Host (Ego x Jack #7)

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A/N this ones going to be fun. Also Host will talk normally because it's kind of annoying to write the proper way he talks. Anyway ok with it!

"Host. Go ahead." Mark said knowing it was his turn. "Yay!" Host said as he took over and waited for Jack in bed. "Hey hosty." Jack said as he jumped into bed. "Hey beautiful." Host said looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "Are we gonna have some fun too?" Jack said whining a little. He chuckled. "Of course." He said giving the younger a sweet kiss. "I want to top." Jack said as Host nodded. They both got undressed and Jack got on top of host. "Ready?" He said looking at host as he nodded. Jack slowly entered and waited for him to adjust. "Move." Host said as he just wanted the fun to begin. Jack began pounding into his ass. "Fuck." Jack moaned out as he started thrusting into his prostate. "Shiiiiit." Jack groaned as he kissed host. Soon enough host came on their lower stomachs. Jack soon came inside him. "Jesus." Jack said as he pulled out panting. Mark took over and just cuddled Jack as they fell asleep.

A/N hope you enjoyed this! Until next time bye bye!

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