/he was angry and they lashed out on you. Blaming you for everything made you completely shy and depressed. They hurt you so much abusing you mentally and you. They traumatized you Ruby was one of your closest friends who was also a huntress in training. So when you came to Ruby for help she screamed at them.
"ABUSER!" Ruby would shout, "She doesn't deserve this!" She yelled they growled at her reminding you of a dog.
"Your wrong! She doesn't deserve anything but hurt!" They shouted back and Ruby punched them across there face making them stumble over landing on there back. You gasped and when you went to help them Ruby blocked you.
"They don't deserve your niceness and caring personality." You nodded and walked away with Ruby holding your hand and when you got to her team room. She tried to calm you down cuddling you and hugging you and at that point in time she confessed she loved you. You accepted her confession saying maybe you'd be better than them. You kissed her saying you loved her too which was very confidant of you. She saved you after all.
But your relationship wasn't always the best when she got angry she would ignore you. But this time she took it too far.

Ruby Pov
Yang keeps on saying I need to practice hand to hand combat. Does she not think I'm strong enough!? I stormed into my room seeing Y/n on my bed reading. I stormed over to my bed.
"Move." I said angrily she looked up at me and just moved over a little. This got me madder and when I got on the bed I pushed her back making her fall off the bed.
"Ow!!" She exclaimed falling on her back and looked at me shocked.
"What!?" I questioned, "Have something to say!? Well speak up I can't hear you." She looked scared and I didn't care. I ignored her.
"S-Sorry..." She whispered and I looked angered, "I didn't mean to...I didn't want to upset you Ruby." You say and I couldn't control my brain.
  I looked down at my hand it was pink. I did it, I slapped her. I looked up there was tears running down her face and her right hand covered where I slapped her.
  "Honey? Lover? I'm so sorry I just.." I moved my hand to help her but she finches back. Look at her eyes! There's trauma in them. You did that to her. You brought the trauma back. I move my hand away and look at her she tries to move away but I get up and trap her in a hug. She tries to break from it.
  "Let go! Please! I...I.." I broke away from it my anger was gone. It was taken away from that slap.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I never meant to bring back the memory of them!" She was now crying on her knees she's hiding her face. I just looked at her crying making my heart breaking even more. I sit next to her wrapping my arms around her.
   No ones Pov
        It took you a week to start talking to Ruby again she gave you chocolate, roses...chocolate roses. She would snuggle you repeating how sorry she is you nodded. She wasn't them but the bad memories came back to you hurtfully. You took your time regaining your trust for her but when you two where in the grocery store one day. That's when she officially had your trust back.
    To when you two where at the grocery store
  "So...the movie was good." You two went to watch a movie at the theater but now it was time to get groceries.
  "Hm...." You responded looking at the apples you sighed and put some in a clear bag when you looked for Ruby she was looking at the bananas. You started to walk to the grape fruit but stopped when you saw...your ex. They looked at you and walked towards you.
  "Hello love did you miss me?" The said obnoxiously and you had terror in your eyes as they put an arm on your back pushing you closer to them. When Ruby looked at you she gasped.
  "D-Dont to-touch me.." You said shaking and they let out an evil laugh.
  "Why not? Aren't you happy to see me?" Ruby approached you and them.
  "Didn't you hear her? She said don't touch her!" Ruby yelled at them.
   "And what if I don't? What are you gonna do red?" They say and Ruby pushes him away from you surprised at her strength. Than security takes them away escorting them out of the grocery store. She looks over at you.
  "Are you ok Y/n they didn't hurt you or touch you in a bad way?" She said worriedly and you shook your head no with tears in the corner of your eyes. She walked towards you.
  "Thank you!" You hug her your head in the crook of her neck.
  "Of course. I love you." She says and you smile and pull your head back whipping your tears away.
  "I love you too." She smiles and kisses your cheek lovingly making you laugh happily. She did make you happy.
  So happy and she promised not to never hurt you again.
  She truly loved you...

  Hope you enjoyed and it wasn't too short and you found spelling mistakes. But I have more than 100 votes on this story of oneshots. So thank you for the votes and for reading this story I really appreciate this and again thank you!

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