It all started at PAX

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Jack's POV
I broke up with my girlfriend just before I left the airport. She got a cab to her parents house I'm sure. I'm at PAX right now with my sister, Allison. I have a crush on Mark but he's dating Amy. I want to tell him about my crush but I think he'll hate me. My family knew I was bisexual and supported me. It was nice. I laid on the bed in my hotel room. PAX wasn't until tomorrow. "SEAAN." I heard Alli yell from her room. "What is it Alli?" I asked confused. "Where's my phone?" Ugh this again? I thought. "It's right here." I said as I picked it up off the floor.

My phone dinged and I saw it was a text from Mark. 

Mark: hey Sean what's your room number?

Sean: Room number 420. You chuckled a bit at that.

Mark: nice I'll be there soon. I need to talk to you.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I wonder what he wants to talk about!!! EEEK I need to tell Alli to go to someone else's room. I thought. "Hey Alli? Can you go to Ethan's room please? Mark's coming over and I'd like to be alone." "Sure thing." She said as she grabbed her phone and went to Ethan's room. I mean they were dating so it wasn't weird. A knock came at the door and I answered it. "H-hey Sean" "Hey Mark come in." I said as I sat on the couch. "You said you wanted t-to t-talk?" I stuttered. "Yeah.." He started. "About what?"

"I don't like Amy as much as I used to. I don't know how to tell her or my crush that I like him." Him? He likes a guy?! I thought. "Well, you got to be honest with her." "Thanks Sean. I'll be back in a few minutes." I nodded and let Mark handle what he needed to. 

Mark's POV
"Amy can we talk?" I started. "Sure what's up?" "I don't have the same feelings for you as I used to when we started dating. I like someone else. I hope you aren't too mad." I confessed hanging my head. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Mark, I actually feel the same. For all of what you said." "R-really?" My eyes lit up. "Yeah. I think it's best we see other people." I was happy we agreed. I didn't confess to Sean though. I should've.

Time skip to one month later. 

Mark's POV
Today's the day Sean's coming to visit. I'm excited! I hurried to the airport and there was Sean. He was so handsome. "Hey Mark!" Jack said as he gave me a hug. I hope he didn't notice it. "So Mark. What are your plans?" "Well I don't really have any." I confessed. "Ah no problem we can stay at your place." I agreed and drove back home. 

At Mark's Place

Jack's POV
I'm going to ask Mark out right now. "Mark?" I peeked into his room. "Yes?" "Can we talk?" I asked him. "Sure what's up?" I didn't say anything. I just kissed him. He didn't break the kiss he just made it deeper. We pulled away from some much needed air.

3rd Person POV
"Are we really gonna do this, Jack?" Mark asked as he got on top of Jack. "I'm ready." Jack said as he kissed Mark's sweet spot causing him to moan. They both got undressed and Mark lubed up. "Ready princess?" Jack bit his lip and nodded. Mark slowly entered all the way and looked at Jack. "m-move" Jack said as Mark started slowly thrusting. Soon he was pounding into Jack. "Fuck, Jack." Mark groaned. He kept pounding in hard. "I-I'm close." Jack moaned. "Cum for me." With that Jack came over their lower stomachs. Mark soon came deep inside Jack.

"How was your first time like this?" "Amazing" Jack said as he sleepily played with Mark's hair. "Goodnight fireball" "Goodnight clover" Mark said as he cuddled Jack and slept. 

A/N THE END! Hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeeee

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