Blake x Philophobic!Reader

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Philophobia is the fear of falling in love and/or having emotional attachment
Requested YNsWombBaby

  Love is difficult...and very stupid sometimes. It can make you do something stupid and hurt you. Love is super hard to manage too. People hurt people... sometimes it's through there words or actions. It sucks to be in love because someone make not like the same gender you like or just not be in love with you. But...who needs love anyway.
  You get out of bed getting ready for today. Your dreams kept you awake all night. Dreams...more like nightmares. No matter how hard you wanna love people it's they love you back? You're mother didn't...and your father was too busy taking care of his job. You grabbed a shirt from your closet putting in on your bed. Then you went to your drawer and grabbed pants from you bottom one. After getting ready you walked out of your room down the hall of Atlas Academy and to class. You were still a student there it was your fourth year. You didn't have any teammates since they where all expelled for doing something stupid. You didn't get much details. So now it was just you always at anytime throughout the day. The news of team RWBY arriving at Atlas spread like the Black Plague. You rolled your eyes at them.
   What made them so special? You slammed your locker shut. You walked to your next class upset and not in the mood to talk to people. You've been cut down so much that it's reached bone. What made them so special?? Was it because they survived the fall of Beacon? Or something else.
  "Y/n L/N, please report to General Ironwood's office immediately!" The speaker rang. You sighed, but then walked off.
  Time skip
  "You wanted to see me General?" You walked in and noticed team RWBY standing by him.
  "Yes, You must've gotten word of team RWBY's appearance have you not?" The general questioned.
  "I have. I must say you four are rather popular," You say and the one with a red hood who must be their leader ruby chuckled rubbing the back of her neck whispering an oh shucks. You got a good look at all of them. They all are incredibly cute. You sigh and turn your attention back to Ironwood.
  "I want you to help them with something. I've noticed your skill in the classroom, your grades, your studious habits, you're excellent in hand to hand combat." He lists.
  "General what for? Why do I need to help them?" You said but it sounded a little more spiteful then you meant it to be.
  "You See we're building a new amity tower with the fact that more Grimm seem to have appeared and Robyn and her happy know it alls are at our necks they need assistance." He says.
"You have formed an alliance with team JNR and Qrow Branwen. Who're you scared to fight?" You ask and winter looks at you coldly.
  The General sighs, "Have you heard of the name Salem?" He asks.
  "Like in those old folk tails about the witch Salem?" You question.
He nods, "She's alive...and controlling the Grimm, her forces have gotten stronger and she's always one step ahead of us."
  "Sounds like you don't know what you're up against," you say and he nods, "I'll help you...but only for a short time. There's a storm brewing isn't there? A war ahead of us?" You ask looking at team RWBY and they nod. You then look at the General and he nods as well.
  "So when do I begin?"
  Time skip
  Amity Tower...It's used to build more alliances with the kingdoms. You looked at your new 'teammates' as you guys traveled down to Solitas. You where wearing your heavy clothes or in other words armor.
  "So...What happened to your old teammates?"
  "Ruby!!" A shrill voice yelled.
  "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to be-!"
  "They left me...I don't care for them though. Well more like expelled... from something stupid...all of them where incredibly racist though so I don't care." You say.
  "What where they expelled for?" The blonde bombshell asked.
  "Yang!" Weiss yelled at them.
  "I'm curious," Yang said.
  "Curiosity killed the cat," Blake said as her ears twitched.
  "But satisfactory brought it back," You say and Blake looks at you smiling you stare blankly you don't remember the last time you smiled, "They where expelled for spray painting a couple of our faunus students lockers. It was horrendous how the faunus where treated. But ironwood found out and took charge. Now it's just me but I don't mind. Sometimes being alone is good for you." Blake's face twisted into one of concern.
"We've arrived! Get ready team!" Clover said as the airship prepared for landing.
Why aren't you leaving me alone??? You thought as you noticed Blake's constant watch over you. You guys settled in for the night making a fire. Everyone was asleep you volunteered for watch out first.
  "Y/n?" Blake said quietly as she walked towards you with a cup of coffee.
  "Yes?" You asked.
  "Do you want company?" She asked and you shook your head no.
  "You should get some rest..." leave me alone.
"I wanna talk to you," She says, "if you don't mind of course." You shake your head no.
  "Sit down." She sits next to you.
  You two sit in silence before Blake speaks up, "Do you really want to be alone forever?" She asks and you shake your head no.
  "Some days I want to but I don't  want to get hurt again and my head is confused," You say and Blake nods.
  "I used to think that way. But then I met ruby, Weiss, and Yang. They changed me. Loneliness isn't healthy."
  "But It's the only thing I know." You say and Blake nods.
  "Well you've got some learning to do," Blake says, "I'm going to be there to help you."
Time skip
Blake knew you much better now. About stuff you wouldn't tell anyone, about your parents, about your friends, about your life. Why was she so eager to help you? You walked into Blake's tent she was sitting down reading a book her cat ears tilted towards you as you walked in.
  "Blake...I told you enough about me...tell me something about you. If you don't mind of course." You say and she looks up from her book.
  "..." She went silent, "sit down..." You obliged sitting down. She stayed silent for awhile.
  "There once was a little girl with black cat faunus ears. Her father and mother where apart of the Whitefang one day at a meeting in menagerie where the girl lived she met a man with horns atop of his head. Who she thought was the bravest man she's ever met. She was wrong. He changed. He would yell abuse or yell at her about how she should dress, how to act, how to be a good faunus. One day the little faunus decided to leave him. On a mission with the Whitefang she jumped onto the other side of the train and split it. As she did she said goodbye to the man as she thought she would never see him again. Again she was wrong. She met friends and got close to them but then the man found out and hunted her down. She confronted him and her friend had her arm severed from her. She ran away like a coward. Didn't leave a note, or a sign for her friend. She left her friends and decided to go back to Menagerie, to her parents, to the Whitefang. She wanted a change and she stood up for it. Stood up against the horned man and for once she was victorious! Until she met her friends again. She saw her friend again her robotic arm. She felt terrible but nevertheless she knew what she had to do to make it right. She journeyed with them. Fought with them again. And finally the cat girl earned forgiveness. But she never forgave herself. The man left a deep cut on her and with her best friend by her side they took down the man. She felt horrible about how she let Ad- the man find them. Horrible about how she treated her friends. Her family. But she still was forgiven." Blake said wiping tears away from her cheeks as they rolled down.
  "How did it end?" You asked.
  "The girl found love with her friends, her new found family. She was proud of herself for her accomplishments but still the man got to matter what." Blake said, "That girl was me." She said looking down on herself.
  "You're very brave Blake. This guy sounds like he wasn't the best for you. But he shouldn't hold you back from what you love! You aren't him! Don't let him control you!" You say and Blake smiles.
  "Hahah...what if you're someone I love?" She says and you look at her surprised. She looks up at you.
  "I said that out loud didn't I?" Blake said as her eyes widened in panic.
   "Yeah...but surely it doesn't matter because I love you too, I'm not used to that...please I've never said that to anyone..." Blake nods.
  "I understand and I won't let your i love you go to waste." Blake smiles.
  "I also don't think I'm ready to tell the others about us..if we're going to start something..." You say and Blake nods.
  "Of course whenever you're ready."

  Sorry I've been so absent and sorry it took so long to write. I have been busy. I'm trying to focus on healing myself and I have quite a lot. I'm happy with myself. Hopefully you  enjoyed thank you for reading.

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