Movie At Home

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"Go pick out a movie Jack." Mark said as he looked at Jack. He rolled his eyes and went to pick out a movie. "How about this one, Mark?" He said as he handed him the movie, "50 Shades Of Grey." "Isn't that a romance movie?" "Your point?" Jack said looking at Mark with a "really?" look on his face. "Alright just for you clover." Mark said as he put the movie on and wrapped his arm around Jack. 

Jack smiled and cuddled up to Mark. The first sex scene came on and Jack started to rub Mark through his boxers. "What are you doing?" Mark asked looking at Jack. "Making you feel good fireball" Jack replied smirking. Mark moaned biting his lip. Mark took off his boxers then Jack's boxers.

"is this what you wanted?" Mark asked looking Jack up and down. Jack could only nod vigorously. Mark leaned down to kiss Jack's sweet spot which made Jack moan out his name. Mark bit his lip and slowly entered all the way into Jack's entrance. Jack moaned out his name.

Mark started to slowly thrust. Soon the pain was washed away with pleasure. "F-faster~" Jack moaned. Mark started to pound into him soon finding his prostate. "Right there!" Jack moaned loudly. Mark continued to thrust hard right there.

"I-I'm close" Jack moaned. "M-me too princess." Mark groaned and with a few more thrusts they came in sync. "I love you fireball." Jack said kissing Mark and playing with his hair. "I love you too clover." Mark said picking up Jack bridal style and carrying him to bed."

"Goodnight clover." Mark said cuddling Jack and falling asleep.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this one! Byeeeeeee

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