Fuck it

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There will be smut in this one. I've never done a gay smut so here we go!

Mark's POV
I was picking up Jack/Sean today from the airport. A/N I'll be calling Jack, Sean for this fanfic...I prefer it anyway back to the story. I was so fucking nervous though! I was gonna confess my feelings I've been hiding from him for 7 years. He's 28 I'm 27. He's just so hot with his green hair. Then I got a text from Sean.

Sean: hey Mark are you almost here?
Mark: yeah I'm pulling up now.

I set my phone down and helped Sean put his bags in my car then I shifted in my seat because I was so nervous. "Are you ok, Mark? You're shifting a lot" Sean finally said. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" I replied nervously. God he was so handsome. I just wanted to kiss him right then and there

Sean's POV
Mark's acting kinda strange. He's shifting in his seat so much. Maybe he's just uncomfortable or something. I don't know. A few minutes later we arrived at his house and we sat on the couch to watch a movie. He was still acting strange! I just don't know why. I have a crush on him too and I plan to ask him out. I hope he'll say yes.

Mark's POV
This is it. I'm gonna ask him out. "H-hey Sean?" He hummed in response. "I-" I started. "Fuck it" I finally said and kissed Sean and deepened the kiss. I saw him blush hard but he liked it. I think.

A/N back to normal story mode. ;-;

Sean moved his hands down to Mark's growing member. Mark broke the kiss and looked at Sean smirking. "Are we really gonna do this?" Mark asked and all Sean could do was nod. Mark led Sean to his room and fell onto the bed, Mark on top. They both got undressed and Mark grabbed the lube from the bedside drawer. He lubed up his member and looked at Sean. "Are you ready clover?" All Sean could do was vigorously nod. Mark slowly entered into Sean as Sean winced slightly in pain.

"Do you want me to stop?" Mark asked concerned about Sean. "N-no....you can move now" Mark slowly started thrusting and soon he was pounding into Sean. Soon Mark was pounding into Sean's g-spot. "R-right there!" Sean moaned. Within 10 minutes Mark came inside of him and Sean came all over their stomachs.

Mark licked it off of their stomachs and looked at Sean. "Well, how was your first time clover?" "Amazing fireball" Sean said as he kissed Mark. "Sean?" he hummed in response. "Will you stay here with me forever? And make me the happiest man ever?" "Are you asking me to be your boyfriend, Mark?" Mark nodded. "I'd love to!" Sean said as he hugged Mark.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this! It was my first gay smut! I'll write more soon. In the meantime SEPTIPLIER AWAY!!!!!


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