Curvy! Elm Ederne x Curvy! Reader

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Requested by piekid1238
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Elm Ederne she has been your best friend since you two where three. You've grown up together, had all your birthdays together (, discovered your sexuality together wink wink), You where there when she got promoted as a huntress to work with General Ironwood. You where there with her all the way. Her first day you made her a sandwich with a couple of other snacks. She then bragged about you to her 'friends' in the ace ops. You learned about Harriet when Elm brought her home to introduce her best friend to her co-worker. Then you met Clover, then Vine, and finally Marrow.
When years past between your friendships with them they got unconnected with you including Elm. Everyday you'd try to call or text her but with no replay each day you gave up on her. You lived in mantle your entire life when your parents passed away you promised them that you'd keep the house in good shape and you did...until....
  Mantle was under attack by Grimm they broke in threw mantles barriers and tore right through the cities. You ran out of your home and followed a crowd to a safety area. There where airships landing and they picked up groups off people. You looked back at your home and noticed a Goliath charge into your home. The glass shattered off the windows and the house's bricks looked unsteady then it collapsed. You gasped as you continued to run away your home your family home destroyed by Grimm. Tears stung in your eyes and they stung as they rolled down your cheeks.
   You ran and ran with a group til you arrived at an airship people where being protected by huntresses and Elm... you looked at her as you ran past her. Her mouth gaped when she saw you and when you ran behind her onto the airship her eyes pleaded for you not to go. To stay with her... but how could you when she betrayed your trust. When your airship stopped in Atlas you walked around admiring the fancy things. Like the clothings, the food, the fancy shopping places. You looked at a jacket through a window it was f/c (favorite color). You looked down and sighed.
"That jacket would look good on your," A voice spoke out and you turned around to see Elm Ederne.
"You think so?" You question her and she nods smiling.
"Of course anything would look good on you," She says as she walks next to you.
"How are you? It's been awhile," You look at her and give her a look of suspicion.
"Yeah and who's fault is that?" You ask her and she looks down.
"I'm sorry I was busy," She said and you felt tears creep in your eyes.
"For a year? Elm why didn't you respond when I texted you? When I called? I lost you and now I lost my family home that kept all the memories of my mother and father. The family home that kept our play dates our sleepovers! It's not fair!" You yell out and she looks away.
"I'm sorry," She whispers gripping her arm and you look down.
"Me too... but I just can't forgive you right now," You say and she nods.
"I understand you can stay with me for a little while if you want? We can catch up. Like the old times," She says and you nod.
"Ok," You say but not yet believing her wish to be together.
Time skip
  "How've you been?" Elm asked opening her door. You haven't talk about anything when you where walking to her apartment.
  "'s an emotion roller coaster for me right now. How about you?"
   "Team RWBY and Team JNR have joined us. There hunters who want to put a stop to...well you know Grimm." You nod.
  "How's been working for ironwood? He's not doing much for mantle up here is he." She nods.
  "He's scared Y/n. He doesn't want a repeat of Beacon," Elm says.
  "I understand that...but what about the countless lives in mantle. They're just as important as the citizens in Atlas."
  "I know...but what else can we do? We have to sit out and wait," She walks to the kitchen and makes coffee.
  "I'm not really good at waiting..." You say and she nods.
  "I know," Elm says, "Why don't you stay the night? Hotels in Atlas cost a lot." You nod.
  "Ok," You say looking down, "Thank you," She comes back ushering you to sit on her couch.
"Here," She gives you a cup of coffee, "Just how you like it,"
The next morning you woke up in Elm's bed you got up at turned to face her. She was snoring lightly. She let you wear one of her t-shirts to bed last night. You gripped the shirt to your face and sniffed it a little. Then, you got up and walked to the living room/kitchen and made some coffee. After, you walked to the couch and sat down. You heard a yawn and a couple of foot steps approaching the kitchen.
"I was wondering where you went," Elm said, "You made coffee?" She asked and you nodded. She walked to the kitchen looting herself a cup. After, she walked to the living and sat next to you on the couch.
She turned on the news.
"Destruction in mantle leaves many furious about what Ironwood's plan-!" She switched the channel was she saw your upset face.
"Mantle's destruction leaves it in ruins. Who knows what ironwood's doing? What is that man plan-!" She switched it again it went to another news station about mantles destruction. Then you grabbed the remote and turned the tv off.
"People are furious about this...people are going to try and overthrow ironwood. If he doesn't act now he'll be removed from the council." Elm looks like she understands you.
  "Just give him another cha-!"
"We've gave him far too many chances and look what his leadership has down to the citizens of mantle! To mantle!" You snap and Elm looks shocked. You breathing turns into gasps and then you let out a sigh.
  "You don't know what iroonwood's doing either don't you?" Pinching the sides of your nose you ask frustrated. Elm shakes her head no looking down.
  "I'm sorry," Elm says.
  "I'm sorry too I shouldn't have yelled," Elm smiles.
  "I'll try to figure out what he's doing. What he's planning," Elm reassuringly smiles at you. You smile back.
  "Thank you,"
Time skip
You walked back to Elm's apartment after going to the supermarket. You've been staying with Elm for a couple of weeks now. You've gotten to know each other again. It was a little hard too your relationship was in a critical area and still going into a direction that went south. Until then you tried to talk your feelings out to her and she did her best to understand that you were hurting.
She wanted to help you through it, but one day when you asked why she had helped you she didn't respond.
"I love you, Y/n," She said making you gasp, "I would spend a thousand years just trying to make you feel happy again. For you to smile in delight because of me...i would do anything for you and to make you happy and I understand if you don't feel the same," She said and you smiled slightly kissing her. Soon the kiss turned into a little more with her hands sliding underneath your shirt letting her feel all your curves. The kiss turned to a deeper one then the next morning your body was cold covered in dry sweat and laying next to you holding you was a naked Elm. She woke up once you started to move.
"So I take last night was a way of saying you love me too?" She asked and you snorted laughing.
"Of course I love you Elm," You lean down and kiss her forehead making her smile, "Thank you for finding me."

  Hope you enjoyed I've been sick lately and haven't been having the motivation to move and start to write but hopefully you don't find. Thank you for your patience!

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