Schneep (Ego x Mark #3)

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A/N real quick note. After this there'll only be: Robbie, Marvin, Jackie-boy man, and Bingseptic. Then I'm going to move onto Ego x Jack. Which'll be all of Mark's egos taking over and having fun with Jack. So yeah! Also I got these ideas while I was trying to sleep last night lol. So I hope you enjoy this one!

Schneep's POV
I wanna know what Jack's got. Chase, JJ and Anti said it was really good. "Jackie boyyy." I said in a sing song German voice. "What is it Schneep?" Jack said looking at me annoyed. "Can I have a little fun with zat boyfriend of yours?" Jack sighed. "Fine." Schneep smiled and took over then went to find Mark in their room. "Markimoooo." I said making sure my German accent was visible. "What is it Schneep?" He knew it was me? Aww. "I vant to have a little fun." I said with a smirk and I saw Mark's smile turn into a smirk.

"Come here then." He said seductively as I ran to him already taking off all my clothing. He got undressed too and kissed me. "Hurry up and take me~" I said seductively. Mark nodded and rammed into me causing me to moan. "Fuck." He groaned into my ear.

3rd Person POV 
Mark continued ramming into Schneep as hard as he could causing the doctor to become a moaning mess. "I'm close." The doctor said as he came onto their lower stomachs. "M-me too." Mark moaned as he came deep inside of the doctor. He pulled out and cuddled him as they both slept. The next day Jack woke up in his own body. Thank god. 

"Morning clover." Mark said as he brought breakfast into bed. "Aww Mark you're too kind." He said as he ate the breakfast. "Anything for you clover." He said as he gave the younger a sweet passionate kiss. They truly were happy despite Jack's egos doing what they were doing. I'm sure Robbie or Marvin is next. He thought.

A/N And cliff hanger! I hope you enjoyed as always! Byeeeee

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