New Pets!

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A/N Okay I'm bored and have another idea teehee~ enjoy!

"Babee I want another pet" Sean whined. "But we already have Chica and Henry!" Mark stated. "But I want a cat...or two" Sean said looking at the floor as he fiddled with his hands. "Fine come on" Mark said finally giving in as he grabbed the keys. "YAY!" Sean said jumping up and down like a little child. Mark smiled at this. He really did love his fiancée. Mark drove to the shelter and Sean immediately saw a (A/N Idk what breed Marzipan is so ima just say what i think she is) Ragdoll/Main coon. "She's so cute!" Sean said as he bent down to pet her. (A/N Idk what gender marzi is either so I'm saying she's a she).

The shelter owner let Marzipan out of the cage and she immediately went up and started rubbing against Sean and Mark's legs. "She's perfect" Mark said. "Is there any others you would like besides Marzipan?" The shelter owner asked. "Let's look around" Sean nearly begged Mark. Mark sighed and agreed. They saw another Maine coon cat. "Aww he's so cute!" Sean said again bending down to pet him. He looks at the collar and reads: "Big Boss, BB." Mark looked at Sean furrowing an eyebrow. "I want this one too!" Sean said sounding like a child. Mark of course agreed and they went home with both cats.

Henry and Chica easily warmed up to BB and Marzi. Everyone was happy. End fin!

A/N This one's really short I'm sorry! But it's all I got!

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